# Contributing ## Dependencies * [Visual Studio 2019](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/) * [Unity Editor](https://unity3d.com/unity/editor) (optional) * .NET Core SDK and runtimes (run `init` to install) This repo uses the .NET Core SDK and runtimes to build and test the projects. You can install the right versions of the SDK and runtimes by running the `init.ps1` script at the root of the repo. By default no elevation is required as these toolsets are installed in a per-user directory. Launching `devenv` from the same PowerShell window that you ran the script will lead VS to discover these per-user toolsets. To get VS to find the toolsets when launched from the Start Menu, run `init -InstallLocality machine`, which requires elevation for each SDK or runtime installed. ## How to Build Open `MessagePack.sln` on Visual Studio 2019. Alternatively you may build from the command line using `msbuild.exe` or: dotnet build /p:platform=NoVSIX ## Unity Unity Project requires several dependency DLL's. At first, run `copy_assets.bat` under `src\MessagePack.UnityClient`. Then open that directory in the Unity Editor. ## Where to find our CI feed Once a change is in a shipping branch (e.g. `v1.8`, `v2.0`, `master`), our CI will build it and push the built package to [our CI feed](https://dev.azure.com/ils0086/MessagePack-CSharp/_packaging?_a=feed&feed=MessagePack-CI). To depend on one of the packages that are on our CI feed (but not yet on nuget.org) you can add this to your nuget.config file: ```xml ```