package ui import ( "fmt" "net" "os" "strconv" "time" "" "" // "" "" // "" "" ) var networkPanelInstance *networkPanel type networkPanel struct { CommonPanel listBox *gtk.Box netStatus *gtk.Label wifiStatus *gtk.Label overrideForDebugging bool } func NetworkPanel( ui *UI, ) *networkPanel { if networkPanelInstance == nil { instance := &networkPanel { CommonPanel: NewCommonPanel("NetworkPanel", ui), } instance.initialize() // Default timeout of 30 seconds. durration := time.Second * 30 // Experimental, set the timeout based on config setting, but only if the config is pressent. updateFrequency := os.Getenv("EXPERIMENTAL_NETWORK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY") if updateFrequency != "" { logger.Infof("Ui.New() - EXPERIMENTAL_NETWORK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY is present, frequency is %s", updateFrequency) val, err := strconv.Atoi(updateFrequency) if err == nil { durration = time.Second * time.Duration(val) } else { logger.LogError("Ui.New()", "strconv.Atoi()", err) } } instance.backgroundTask = utils.CreateBackgroundTask(durration, instance.update) networkPanelInstance = instance } return networkPanelInstance } func (this *networkPanel) initialize() { this.Grid().Attach(this.createNetworkListWindow(), 0, 0, 4, 1) this.Grid().Attach(this.createLeftBar(), 4, 0, 3, 1) // TODO: make sure overrideForDebugging is set to false before checking in. this.overrideForDebugging = false; } func (this *networkPanel) update() { logger.TraceEnter("networkPanel.update()") utils.EmptyTheContainer(&this.listBox.Container) this.setNetStatusText() this.setNetworkItems() this.listBox.ShowAll() logger.TraceLeave("networkPanel.update()") } func (this *networkPanel) setNetStatusText() { netStatus := "" addresses, _ := net.InterfaceAddrs() if this.overrideForDebugging { netStatus += fmt.Sprintf("IP Address: %s\n", "111.222.333.444") } else { for _, address := range addresses { if ipNet, ok := address.(*net.IPNet); ok && !ipNet.IP.IsLoopback() { if ipNet.IP.To4() != nil { netStatus += fmt.Sprintf("IP Address: %s\n", ipNet.IP.String()) } } } } this.netStatus.SetText(netStatus) } func (this *networkPanel) setNetworkItems() { var wpa wpasupplicant.Conn if this.overrideForDebugging { wpa = nil } else { wpa, _ = wpasupplicant.Unixgram("wlan0") } this.setWiFiStatusText(wpa) this.setNetworkListItems(wpa) } func (this *networkPanel) setWiFiStatusText(wpa wpasupplicant.Conn) { wifiStatus := "" if this.overrideForDebugging { wifiStatus = fmt.Sprintf( "WiFi Information\nSSID: %s\nIP Address: %s\n", "FooNet 2.4G", "111.222.333.444", ) } else { if wpa != nil { status, _ := wpa.Status() if status.WPAState() == "COMPLETED" { wifiStatus = fmt.Sprintf( "WiFi Information\nSSID: %s\nIP Address: %s\n", status.SSID(), status.IPAddr(), ) } else { wifiStatus = fmt.Sprintf("WiFi status is: %s\n", status.WPAState()) } } } this.wifiStatus.SetText(wifiStatus) } func (this *networkPanel) setNetworkListItems(wpa wpasupplicant.Conn) { if this.overrideForDebugging { ssids := []string { "Vodafone-750C", "KabelBox-4E80", "Vodafone Hotspot", "Vodafone Homespot", "kabelBox-4E80", "Telekom_FON", "Test7", "Test8", "Test9-qwertyuiop-asdfghjkl-zxcvbnm-1234567890", } for i := 0; i < len(ssids); i++ { this.addNetwork(this.listBox, ssids[i]) } } else { if wpa != nil { result, _ := wpa.ScanResults() for _, bss := range result { this.addNetwork(this.listBox, bss.SSID()) } err := wpa.Scan() if err != nil { logger.LogError("NetworkPanel.update()", "Scan()", err) } } else { label := utils.MustLabel("\n\nWiFi management is not available\non this hardware") this.listBox.Add(label) } } } func (this *networkPanel) createNetworkListWindow() gtk.IWidget { this.listBox = utils.MustBox(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 0) this.listBox.SetVExpand(true) networkListWindow, _ := gtk.ScrolledWindowNew(nil, nil) networkListWindow.SetProperty("overlay-scrolling", false) networkListWindow.Add(this.listBox) return networkListWindow } func (this *networkPanel) addNetwork(box *gtk.Box, ssid string) { frame, _ := gtk.FrameNew("") clicked := func() { this.UI.GoToPanel(ConnectionPanel(this.UI, ssid)) } image := utils.MustImageFromFileWithSize("network.svg", this.Scaled(25), this.Scaled(25)) button := utils.MustButton(image, clicked) name := utils.MustButtonText(utils.StrEllipsisLen(ssid, 18), clicked) name.SetHExpand(true) network := utils.MustBox(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) network.SetHExpand(true) network.Add(name) network.Add(button) frame.Add(network) box.Add(frame) } func (this *networkPanel) createLeftBar() gtk.IWidget { leftBar := utils.MustBox(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 5) leftBar.SetHExpand(true) leftBar.Add(this.createInfoBar()) leftBar.Add(this.createActionBar()) return leftBar } func (this *networkPanel) createActionBar() gtk.IWidget { layout := utils.MustBox(gtk.ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 5) layout.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_END) layout.SetHExpand(true) // NOTE: If a message is logged that the image (SVG) can't be loaded, try installing librsvg. backImage := utils.MustImageFromFileWithSize("back.svg", this.Scaled(40), this.Scaled(40)) backButton := utils.MustButton(backImage, func() { this.UI.GoToPreviousPanel() }) layout.Add(backButton) return layout } func (this *networkPanel) createInfoBar() gtk.IWidget { infoBar := utils.MustBox(gtk.ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 5) infoBar.SetVExpand(true) infoBar.SetHExpand(true) infoBar.SetVAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) infoBar.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) infoBar.SetMarginEnd(25) infoBar.SetMarginStart(25) t1 := utils.MustLabel("Network Information") t1.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) t1.SetMarginTop(25) infoBar.Add(t1) this.netStatus = utils.MustLabel("") this.netStatus.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) infoBar.Add(this.netStatus) this.wifiStatus = utils.MustLabel("") this.wifiStatus.SetHAlign(gtk.ALIGN_START) this.wifiStatus.SetMarginTop(25) infoBar.Add(this.wifiStatus) return infoBar }