theme = "hugo-sugoi" baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Sugoi" summaryLength = 20 paginate = 5 # Google Analytics ID, Uncomment below line to enable # googleAnalytics = "UA-123-45" # Enter your disqus Shortname and uncomment below line to enable # disqusShortname = "yourdiscussshortname" [params] favicon = "images/favicon.png" herotitle = "An Ultra Minimal theme!" herolink = "" herolinktext = "Check Now" contact = "Send me a message and I will get back as soon as possible." [hero] [menu] [[menu.nav]] name = "about" pre = "" url = "about" weight = -1 [[menu.nav]] name = "blog" pre = "" url = "post" weight = -2 [[menu.nav]] name = "contact" pre = "" url = "contact" weight = -3