package main import ( "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" standardLog "log" "os" "os/user" "path/filepath" "runtime" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" "" // "" "" "" "" ) var ( BaseURL string APIKey string ConfigFile string Resolution string initSucceeded bool ) func init() { logger.Debug("-") logger.Debug("-") logger.TraceEnter("OctoScreen - main.init()") initSucceeded = false ConfigFile = os.Getenv(utils.EnvConfigFile) if ConfigFile == "" { ConfigFile = findConfigFile() } cfg := readConfig(ConfigFile) if cfg == nil { initSucceeded = false return } setApiKey(cfg) setLogLevel() utils.StylePath = os.Getenv(utils.EnvStylePath) Resolution = os.Getenv(utils.EnvResolution) setBaseUrl(cfg) initSucceeded = true logger.TraceLeave("OctoScreen - main.init()") logger.Debug("-") logger.Debug("-") } func main() { defer func() { standardLog.Println("main's defer() was called, now calling recover()") rec := recover(); if rec != nil { standardLog.Println("main's defer() - recover:", rec) } else { standardLog.Println("main's defer() - recover was nil") } var ms runtime.MemStats runtime.ReadMemStats(&ms) /* programCounter, fileName, lineNumber, infoWasRecovered := runtime.Caller(2) standardLog.Println("main's defer() - programCounter:", programCounter) standardLog.Println("main's defer() - fileName:", fileName) standardLog.Println("main's defer() - lineNumber:", lineNumber) standardLog.Println("main's defer() - infoWasRecovered:", infoWasRecovered) */ pc := make([]uintptr, 20) numberOfPcEntries := runtime.Callers(0, pc) if numberOfPcEntries > 10 { numberOfPcEntries = 10 } for i := 1; i < numberOfPcEntries; i++ { /* standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - [%d]", i) standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - [%d]", numberOfPcEntries) programCounter, fileName, lineNumber, infoWasRecovered := runtime.Caller(i) standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - programCounter[%d]: %v", i, programCounter) standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - fileName[%d]: %v", i, fileName) standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - lineNumber[%d]: %v", i, lineNumber) standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - infoWasRecovered[%d]: %v", i, infoWasRecovered) standardLog.Println("") */ _, fileName, lineNumber, infoWasRecovered := runtime.Caller(i) if infoWasRecovered { standardLog.Printf("main's defer() - [%d] %s, line %d", i, fileName, lineNumber) } } standardLog.Println("main's defer() was called, now exiting func()") }() logger.Debug("+") logger.Debug("+") logger.TraceEnter("OctoScreen - main.main()") gtk.Init(nil) settings, _ := gtk.SettingsGetDefault() settings.SetProperty("gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", true) utils.DumpSystemInformation() utils.DumpEnvironmentVariables() setCursor() if initSucceeded != true { // readConfig() logs any errors it encounters. Don't display // the error here, because the error could be long, and we don't // want to display a long message and have the screen resize. fatalErrorWindow := ui.CreateFatalErrorWindow( "Initialization failed:", "readConfig() failed, see log for errors", ) fatalErrorWindow.ShowAll() } else { if utils.RequiredEnvironmentVariablesAreSet(APIKey) { width, height, err := getSize() if err == nil { // width and height come from EnvResolution/OCTOSCREEN_RESOLUTION // and aren't required - if not set, ui.New() will use the default // values (defined in globalVars.go). _ = ui.New(BaseURL, APIKey, width, height) } else { // But if there is an error while parsing OCTOSCREEN_RESOLUTION, // then display the error. fatalErrorWindow := ui.CreateFatalErrorWindow( "getSize() failed", err.Error(), ) fatalErrorWindow.ShowAll() } } else { fatalErrorWindow := ui.CreateFatalErrorWindow( "Required environment variable is not set:", utils.NameOfMissingRequiredEnvironmentVariable(APIKey), ) fatalErrorWindow.ShowAll() } } gtk.Main() logger.TraceLeave("OctoScreen - main.main()") logger.Debug("+") logger.Debug("+") } func setLogLevel() { logLevel := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv(utils.EnvLogLevel)) switch logLevel { case "debug": logger.SetLogLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) case "info": logger.SetLogLevel(logrus.InfoLevel) case "warn": logger.SetLogLevel(logrus.WarnLevel) case "": logLevel = "error" os.Setenv(utils.EnvLogLevel, "error") fallthrough case "error": logger.SetLogLevel(logrus.ErrorLevel) default: // unknown log level logLevel = "error" logger.Errorf("main.setLogLevel() - unknown logLevel: %q, defaulting to error", logLevel) } standardLog.Printf("main.SetLogLevel() - logLevel is now set to: %q", logLevel) } func setBaseUrl(cfg *config) { BaseURL = os.Getenv(utils.EnvBaseURL) if BaseURL == "" { if cfg.Server.Host != "" { BaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", cfg.Server.Host, cfg.Server.Port) } else { BaseURL = "" } } else { url := strings.ToLower(BaseURL) if !strings.HasPrefix(url, "http://") && !strings.HasPrefix(url, "https://") { logger.Warn("WARNING! OCTOPRINT_HOST requires the transport protocol ('http://' or 'https://') but is missing. 'http://' is being added to BaseURL."); BaseURL = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s", BaseURL) } } logger.Infof("main.setBaseUrl() - using %q as server address", BaseURL) } func setApiKey(cfg *config) { logger.TraceEnter("main.setApiKey()") APIKey = os.Getenv(utils.EnvAPIKey) if APIKey == "" { logger.Debug("main.setApiKey() - APIKey is empty, now using cfg.API.Key") APIKey = cfg.API.Key } if APIKey == "" { logger.Debug("main.setApiKey() - APIKey is empty!") } else { obfuscatedApiKey := utils.GetObfuscatedValue(APIKey) logger.Debugf("main.setApiKey() - APIKey is %q", obfuscatedApiKey) } logger.TraceLeave("main.setApiKey()") } var ( configLocation = ".octoprint/config.yaml" homeOctoPi = "/home/pi/" ) type config struct { // API Settings. API struct { // Key is the current API key needed for accessing the API. Key string } // Server settings. Server struct { // Hosts define the host to which to bind the server, defaults to "". Host string // Port define the port to which to bind the server, defaults to 5000. Port int } } func readConfig(configFile string) *config { logger.TraceEnter("main.readConfig()") if configFile == "" { logger.Info("main.readConfig() - configFile is empty") logger.TraceLeave("main.readConfig()") return nil } logger.Infof("Path to OctoPrint's config file: %q", configFile) data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(configFile) if err != nil { logger.Errorf("main.readConfig() - ReadFile() returned an error: %q", err) logger.TraceLeave("main.readConfig()") return nil } cfg := &config{} if err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(data), cfg); err != nil { logger.Errorf("main.readConfig() - error decoding YAML config file %q: %s", configFile, err) logger.TraceLeave("main.readConfig()") return nil } if cfg.Server.Host == "" { cfg.Server.Host = "localhost" } logger.Infof("main.readConfig() - server host is: %q", cfg.Server.Host) if cfg.Server.Port == 0 { cfg.Server.Port = 5000 } logger.Infof("main.readConfig() - server port is: %d", cfg.Server.Port) logger.TraceLeave("main.readConfig()") return cfg } func findConfigFile() string { logger.TraceEnter("main.findConfigFile()") if file := doFindConfigFile(homeOctoPi); file != "" { logger.Info("main.findConfigFile() - doFindConfigFile() found a file") logger.TraceLeave("main.findConfigFile(), returning the file") return file } usr, err := user.Current() if err != nil { logger.LogError("main.findConfigFile()", "Current()", err) logger.TraceLeave("main.findConfigFile(), returning an empty string") return "" } configFile := doFindConfigFile(usr.HomeDir) logger.TraceLeave("main.findConfigFile(), returning configFile") return configFile } func doFindConfigFile(home string) string { logger.TraceEnter("main.doFindConfigFile()") path := filepath.Join(home, configLocation) if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil { logger.LogError("main.doFindConfigFile()", "Stat()", err) logger.TraceLeave("main.doFindConfigFile(), returning path") return path } logger.TraceLeave("main.doFindConfigFile(), returning an empty string") return "" } func getSize() (width int, height int, err error) { logger.TraceEnter("main.getSize()") if Resolution == "" { logger.Info("main.getSize() - Resolution is empty, returning 0 for width and height, and will default to the default values defined in globalVars.go") logger.TraceLeave("main.getSize()") return } parts := strings.SplitN(Resolution, "x", 2) if len(parts) != 2 { logger.Error("main.getSize() - SplitN() - len(parts) != 2") err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is malformed\nvalue: %q", utils.EnvResolution, Resolution)) } if err == nil { width, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[0]) if err != nil { logger.LogError("main.getSize()", "Atoi(parts[0])", err) err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is malformed\nAtoi(0) failed\nvalue: %q", utils.EnvResolution, Resolution)) } } if err == nil { height, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1]) if err != nil { logger.LogError("main.getSize()", "Atoi(parts[1])", err) err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("%s is malformed\nAtoi(1) failed\nvalue: %q", utils.EnvResolution, Resolution)) } } logger.TraceLeave("main.getSize()") return } func setCursor() { // For reference, see "How to turn on a pointer" // // and "No mouse pointer when running xinit" // displayCursor := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv("DISPLAY_CURSOR")) if displayCursor != "true" { return } window, err := getRootWindow() if err != nil { return } cursor, err := getDefaultCursor() if err != nil { return } window.SetCursor(cursor) } func getRootWindow() (*gdk.Window, error) { screen, err := gdk.ScreenGetDefault() if err != nil { return nil, err } window, err := screen.GetRootWindow() return window, err } func getDefaultCursor() (*gdk.Cursor, error) { display, err := gdk.DisplayGetDefault() if err != nil { return nil, err } // Examples of the different cursors can be found at // cursor, err := gdk.CursorNewFromName(display, "default") return cursor, err }