# Hugo cards A Hugo theme, ported from [Webjeda-cards](http://webjeda.com/cards) ![Screenshot](https://github.com/bul-ikana/hugo-cards/blob/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Features Responsive theme built on bootstrap. Great for showcasing content with featured images. Easily add disqus, google analytics, social links and a facebook like box. ## Customization ### Images To change the featured image of your post, you must provide a `img` param in your post front-matter. This theme now supports [page resources](https://gohugo.io/content-management/page-resources/) so your featured image should be in the same directory than your `index.md` post file. If you don't include one, a default image will be used. You can also customize this default image by changing the `defaultImage` param in your theme config. Be aware that this default image should be located on your `static/images` directory ### CSS There is a `custom.css` file included where you can write and override any style you need. If you need additional files, you can add their relative links to the `custom_css` param in the theme config. ## Configuration Please see the sample [`config.toml`](https://github.com/bul-ikana/hugo-cards/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml). ### Social links #### facebook A link to your facebook profile or page. This will show in the footer. #### quora A link to your quora profile. This will show in the footer. #### twitter A link to your twitter profile. This will show in the footer. #### github A link to your github profile. This will show in the footer. #### email Your email address. This will show in the footer and will opes as a `mailto:`. ### Facebook like box #### fbLikeBox Wheter you want to show a facebook like box. Accepted values are `yes` or `no`. Leave empty for `no` #### fbAppId The app id you obtained from facebook developers page. #### fbPageUrl A link to the facebook page or profile that will be shown in the like box. #### fbPageTitle The title of the like box. This text will be shown while the box is loading. ### Tracking and comments #### analytics The Google Analytics tracking ID supporting both Universal Analytics and GA4. Universal Anylitics will be used by default, unless`params.analytics.type` is set as `GA4`. #### disqus The disqus_thread ID