language: python cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip before_install: - '([ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME == linux ] && dpkg -s libaugeas0) || (brew update && brew install augeas python3 && brew upgrade python && brew link python)' before_script: - 'if [ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME = osx ] ; then ulimit -n 1024 ; fi' matrix: include: - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=py27_install BOULDER_INTEGRATION=v1 sudo: required services: docker - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=py27_install BOULDER_INTEGRATION=v2 sudo: required services: docker - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=cover FYI="this also tests py27" - sudo: required env: TOXENV=nginx_compat services: docker before_install: addons: - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=lint - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV='py27-{acme,apache,certbot,dns,nginx}-oldest' sudo: required services: docker - python: "3.4" env: TOXENV=py34 sudo: required services: docker - python: "3.6" env: TOXENV=py36 sudo: required services: docker - sudo: required env: TOXENV=apache_compat services: docker before_install: addons: - sudo: required env: TOXENV=le_auto_trusty services: docker before_install: addons: - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=apacheconftest sudo: required - python: "2.7" env: TOXENV=nginxroundtrip # Only build pushes to the master branch, PRs, and branches beginning with # `test-` or of the form `digit(s).digit(s).x`. This reduces the number of # simultaneous Travis runs, which speeds turnaround time on review since there # is a cap of on the number of simultaneous runs. branches: only: - master - /^\d+\.\d+\.x$/ - /^test-.*$/ # container-based infrastructure sudo: false addons: apt: sources: - augeas packages: # Keep in sync with letsencrypt-auto-source/pieces/bootstrappers/ and Boulder. - python-dev - python-virtualenv - gcc - libaugeas0 - libssl-dev - libffi-dev - ca-certificates # For certbot-nginx integration testing - nginx-light - openssl # for apacheconftest - apache2 - libapache2-mod-wsgi - libapache2-mod-macro install: "travis_retry $(command -v pip || command -v pip3) install tox coveralls" script: - travis_retry tox - '[ -z "${BOULDER_INTEGRATION+x}" ] || (travis_retry tests/ && tests/' after_success: '[ "$TOXENV" == "cover" ] && coveralls' notifications: email: false irc: channels: - secure: "SGWZl3ownKx9xKVV2VnGt7DqkTmutJ89oJV9tjKhSs84kLijU6EYdPnllqISpfHMTxXflNZuxtGo0wTDYHXBuZL47w1O32W6nzuXdra5zC+i4sYQwYULUsyfOv9gJX8zWAULiK0Z3r0oho45U+FR5ZN6TPCidi8/eGU+EEPwaAw=" on_success: never on_failure: always use_notice: true