/* SoX Resampler Library Copyright (c) 2007-13 robs@users.sourceforge.net * Licence for this file: LGPL v2.1 See LICENCE for details. */ /* Resample using a non-interpolated poly-phase FIR with length LEN.*/ /* Input must be followed by LEN-1 samples. */ #define _ sum += (coef(p->shared->poly_fir_coefs, 0, FIR_LENGTH, rem, 0, j)) *at[j], ++j; static void FUNCTION(stage_t * p, fifo_t * output_fifo) { sample_t const * input = stage_read_p(p); int i, num_in = stage_occupancy(p), max_num_out = 1 + (int)(num_in*p->out_in_ratio); sample_t * output = fifo_reserve(output_fifo, max_num_out); for (i = 0; p->at.integer < num_in * p->L; ++i, p->at.integer += p->step.integer) { int div = p->at.integer / p->L, rem = p->at.integer % p->L; sample_t const * at = input + div; sample_t sum = 0; int j = 0; CONVOLVE output[i] = sum; } assert(max_num_out - i >= 0); fifo_trim_by(output_fifo, max_num_out - i); fifo_read(&p->fifo, p->at.integer / p->L, NULL); p->at.integer = p->at.integer % p->L; } #undef _ #undef CONVOLVE #undef FIR_LENGTH #undef FUNCTION