image: Visual Studio 2015 environment: matrix: - TOXENV: py35 - TOXENV: py37-cover - TOXENV: integration-certbot branches: only: # apache-parser-v2 is a temporary branch for doing work related to # rewriting the parser in the Apache plugin. - apache-parser-v2 - master - /^\d+\.\d+\.x$/ # Version branches like X.X.X - /^test-.*$/ init: # Since master can receive only commits from PR that have already been tested, following # condition avoid to launch all jobs except the coverage one for commits pushed to master. - ps: | if (-Not $Env:APPVEYOR_PULL_REQUEST_NUMBER -And $Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -Eq 'master' ` -And -Not ($Env:TOXENV -Like '*-cover')) { $Env:APPVEYOR_SKIP_FINALIZE_ON_EXIT = 'true'; Exit-AppVeyorBuild } install: # Use Python 3.7 by default - SET PATH=C:\\Python37;C:\\Python37\\Scripts;%PATH% # Using 4 processes is proven to be the most efficient integration tests config for AppVeyor - IF %TOXENV%==integration-certbot SET PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--numprocesses=4 # Check env - python --version # Upgrade pip to avoid warnings - python -m pip install --upgrade pip # Ready to install tox and coverage # tools/ is used to pin packages to a known working version. - python tools\\ tox codecov build: off test_script: - set TOX_TESTENV_PASSENV=APPVEYOR # Test env is set by TOXENV env variable - tox on_success: - if exist .coverage codecov -F windows