Adding additional storage backends: - Creating a new backend: - Create a new derived class of DEVICE e.g. class whatever_device: public DEVICE { private: POOLMEM *m_virtual_filename; boffset_t m_offset; public: whatever_device(); ~whatever_device(); /* * Interface from DEVICE */ int d_close(int); int d_open(const char *pathname, int flags, int mode); int d_ioctl(int fd, ioctl_req_t request, char *mt = NULL); boffset_t d_lseek(DCR *dcr, boffset_t offset, int whence); ssize_t d_read(int fd, void *buffer, size_t count); ssize_t d_write(int fd, const void *buffer, size_t count); bool d_truncate(DCR *dcr); }; In file src/stored/backends/whatever_device.h - Create a new class implementing the pure virtual methods. In file src/stored/backends/whatever_device.c There are plenty of examples. - Add build rules to src/stored/backends/ - Add new backend to AVAILABLE_DEVICE_API_SRCS in src/stored/ for non dynamic loading. - Glue code for loading and using the new backend - Add new enum value to Device types enum in src/stored/dev.h - Add new enum value to is_file() method of DEVICE class. - Add new enum mapping to dev_types array in src/stored/stored_conf.c - For static allocation of new backend add code to m_init_dev() in src/stored/dev.c (In switch (device->dev_type) which dispatches based on device type) - Add mapping for dynamic loading of backend to src/stored/sd_backends.h