baseurl = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Allegiant" copyright = "© Allegiant. All Rights Reserved." # Copyright notice. This will be displayed in the footer. canonifyurls = true [params] ga_api_key = "Your Google Analytics tracking id" # Google Analytics API key. avatar = "../../img/avatar.jpg" # Image should be square, and roughly 150px x 150px bio = "Insert your bio here. You should write something really whitty and interesting that nobody is ever going to read or care about. But such is life. I really like the look of having a bio snippet on the blog, though. You may have to adjust some CSS styles depending on how long or short your bio is. I didn't make it super resillient." github = "" twitter = "" linkedin = "" footer_1 = "Some text here." footer_2 = "Some different text here." footer_3 = "Even more different text here."