# coding=utf-8 ######################################################################################################################## ### Do not forget to adjust the following variables to your own plugin. # The plugin's identifier, has to be unique plugin_identifier = "zbolttheme" # The plugin's python package, should be "octoprint_", has to be unique plugin_package = "octoprint_zbolttheme" # The plugin's human readable name. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_name__ in the # plugin module plugin_name = "OctoPrint-Z-Bolt-Theme" # The plugin's version. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_version__ in the plugin module plugin_version = "1.0.0" # The plugin's description. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_description__ in the plugin # module plugin_description = """Z-Bolt's theme for OctoPrint""" # The plugin's author. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_author__ in the plugin module plugin_author = "Z-Bolt" # The plugin's author's mail address. plugin_author_email = "aleksei.wm@gmail.com" # The plugin's homepage URL. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_url__ in the plugin module plugin_url = "https://github.com/Z-Bolt/OctoPrint-Z-Bolt-Theme" # The plugin's license. Can be overwritten within OctoPrint's internal data via __plugin_license__ in the plugin module plugin_license = "AGPLv3" # Any additional requirements besides OctoPrint should be listed here plugin_requires = [] ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### More advanced options that you usually shouldn't have to touch follow after this point ### -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Additional package data to install for this plugin. The subfolders "templates", "static" and "translations" will # already be installed automatically if they exist. plugin_additional_data = [] # Any additional python packages you need to install with your plugin that are not contains in .* plugin_addtional_packages = [] # Any python packages within .* you do NOT want to install with your plugin plugin_ignored_packages = [] # Additional parameters for the call to setuptools.setup. If your plugin wants to register additional entry points, # define dependency links or other things like that, this is the place to go. Will be merged recursively with the # default setup parameters as provided by octoprint_setuptools.create_plugin_setup_parameters using # octoprint.util.dict_merge. # # Example: # plugin_requires = ["someDependency==dev"] # additional_setup_parameters = {"dependency_links": ["https://github.com/someUser/someRepo/archive/master.zip#egg=someDependency-dev"]} additional_setup_parameters = {} ######################################################################################################################## from setuptools import setup try: import octoprint_setuptools except: print("Could not import OctoPrint's setuptools, are you sure you are running that under " "the same python installation that OctoPrint is installed under?") import sys sys.exit(-1) setup_parameters = octoprint_setuptools.create_plugin_setup_parameters( identifier=plugin_identifier, package=plugin_package, name=plugin_name, version=plugin_version, description=plugin_description, author=plugin_author, mail=plugin_author_email, url=plugin_url, license=plugin_license, requires=plugin_requires, additional_packages=plugin_addtional_packages, ignored_packages=plugin_ignored_packages, additional_data=plugin_additional_data ) if len(additional_setup_parameters): from octoprint.util import dict_merge setup_parameters = dict_merge(setup_parameters, additional_setup_parameters) setup(**setup_parameters)