"""Tests Certbot plugins against different server configurations.""" import argparse import contextlib import filecmp import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import OpenSSL from urllib3.util import connection from acme import challenges from acme import crypto_util from acme import messages from acme.magic_typing import List # pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module from acme.magic_typing import Tuple # pylint: disable=unused-import, no-name-in-module from certbot import achallenges from certbot import errors as le_errors from certbot.tests import acme_util from certbot_compatibility_test import errors from certbot_compatibility_test import util from certbot_compatibility_test import validator from certbot_compatibility_test.configurators.apache import common as a_common from certbot_compatibility_test.configurators.nginx import common as n_common DESCRIPTION = """ Tests Certbot plugins against different server configurations. It is assumed that Docker is already installed. If no test type is specified, all tests that the plugin supports are performed. """ PLUGINS = {"apache": a_common.Proxy, "nginx": n_common.Proxy} logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def test_authenticator(plugin, config, temp_dir): """Tests authenticator, returning True if the tests are successful""" backup = _create_backup(config, temp_dir) achalls = _create_achalls(plugin) if not achalls: logger.error("The plugin and this program support no common " "challenge types") return False try: responses = plugin.perform(achalls) except le_errors.Error: logger.error("Performing challenges on %s caused an error:", config, exc_info=True) return False success = True for i, response in enumerate(responses): achall = achalls[i] if not response: logger.error( "Plugin failed to complete %s for %s in %s", type(achall), achall.domain, config) success = False elif isinstance(response, challenges.HTTP01Response): # We fake the DNS resolution to ensure that any domain is resolved # to the local HTTP server setup for the compatibility tests with _fake_dns_resolution(""): verified = response.simple_verify( achall.chall, achall.domain, util.JWK.public_key(), port=plugin.http_port) if verified: logger.info( "http-01 verification for %s succeeded", achall.domain) else: logger.error( "**** http-01 verification for %s in %s failed", achall.domain, config) success = False if success: try: plugin.cleanup(achalls) except le_errors.Error: logger.error("Challenge cleanup for %s caused an error:", config, exc_info=True) success = False if _dirs_are_unequal(config, backup): logger.error("Challenge cleanup failed for %s", config) return False logger.info("Challenge cleanup succeeded") return success def _create_achalls(plugin): """Returns a list of annotated challenges to test on plugin""" achalls = list() names = plugin.get_testable_domain_names() for domain in names: prefs = plugin.get_chall_pref(domain) for chall_type in prefs: if chall_type == challenges.HTTP01: chall = challenges.HTTP01( token=os.urandom(challenges.HTTP01.TOKEN_SIZE)) challb = acme_util.chall_to_challb( chall, messages.STATUS_PENDING) achall = achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge( challb=challb, domain=domain, account_key=util.JWK) achalls.append(achall) return achalls def test_installer(args, plugin, config, temp_dir): """Tests plugin as an installer""" backup = _create_backup(config, temp_dir) names_match = plugin.get_all_names() == plugin.get_all_names_answer() if names_match: logger.info("get_all_names test succeeded") else: logger.error("**** get_all_names test failed for config %s", config) domains = list(plugin.get_testable_domain_names()) success = test_deploy_cert(plugin, temp_dir, domains) if success and args.enhance: success = test_enhancements(plugin, domains) good_rollback = test_rollback(plugin, config, backup) return names_match and success and good_rollback def test_deploy_cert(plugin, temp_dir, domains): """Tests deploy_cert returning True if the tests are successful""" cert = crypto_util.gen_ss_cert(util.KEY, domains) cert_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, "cert.pem") with open(cert_path, "w") as f: f.write(OpenSSL.crypto.dump_certificate( OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)) for domain in domains: try: plugin.deploy_cert(domain, cert_path, util.KEY_PATH, cert_path, cert_path) plugin.save() # Needed by the Apache plugin except le_errors.Error: logger.error("**** Plugin failed to deploy certificate for %s:", domain, exc_info=True) return False if not _save_and_restart(plugin, "deployed"): return False success = True time.sleep(3) for domain in domains: verified = validator.Validator().certificate( cert, domain, "", plugin.https_port) if not verified: logger.error("**** Could not verify certificate for domain %s", domain) success = False if success: logger.info("HTTPS validation succeeded") return success def test_enhancements(plugin, domains): """Tests supported enhancements returning True if successful""" supported = plugin.supported_enhancements() if "redirect" not in supported: logger.error("The plugin and this program support no common " "enhancements") return False domains_and_info = [(domain, []) for domain in domains] # type: List[Tuple[str, List[bool]]] for domain, info in domains_and_info: try: previous_redirect = validator.Validator().any_redirect( "localhost", plugin.http_port, headers={"Host": domain}) info.append(previous_redirect) plugin.enhance(domain, "redirect") plugin.save() # Needed by the Apache plugin except le_errors.PluginError as error: # Don't immediately fail because a redirect may already be enabled logger.warning("*** Plugin failed to enable redirect for %s:", domain) logger.warning("%s", error) except le_errors.Error: logger.error("*** An error occurred while enabling redirect for %s:", domain, exc_info=True) if not _save_and_restart(plugin, "enhanced"): return False success = True for domain, info in domains_and_info: previous_redirect = info[0] if not previous_redirect: verified = validator.Validator().redirect( "localhost", plugin.http_port, headers={"Host": domain}) if not verified: logger.error("*** Improper redirect for domain %s", domain) success = False if success: logger.info("Enhancements test succeeded") return success def _save_and_restart(plugin, title=None): """Saves and restart the plugin, returning True if no errors occurred""" try: plugin.save(title) plugin.restart() return True except le_errors.Error: logger.error("*** Plugin failed to save and restart server:", exc_info=True) return False def test_rollback(plugin, config, backup): """Tests the rollback checkpoints function""" try: plugin.rollback_checkpoints(1337) except le_errors.Error: logger.error("*** Plugin raised an exception during rollback:", exc_info=True) return False if _dirs_are_unequal(config, backup): logger.error("*** Rollback failed for config `%s`", config) return False logger.info("Rollback succeeded") return True def _create_backup(config, temp_dir): """Creates a backup of config in temp_dir""" backup = os.path.join(temp_dir, "backup") shutil.rmtree(backup, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree(config, backup, symlinks=True) return backup def _dirs_are_unequal(dir1, dir2): """Returns True if dir1 and dir2 are unequal""" dircmps = [filecmp.dircmp(dir1, dir2)] while dircmps: dircmp = dircmps.pop() if dircmp.left_only or dircmp.right_only: logger.error("The following files and directories are only " "present in one directory") if dircmp.left_only: logger.error(str(dircmp.left_only)) else: logger.error(str(dircmp.right_only)) return True elif dircmp.common_funny or dircmp.funny_files: logger.error("The following files and directories could not be " "compared:") if dircmp.common_funny: logger.error(str(dircmp.common_funny)) else: logger.error(str(dircmp.funny_files)) return True elif dircmp.diff_files: logger.error("The following files differ:") logger.error(str(dircmp.diff_files)) return True for subdir in dircmp.subdirs.itervalues(): dircmps.append(subdir) return False def get_args(): """Returns parsed command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=DESCRIPTION, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) group = parser.add_argument_group("general") group.add_argument( "-c", "--configs", default="configs.tar.gz", help="a directory or tarball containing server configurations") group.add_argument( "-p", "--plugin", default="apache", help="the plugin to be tested") group.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose_count", action="count", default=0, help="you know how to use this") group.add_argument( "-a", "--auth", action="store_true", help="tests the challenges the plugin supports") group.add_argument( "-i", "--install", action="store_true", help="tests the plugin as an installer") group.add_argument( "-e", "--enhance", action="store_true", help="tests the enhancements " "the plugin supports (implicitly includes installer tests)") for plugin in PLUGINS.values(): plugin.add_parser_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args() if args.enhance: args.install = True elif not (args.auth or args.install): args.auth = args.install = args.enhance = True return args def setup_logging(args): """Prepares logging for the program""" handler = logging.StreamHandler() root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR - args.verbose_count * 10) root_logger.addHandler(handler) def main(): """Main test script execution.""" args = get_args() setup_logging(args) if args.plugin not in PLUGINS: raise errors.Error("Unknown plugin {0}".format(args.plugin)) temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() plugin = PLUGINS[args.plugin](args) try: overall_success = True while plugin.has_more_configs(): success = True try: config = plugin.load_config() logger.info("Loaded configuration: %s", config) if args.auth: success = test_authenticator(plugin, config, temp_dir) if success and args.install: success = test_installer(args, plugin, config, temp_dir) except errors.Error: logger.error("Tests on %s raised:", config, exc_info=True) success = False if success: logger.info("All tests on %s succeeded", config) else: overall_success = False logger.error("Tests on %s failed", config) finally: plugin.cleanup_from_tests() if overall_success: logger.warning("All compatibility tests succeeded") sys.exit(0) else: logger.warning("One or more compatibility tests failed") sys.exit(1) @contextlib.contextmanager def _fake_dns_resolution(resolved_ip): """Monkey patch urllib3 to make any hostname be resolved to the provided IP""" _original_create_connection = connection.create_connection def _patched_create_connection(address, *args, **kwargs): _, port = address return _original_create_connection((resolved_ip, port), *args, **kwargs) try: connection.create_connection = _patched_create_connection yield finally: connection.create_connection = _original_create_connection if __name__ == "__main__": main()