require 'luacov' local M = require 'moses' describe('Table functions specs', function() describe('clear', function() it('', function() local t = M.clear({'a', true, 'hello'}) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(t,{})) assert.is_nil(next(t)) end) end) describe('each', function() it('provides values and iteration count ', function() local t = {4,2,1} local inc = 0 M.each(t,function(v, i) inc = inc+1 assert.equal(i,inc) assert.equal(t[i],v) end) end) it('can reference the given table', function() local t = {1,2,3} local mul = 5 M.each(t,function(v,i) t[i] = v*mul end) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(t,{5,10,15})) end) it('iterates over non-numeric keys and objects', function() local t = {one = 1, two = 2, three = 3} local copy = {} M.each(t,function(v,i) copy[i] = v end) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(t,copy)) end) end) describe('eachi', function() it('provides values and iteration count for integer keys only, in a sorted way', function() local t = {4,2,1} local inc = 0 M.eachi(t,function(v,i) inc = inc+1 assert.equal(i,inc) assert.equal(t[i],v) end) end) it('ignores non-integer keys', function() local t = {a = 1, b = 2, [0] = 1, [-1] = 6, 3, x = 4, 5} local rk = {-1, 0, 1, 2} local rv = {6, 1, 3, 5} local inc = 0 M.eachi(t,function(v,i) inc = inc+1 assert.equal(i,rk[inc]) assert.equal(v,rv[inc]) end) end) end) describe('at', function() it('returns an array of values at numeric keys', function() local t = {4,5,6} local values =,1,2,3) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(values, t)) local t = {a = 4, bb = true, ccc = false} local values =,'a', 'ccc') assert.is_true(M.isEqual(values, {4, false})) end) end) describe('adjust', function() it('adjusts a given value in a table using a function', function() local double = function(v) return v * 2 end local t = {1,2,3} assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.adjust(t,1,double),{2,2,3})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.adjust(t,2,double),{1,4,3})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.adjust(t,3,double),{1,2,6})) end) it('adjusts a given value in a table using a value', function() local t = {1,2,3} assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.adjust(t,1,5),{5,2,3})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.adjust(t,2,-2),{1,-2,3})) end) it('throws an error if key is not found in table', function() local double = function(v) return v * 2 end local t = {x = 1} assert.error(function() M.adjust(t,'y', 2) end) end) end) describe('count', function() it('count the occurences of value in a list', function() assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2},1),2) assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2},2),3) assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2},3),4) assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2},4),1) assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2},5),0) assert.equal(M.count({false, false, true},false),2) assert.equal(M.count({false, false, true},true),1) assert.equal(M.count({{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{2,2}},{1,1}),3) assert.equal(M.count({{1,1},{1,1},{1,1},{2,2}},{2,2}),1) end) it('defaults to size when value is not given', function() assert.equal(M.count({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2}),M.size({1,1,2,3,3,3,2,4,3,2})) assert.equal(M.count({false, false, true}),M.size({false, false, true})) end) end) describe('countf', function() it('count the occurences of values passing an iterator test in a list', function() assert.equal(M.countf({1,2,3,4,5,6}, function(v) return v%2==0 end),3) assert.equal(M.countf({print, pairs, ipairs}, function(v) return type(v)=='function' end),3) end) end) describe('allEq', function() it('checks if all values are equal', function() assert.is_true(M.allEqual({1,1,1,1,1}, comp)) assert.is_false(M.allEqual({1,1,2,1,1}, comp)) local t1 = {1, 2, {3}} local t2 = {1, 2, {3}} assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t1, t2})) end) it('can use a custom comp function to compare values', function() local t1 = {x = 1, y = 0} local t2 = {x = 1, y = 0} local t3 = {x = 1, y = 2} local t4 = {x = 1, y = 2} local function compx(a, b) return a.x == b.x end local function compy(a, b) return a.y == b.y end assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t1, t2}, compx)) assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t1, t2}, compy)) assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t3, t4}, compx)) assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t3, t4}, compy)) assert.is_true(M.allEqual({t1, t2, t3, t4}, compx)) assert.is_false(M.allEqual({t1, t2, t3, t4}, compy)) end) end) describe('cycle', function() it('loops n times on a list', function() local times = 3 local t = {1,2,3,4,5} local kv = {} for v,k in M.cycle(t,times) do assert.equal(t[k],v) kv[#kv+1] = v end for k,v in ipairs(kv) do assert.equal(M.count(kv,v),times) end end) it('support array-like and map-like tables', function() local times = 10 local t = {x = 1, z = 2} local keys = {} local values = {} for v,k in M.cycle(t,times) do assert.equal(t[k],v) keys[#keys+1] = k values[#values+1] = v end for k,v in ipairs(keys) do assert.equal(M.count(keys,v),times) end for k,v in ipairs(values) do assert.equal(M.count(values,v),times) end end) it('n defaults to 1, if not supplied', function() local t = {1,2,3,4,5} for v,k in M.cycle(t) do t[k] = v + 1 end M.each(t, function(v, k) assert.equal(v, k + 1) end) end) it('if n is negative or equal to 0, it does nothing', function() local t = {1,2,3,4,5} for v,k in M.cycle(t, 0) do t[k] = v + 1 end for v,k in M.cycle(t, -2) do t[k] = v + 1 end M.each(t, function(v, k) assert.equal(v, k) end) end) end) describe('map', function() it('applies an iterator function over each key-value pair ', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual({1,2,3},function(v) return v+10 end),{11,12,13})) end) it('iterates over non-numeric keys and objects', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual({a = 1, b = 2},function(v,k) return k..v end),{a = 'a1',b = 'b2'})) end) it('maps key-value pairs to key-value pairs', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual({a = 1, b = 2}, function(v, k) return k .. k, v + 10 end), {aa = 11, bb = 12})) end) end) describe('mapi', function() it('applies an iterator function over each key-value pair ', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapi({1,2,3},function(v) return v+10 end),{11,12,13})) end) it('iterates only on array values', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapi({a = 1, 2, 3, 4},function(v,k) return k..v end),{'12','23','34'})) end) end) describe('reduce', function() it('folds a collection (left to right) from an initial state', function() assert.equal(M.reduce({1,2,3,4},function(memo,v) return memo+v end,0),10) end) it('initial state defaults to the first value when not given', function() assert.equal(M.reduce({'a','b','c'},function(memo,v) return memo..v end),'abc') end) it('supports arrays of booleans', function() assert.equal(M.reduce({true, false, true, true},function(memo,v) return memo and v end), false) assert.equal(M.reduce({true, true, true},function(memo,v) return memo and v end), true) assert.equal(M.reduce({false, false, false},function(memo,v) return memo and v end), false) assert.equal(M.reduce({false, false, true},function(memo,v) return memo or v end), true) end) end) describe('best', function() it('select the best candidate in a table', function() local words = {'Lua', 'Programming', 'Language'} assert.equal(, function(a,b) return #a > #b end), 'Programming') assert.equal(, function(a,b) return #a < #b end), 'Lua') end) end) describe('reduceBy', function() it('folds a collection (left to right) for specific values', function() local function even(v) return v%2==0 end local function odd(v) return v%2~=0 end assert.equal(M.reduceBy({1,2,3,4},function(memo,v) return memo+v end,even,0), 6) assert.equal(M.reduceBy({1,2,3,4},function(memo,v) return memo+v end,odd,0), 4) end) end) describe('reduceRight', function() it('folds a collection (right to left) from an initial state', function() assert.equal(M.reduceRight({1,2,4,16},function(memo,v) return memo/v end,256),2) end) it('initial state defaults to the first value when not given', function() assert.equal(M.reduceRight({'a','b','c'},function(memo,v) return memo..v end),'cba') end) end) describe('mapReduce', function() it('folds a collection (left to right) saving intermediate states', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapReduce({1,2,4,16},function(memo,v) return memo*v end,0),{0,0,0,0})) end) it('initial state defaults to the first value when not given', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapReduce({'a','b','c'},function(memo,v) return memo..v end),{'a','ab','abc'})) end) end) describe('mapReduceRight', function() it('folds a collection (right to left) saving intermediate states', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapReduceRight({1,2,4,16},function(memo,v) return memo/v end,256),{16,4,2,2})) end) it('initial state defaults to the first value when not given', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.mapReduceRight({'a','b','c'},function(memo,v) return memo..v end),{'c','cb','cba'})) end) end) describe('include', function() it('looks for a value in a collection, returns true when found', function() assert.is_true(M.include({6,8,10,16,29},16)) end) it('returns false when value was not found', function() assert.is_false(M.include({6,8,10,16,29},1)) end) it('can lookup for a object', function() assert.is_true(M.include({6,{18,{2,6}},10,{18,{2,{3}}},29},{18,{2,{3}}})) end) it('given an iterator, return the first value passing a truth test', function() assert.is_true(M.include({'a','B','c'}, function(array_value) return (array_value:upper() == array_value) end)) end) end) describe('detect', function() it('looks for the first occurence of value, returns the key where it was found', function() assert.equal(M.detect({6,8,10,16},8),2) end) it('returns nil when value was not found', function() assert.is_nil(M.detect({nil,true,0,true,true},false)) end) it('can lookup for a object', function() assert.equal(M.detect({6,{18,{2,6}},10,{18,{2,{3}}},29},{18,{2,6}}),2) end) it('given an iterator, return the key of the first value passing a truth test', function() assert.equal(M.detect({'a','B','c'}, function(array_value) return (array_value:upper() == array_value) end),2) end) end) describe('where', function() it('Returns all values in a list having all of a given set of properties', function() local set = { {a = 1, b = 2}, {a = 2, b = 2}, {a = 2, b = 4}, {a = 3, b = 4} } assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.where(set, {a = 2}), {set[2],set[3]})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.where(set, {b = 4}), {set[3],set[4]})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.where(set, {a = 2, b = 2}), {set[2]})) end) it('returns nil when value was not found', function() local set = { {a = 1, b = 2}, {a = 2, b = 2}, } assert.is_nil(M.where(set, {a = 3})) assert.is_nil(M.where(set, {b = 1})) end) end) describe('findWhere', function() it('Returns the first value in a list having all of a given set of properties', function() local a = {a = 1, b = 2} local b = {a = 2, b = 3} local c = {a = 3, b = 4} assert.equal(M.findWhere({a, b, c}, {a = 3, b = 4}), c) end) it('returns nil when value was not found', function() local a = {a = 1, b = 2} local b = {a = 2, b = 3} local c = {a = 3, b = 4} assert.is_nil(M.findWhere({a, b, c}, {a = 3, b = 0})) end) end) describe('select', function() it('collects all values passing a truth test with an iterator', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual({7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, function(value) return (value%2==0) end),{6,4,2})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual({7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, function(value) return (value%2~=0) end),{7,5,3,1})) end) end) describe('reject', function() it('collects all values failing a truth test with an iterator', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.reject({7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, function(value) return (value%2==0) end),{7,5,3,1})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.reject({7,6,5,4,3,2,1}, function(value) return (value%2~=0) end),{6,4,2})) end) end) describe('all', function() it('returns whether all elements matches a truth test', function() assert.is_true(M.all({2,4,6}, function(value) return (value%2==0) end)) assert.is_false(M.all({false,true,false}, function(value) return value == false end)) end) end) describe('invoke', function() it('calls an iterator over each object, passing it as a first arg', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.invoke({'a','bea','cdhza'},string.len), {1,3,5})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.invoke({{2,3,2},{13,8,10},{0,-5}},M.ary(M.sort,1)), {{2,2,3},{8,10,13},{-5,0}})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.invoke({{x = 1, y = 2},{x = 3, y=4}},'x'), {1,3})) end) it('given a string, calls the matching object property the same way', function() local a = {}; function a:call() return self end local b, c, d = {}, {}, {},, =,, assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.invoke({a,b,c,d},'call'), {a,b,c,d})) end) end) describe('pluck', function() it('fetches a property value in a collection of objects', function() local peoples = { {name = 'John', age = 23},{name = 'Peter', age = 17}, {name = 'Steve', age = 15},{age = 33}} assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.pluck(peoples,'age'), {23,17,15,33})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.pluck(peoples,'name'), {'John','Peter','Steve'})) end) end) describe('max', function() it('returns the maximum targetted property value in a collection of objects', function() local peoples = { {name = 'John', age = 23},{name = 'Peter', age = 17}, {name = 'Steve', age = 15},{age = 33}} assert.equal(M.max(M.pluck(peoples,'age')),33) assert.equal(M.max(peoples,function(people) return people.age end),33) end) it('directly compares items when given no iterator', function() assert.equal(M.max({'a','b','c'}),'c') end) end) describe('min', function() it('returns the maximum targetted property value in a collection of objects', function() local peoples = { {name = 'John', age = 23},{name = 'Peter', age = 17}, {name = 'Steve', age = 15},{age = 33}} assert.equal(M.min(M.pluck(peoples,'age')),15) assert.equal(M.min(peoples,function(people) return people.age end),15) end) it('directly compares items when given no iterator', function() assert.equal(M.min({'a','b','c'}),'a') end) end) describe('same', function() it('returns whether all objects from both given tables exists in each other', function() local a = {'a','b','c','d'} local b = {'b','a','d','c'} assert.is_true(M.same(a,b)) b[#b+1] = 'e' assert.is_false(M.same(a,b)) end) end) describe('sort', function() it('sorts a collection with respect to a given comparison function', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sort({'b','a','d','c'}, function(a,b) return a:byte() < b:byte() end),{'a','b','c','d'})) end) it('uses "<" operator when no comparison function is given', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sort({'b','a','d','c'}),{'a','b','c','d'})) end) end) describe('sortedk', function() it('iterates on sorted keys', function() local tbl = {}; tbl[3] = 5 ; tbl[2] = 6; tbl[5] = 8; tbl[4] = 10; tbl[1] = 12 local ok_tbl = {12, 6, 5, 10, 8} local sorted = {} for k, v in M.sortedk(tbl) do sorted[k] = v end for k in ipairs(sorted) do assert.equal(sorted[k], ok_tbl[k]) end end) it('can take a comparison function', function() local tbl = {}; tbl[3] = 5 ; tbl[2] = 6; tbl[5] = 8; tbl[4] = 10; tbl[1] = 12 local ok_tbl = {8, 10, 5, 6, 12} local sorted = {} for k, v in M.sortedk(tbl, function(a, b) return a > b end) do sorted[#sorted +1] = {k, v} end for k, pr in ipairs(sorted) do assert.equal(pr[2], ok_tbl[k]) end end) end) describe('sortedv', function() it('iterates on sorted values', function() local tbl = {}; tbl[3] = 5 ; tbl[2] = 6; tbl[5] = 8; tbl[4] = 10; tbl[1] = 12 local ok_tbl = {5, 6, 8, 10, 12} local sorted = {} for k, v in M.sortedv(tbl) do sorted[#sorted + 1] = {k, v} end for k, pr in ipairs(sorted) do assert.equal(pr[2], ok_tbl[k]) end end) it('can take a comparison function', function() local tbl = {}; tbl[3] = 5 ; tbl[2] = 6; tbl[5] = 8; tbl[4] = 10; tbl[1] = 12 local ok_tbl = {12, 10, 8, 6, 5} local sorted = {} for k, v in M.sortedv(tbl, function(a, b) return a > b end) do sorted[#sorted +1] = {k, v} end for k, pr in ipairs(sorted) do assert.equal(pr[2], ok_tbl[k]) end end) end) describe('sortBy', function() it('sort values on the result of a transform function', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sortBy({1,2,3,4,5}, math.sin), {5,4,3,1,2})) end) it('the transform function defaults to M.identity', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sortBy({1,2,3,4,5}), {1,2,3,4,5})) end) it('transform function can be a string name property', function() local unsorted = {{item = 1, value = 10},{item = 2, value = 5},{item = 3, value = 8}} local sorted = {{item = 2, value = 5},{item = 3, value = 8},{item = 1, value = 10}} assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sortBy(unsorted, 'value'), sorted)) end) it('can use a custom comparison function', function() local unsorted = {{item = 1, value = 10},{item = 2, value = 5},{item = 3, value = 8}} local sorted = {{item = 1, value = 10},{item = 3, value = 8},{item = 2, value = 5}} local function comp(a,b) return a > b end assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.sortBy(unsorted, 'value', comp), sorted)) end) end) describe('groupBy', function() it('splits a collection into subsets of items behaving the same', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.groupBy({0,1,2,3,4,5,6},function(value) return value%2==0 and 'even' or 'odd' end),{even = {0,2,4,6},odd = {1,3,5}})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.groupBy({0,'a',true, false,nil,b,0.5},type),{number = {0,0.5},string = {'a'},boolean = {true,false}})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.groupBy({'one','two','three','four','five'},string.len),{[3] = {'one','two'},[4] = {'four','five'},[5] = {'three'}})) end) end) describe('countBy', function() it('splits a collection in subsets and counts items inside', function() assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.countBy({0,1,2,3,4,5,6},function(value) return value%2==0 and 'even' or 'odd' end),{even = 4,odd = 3})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.countBy({0,'a',true, false,nil,b,0.5},type),{number = 2,string = 1,boolean = 2})) assert.is_true(M.isEqual(M.countBy({'one','two','three','four','five'},string.len),{[3] = 2,[4] = 2,[5] = 1})) end) end) describe('size', function() it('counts the very number of objects in a collection', function() assert.equal(M.size {1,2,3},3) end) it('counts nested tables elements as an unique value', function() assert.equal(M.size {1,2,3,{4,5}},4) end) it('leaves nil values', function() assert.equal(M.size {1,2,3,nil,8},4) end) it('counts objects', function() assert.equal(M.size {one = 1,2,b = 3, [{}] = 'nil', 'c', [function() end] = 'foo'},6) end) it('returns the size of the first arg when it is a table', function() assert.equal(M.size ({1,2},3,4,5),2) end) it('counts the number of non-nil args when the first one is not a table', function() assert.equal(M.size (1,3,4,5),4) assert.equal(M.size (nil,1,3,4,5),4) assert.equal(M.size (nil,1,3,4,nil,5),4) end) it('handles nil', function() assert.equal(M.size(),0) assert.equal(M.size(nil),0) end) end) describe('containsKeys', function() it('returns whether a table has all the keys from a given list', function() assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({1,2,3},{1,2,3})) assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 1,y =2})) end) it('does not compare values', function() assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({1,2,3},{4,5,6})) assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 4,y = -1})) end) it('is not commutative', function() assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({1,2,3,4},{4,5,6})) assert.is_true(M.containsKeys({x = 1, y = 2,z = 5},{x = 4,y = -1})) assert.is_false(M.containsKeys({1,2,3},{4,5,6,7})) assert.is_false(M.containsKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 4,y = -1,z = 0})) end) end) describe('sameKeys', function() it('returns whether both tables features the same keys', function() assert.is_true(M.sameKeys({1,2,3},{1,2,3})) assert.is_true(M.sameKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 1,y =2})) end) it('does not compare values', function() assert.is_true(M.sameKeys({1,2,3},{4,5,6})) assert.is_true(M.sameKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 4,y = -1})) end) it('is commutative', function() assert.is_false(M.sameKeys({1,2,3,4},{4,5,6})) assert.is_false(M.sameKeys({x = 1, y = 2,z = 5},{x = 4,y = -1})) assert.is_false(M.sameKeys({1,2,3},{4,5,6,7})) assert.is_false(M.sameKeys({x = 1, y = 2},{x = 4,y = -1,z = 0})) end) end) end)