# Solar Theme for Hugo A minimalistic theme for [Hugo](https://gohugo.io/) blogs, fork of [Solar Theme for Ghost](https://github.com/mattvh/solar-theme-ghost). There is a demo available on [Hugos theme list](https://themes.gohugo.io/theme/solar-theme-hugo/). See the [example config.toml](exampleSite/config.toml) for a starting point. ## Color schemes Solar offers three color schemes: (Solarized) `light`, (Solarized) `dark` (default) and `gray`. Additionally there is a `preference` setting which switches between `light` and `dark` according to the users preference. ## Screenshot ![Screenshot](/images/tn.png) ## Additional HTML Custom HTML can be injected just before `` and `` by creating a `head.html` or `foot.html` inside the sites `layouts/partials/` folder. The default (empty) logo can be overwritten by creating a `logo.svg` in `static/img/`. ## Syntax Highlighting This theme does not bring a syntax highlighter. If you want to use [Hugos built in one](https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting/), remember to update the color scheme by [setting pygmentsStyle](/exampleSite/config.toml#L4). The pygments style `solarized-dark`, for example, matches the themes `dark` color scheme, while `solarized-light` matches `light` and `solarized-dark256` works well with `gray`. Otherwise, if you want to use a JavaScript highlighter like [highlight.js](https://highlightjs.org/), the necessary JavaScript can be placed inside `static/` and get included by providing a `footer.html` as described above. ## Installation Same as with any other theme: ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/bake/solar-theme-hugo.git themes/solar-theme-hugo $ hugo server --theme solar-theme-hugo ... ``` ## License GPLv2 or higher