**Thank you for your interest in contributing to DAVx⁵!** # Licensing All work in this repository is [licensed under the GPLv3](LICENSE). We (bitfire.at, initial and main contributors) are also asking you to give us permission to use your contribution for related non-open source projects like [Managed DAVx⁵](https://www.davx5.com/organizations/managed-davx5). If you send us a pull request, our CLA bot will ask you to sign the Contributor's License Agreement so that we can use your contribution. # Copyright Make sure that every file that contains significant work (at least every code file) starts with the copyright header: ``` /*************************************************************************************************** * Copyright © All Contributors. See LICENSE and AUTHORS in the root directory for details. **************************************************************************************************/ ``` You can set this in Android Studio: 1. Settings / Editor / Copyright / Copyright Profiles 2. Paste the text above (without the stars). 3. Set Formatting: separator before and after, length: 100. 4. Set this copyright profile as the default profile for the project. # Authors If you make significant contributions, feel free to add yourself to the [AUTHORS file](AUTHORS).