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Diffstat (limited to 'certbot-dns-google/certbot_dns_google/_internal/dns_google.py')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/certbot-dns-google/certbot_dns_google/_internal/dns_google.py b/certbot-dns-google/certbot_dns_google/_internal/dns_google.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3aa910b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/certbot-dns-google/certbot_dns_google/_internal/dns_google.py
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+"""DNS Authenticator for Google Cloud DNS."""
+import json
+import logging
+from googleapiclient import discovery
+from googleapiclient import errors as googleapiclient_errors
+import httplib2
+from oauth2client.service_account import ServiceAccountCredentials
+import zope.interface
+from certbot import errors
+from certbot import interfaces
+from certbot.plugins import dns_common
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ACCT_URL = 'https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2ServiceAccount#creatinganaccount'
+PERMISSIONS_URL = 'https://cloud.google.com/dns/access-control#permissions_and_roles'
+METADATA_URL = 'http://metadata.google.internal/computeMetadata/v1/'
+METADATA_HEADERS = {'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}
+class Authenticator(dns_common.DNSAuthenticator):
+ """DNS Authenticator for Google Cloud DNS
+ This Authenticator uses the Google Cloud DNS API to fulfill a dns-01 challenge.
+ """
+ description = ('Obtain certificates using a DNS TXT record (if you are using Google Cloud DNS '
+ 'for DNS).')
+ ttl = 60
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Authenticator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.credentials = None
+ @classmethod
+ def add_parser_arguments(cls, add): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
+ super(Authenticator, cls).add_parser_arguments(add, default_propagation_seconds=60)
+ add('credentials',
+ help=('Path to Google Cloud DNS service account JSON file. (See {0} for' +
+ 'information about creating a service account and {1} for information about the' +
+ 'required permissions.)').format(ACCT_URL, PERMISSIONS_URL),
+ default=None)
+ def more_info(self): # pylint: disable=missing-docstring,no-self-use
+ return 'This plugin configures a DNS TXT record to respond to a dns-01 challenge using ' + \
+ 'the Google Cloud DNS API.'
+ def _setup_credentials(self):
+ if self.conf('credentials') is None:
+ try:
+ # use project_id query to check for availability of google metadata server
+ # we won't use the result but know we're not on GCP when an exception is thrown
+ _GoogleClient.get_project_id()
+ except (ValueError, httplib2.ServerNotFoundError):
+ raise errors.PluginError('Unable to get Google Cloud Metadata and no credentials'
+ ' specified. Automatic credential lookup is only '
+ 'available on Google Cloud Platform. Please configure'
+ ' credentials using --dns-google-credentials <file>')
+ else:
+ self._configure_file('credentials',
+ 'path to Google Cloud DNS service account JSON file')
+ dns_common.validate_file_permissions(self.conf('credentials'))
+ def _perform(self, domain, validation_name, validation):
+ self._get_google_client().add_txt_record(domain, validation_name, validation, self.ttl)
+ def _cleanup(self, domain, validation_name, validation):
+ self._get_google_client().del_txt_record(domain, validation_name, validation, self.ttl)
+ def _get_google_client(self):
+ return _GoogleClient(self.conf('credentials'))
+class _GoogleClient(object):
+ """
+ Encapsulates all communication with the Google Cloud DNS API.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, account_json=None, dns_api=None):
+ scopes = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite']
+ if account_json is not None:
+ credentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.from_json_keyfile_name(account_json, scopes)
+ with open(account_json) as account:
+ self.project_id = json.load(account)['project_id']
+ else:
+ credentials = None
+ self.project_id = self.get_project_id()
+ if not dns_api:
+ self.dns = discovery.build('dns', 'v1',
+ credentials=credentials,
+ cache_discovery=False)
+ else:
+ self.dns = dns_api
+ def add_txt_record(self, domain, record_name, record_content, record_ttl):
+ """
+ Add a TXT record using the supplied information.
+ :param str domain: The domain to use to look up the managed zone.
+ :param str record_name: The record name (typically beginning with '_acme-challenge.').
+ :param str record_content: The record content (typically the challenge validation).
+ :param int record_ttl: The record TTL (number of seconds that the record may be cached).
+ :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if an error occurs communicating with the Google API
+ """
+ zone_id = self._find_managed_zone_id(domain)
+ record_contents = self.get_existing_txt_rrset(zone_id, record_name)
+ if record_contents is None:
+ record_contents = []
+ add_records = record_contents[:]
+ if "\""+record_content+"\"" in record_contents:
+ # The process was interrupted previously and validation token exists
+ return
+ add_records.append(record_content)
+ data = {
+ "kind": "dns#change",
+ "additions": [
+ {
+ "kind": "dns#resourceRecordSet",
+ "type": "TXT",
+ "name": record_name + ".",
+ "rrdatas": add_records,
+ "ttl": record_ttl,
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ if record_contents:
+ # We need to remove old records in the same request
+ data["deletions"] = [
+ {
+ "kind": "dns#resourceRecordSet",
+ "type": "TXT",
+ "name": record_name + ".",
+ "rrdatas": record_contents,
+ "ttl": record_ttl,
+ },
+ ]
+ changes = self.dns.changes() # changes | pylint: disable=no-member
+ try:
+ request = changes.create(project=self.project_id, managedZone=zone_id, body=data)
+ response = request.execute()
+ status = response['status']
+ change = response['id']
+ while status == 'pending':
+ request = changes.get(project=self.project_id, managedZone=zone_id, changeId=change)
+ response = request.execute()
+ status = response['status']
+ except googleapiclient_errors.Error as e:
+ logger.error('Encountered error adding TXT record: %s', e)
+ raise errors.PluginError('Error communicating with the Google Cloud DNS API: {0}'
+ .format(e))
+ def del_txt_record(self, domain, record_name, record_content, record_ttl):
+ """
+ Delete a TXT record using the supplied information.
+ :param str domain: The domain to use to look up the managed zone.
+ :param str record_name: The record name (typically beginning with '_acme-challenge.').
+ :param str record_content: The record content (typically the challenge validation).
+ :param int record_ttl: The record TTL (number of seconds that the record may be cached).
+ :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if an error occurs communicating with the Google API
+ """
+ try:
+ zone_id = self._find_managed_zone_id(domain)
+ except errors.PluginError as e:
+ logger.warning('Error finding zone. Skipping cleanup.')
+ return
+ record_contents = self.get_existing_txt_rrset(zone_id, record_name)
+ if record_contents is None:
+ record_contents = ["\"" + record_content + "\""]
+ data = {
+ "kind": "dns#change",
+ "deletions": [
+ {
+ "kind": "dns#resourceRecordSet",
+ "type": "TXT",
+ "name": record_name + ".",
+ "rrdatas": record_contents,
+ "ttl": record_ttl,
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ # Remove the record being deleted from the list
+ readd_contents = [r for r in record_contents if r != "\"" + record_content + "\""]
+ if readd_contents:
+ # We need to remove old records in the same request
+ data["additions"] = [
+ {
+ "kind": "dns#resourceRecordSet",
+ "type": "TXT",
+ "name": record_name + ".",
+ "rrdatas": readd_contents,
+ "ttl": record_ttl,
+ },
+ ]
+ changes = self.dns.changes() # changes | pylint: disable=no-member
+ try:
+ request = changes.create(project=self.project_id, managedZone=zone_id, body=data)
+ request.execute()
+ except googleapiclient_errors.Error as e:
+ logger.warning('Encountered error deleting TXT record: %s', e)
+ def get_existing_txt_rrset(self, zone_id, record_name):
+ """
+ Get existing TXT records from the RRset for the record name.
+ If an error occurs while requesting the record set, it is suppressed
+ and None is returned.
+ :param str zone_id: The ID of the managed zone.
+ :param str record_name: The record name (typically beginning with '_acme-challenge.').
+ :returns: List of TXT record values or None
+ :rtype: `list` of `string` or `None`
+ """
+ rrs_request = self.dns.resourceRecordSets()
+ request = rrs_request.list(managedZone=zone_id, project=self.project_id)
+ # Add dot as the API returns absolute domains
+ record_name += "."
+ try:
+ response = request.execute()
+ except googleapiclient_errors.Error:
+ logger.info("Unable to list existing records. If you're "
+ "requesting a wildcard certificate, this might not work.")
+ logger.debug("Error was:", exc_info=True)
+ else:
+ if response:
+ for rr in response["rrsets"]:
+ if rr["name"] == record_name and rr["type"] == "TXT":
+ return rr["rrdatas"]
+ return None
+ def _find_managed_zone_id(self, domain):
+ """
+ Find the managed zone for a given domain.
+ :param str domain: The domain for which to find the managed zone.
+ :returns: The ID of the managed zone, if found.
+ :rtype: str
+ :raises certbot.errors.PluginError: if the managed zone cannot be found.
+ """
+ zone_dns_name_guesses = dns_common.base_domain_name_guesses(domain)
+ mz = self.dns.managedZones() # managedZones | pylint: disable=no-member
+ for zone_name in zone_dns_name_guesses:
+ try:
+ request = mz.list(project=self.project_id, dnsName=zone_name + '.')
+ response = request.execute()
+ zones = response['managedZones']
+ except googleapiclient_errors.Error as e:
+ raise errors.PluginError('Encountered error finding managed zone: {0}'
+ .format(e))
+ for zone in zones:
+ zone_id = zone['id']
+ if 'privateVisibilityConfig' not in zone:
+ logger.debug('Found id of %s for %s using name %s', zone_id, domain, zone_name)
+ return zone_id
+ raise errors.PluginError('Unable to determine managed zone for {0} using zone names: {1}.'
+ .format(domain, zone_dns_name_guesses))
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_project_id():
+ """
+ Query the google metadata service for the current project ID
+ This only works on Google Cloud Platform
+ :raises ServerNotFoundError: Not running on Google Compute or DNS not available
+ :raises ValueError: Server is found, but response code is not 200
+ :returns: project id
+ """
+ url = '{0}project/project-id'.format(METADATA_URL)
+ # Request an access token from the metadata server.
+ http = httplib2.Http()
+ r, content = http.request(url, headers=METADATA_HEADERS)
+ if r.status != 200:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid status code: {0}".format(r))
+ if isinstance(content, bytes):
+ return content.decode()
+ return content