# Adam & Eve I migrated my wiki from [Dokuwiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org/) to [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/) and created a new theme to reconcile both: Adam & Eve was born. This theme is special: **it comes with its more simple formal dress**. Why ? Because it is: * simple * clean * responsive I was enormously inspired by [Note Plugin](https://www.dokuwiki.org/plugin:note) for notes. And [Dokuwiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org/) for external and internal links. ## Community They use Adam & Eve: * [Weekly Supervised Object Detection in Artworks](https://wsoda.telecom-paristech.fr) * [Recueil d'astuces](https://olivier.dossmann.net/wiki/) ## Screenshot This is a single page from the wiki, showing: * a simple menu to go to the homepage * a table of contents * internal shortcode (the green link) * note shortcode (the 4 models) * nolink shortcode (the red link) * remote shortcode (the link with a globe before) ![A single page from the Wiki](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blankoworld/hugo_theme_adam_eve/master/images/single_page.png) ## Installation In your Hugo root folder, do something like: ```bash mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/blankoworld/hugo_theme_adam_eve.git ``` Check [Hugo Installation Guide](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing/) for more information. ## Configuration It's hardly recommended to check the `config.toml.example` file. Especially to configure the table of content via `[markup]` section, the name of each menu, enable Emoji, etc. ### Table of content To configure the table of content, edit your `config.toml` file and add something like: ```toml [markup] [markup.tableOfContents] endLevel = 6 ordered = false startLevel = 1 ``` It means you start the Table of Content from `h1` to `h6`. You can find [more info about table of content configuration on official Hugo documentation](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup/#table-of-contents). ### Use git commit date as `last modification date` If you keep an history of your Hugo website, you can use git commit date as last modification date of each page ([as explained in Hugo documentation about EnableGitInfo](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/#all-configuration-settings)). To enable this option, edit your `config.toml` file to add: ```toml EnableGitInfo = true ``` This will enable this explained option. ### Choose code colorization theme Regarding [list of available themes for Chroma plugin](https://xyproto.github.io/splash/docs/), you can customize your preferred code colorization theme using this line in your `config.toml` file: ```toml pygmentsstyle = 'monokai' ``` ## Getting Started ### The config file You can either copy **config.toml.example** from this repository to your Hugo root directory (and rename it **config.toml**). Or copy those included in *exampleSite* directory. Just adapt the content to your needs. ### The _index.md files _index.md files are used to display content of a specific category. A category is a directory you add in **content** directory. Check **exampleSite** directory content for some examples. **Tip:** If you need to make a link to a category called design, to go to its **_index.md** file, you need to create an empty **index.md** file and make a link like that: ``` [My category]({{< relref "mycategory/index.md" >}}) ``` ## Special features ### Specific links In order to have a similar behaviour to [Dokuwiki](https://www.dokuwiki.org/), I created 3 types of links: * Remote link: display a little globe at the left. Permit to reader immediately understand that it's a remote link * Internal link: between page that are in your wiki * Word without link: sometimes you planned to make a link on a word. To not forget, I created a specific **nolink** word to make a specific display Let's have some example. For remote links: ``` {{< remote "Wiki" "http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki" >}} ``` With remote shortcode, you have many other possibilities by playing with parameters: ``` {{< remote "Panda" "https://best.panda.domain.tld" "What a panda looks like" >}} ``` which add a **title** to your link (when user keep cursor on it). ``` {{< remote "http://perdu.com/" >}} ``` which display the link at it is. But with the globe before ;) For internal links: ``` {{< internal "Magic potion" "section/my_internal_page.md" >}} ``` And for nolink word: ``` {{< nolink "How to create a flower bread" "page/I/want/to/create/later.md" >}} ``` **Tip:** Check **exampleSite/content/_index.md** file to have some examples. ### Notes Display a sidebar with a specific background color to show readers something important. We have 4 sidebar models: * warning (red) * important (yellow) * tip (green) * normal (blue) Example: ``` {{% note warning %}} Pay attention to read this **entire page** before applying what you read! {{% /note %}} ``` ### Homepage menu By default a menu is displayed on Homepage. You can disable it. Use `nohomebar` in **config.toml** like this: ```ini [params] nohomebar = true ``` ### Homepage posts list By default a list of post from `post` directory is shown on Homepage. You can disable it. Use `NoHomepagePostList` in **config.toml** like this: ```ini [params] NoHomepagePostList = true ``` ## Contributing Did you found a bug or got an idea for a new feature? Feel free to use the [issue tracker](//github.com/blankoworld/hugo_theme_adam_eve/issues) to let me know. Or make directly a [pull request](//github.com/blankoworld/hugo_theme_adam_eve/pulls). ## License This theme is released under the MIT License. For more information read the [License](//github.com/blankoworld/hugo_theme_adam_eve/blob/master/LICENSE.md).