[sidebarToc] other = "Table of Contents" [sidebarPages] other = "Pages" [sidebarTags] other = "Tags" [sidebarLinks] other = "Links" [sidebarBangumiChart] other = "Bangumi" [footerPoweredFront] other = "Powered by " [footerPoweredEnd] other = " " [postMetaNoTag] other = "No tag" [postMetaWordCount] one = "{{.Count}} word" other = "{{.Count}} words" [postMetaReadingTime] one = "{{.Count}} minute" other = "{{.Count}} minutes" [postCopyrightFront] other = "Unless otherwise noted, the content of this site is licensed under " [postCopyrightEnd] other = "." [postComment] other = "Load comments" [archivesTotalPages] other = "Total posts: " [tagsCurrentTag] other = "Posts with the tag {{ .Title }}: " [searchSuccess] other = "[NUM] results ([TIME] ms)" [searchNotFound] other = "Results not found" [searchFailed] other = "Failed to load index file"