"""Classes that perform challenges for Nginx""" import logging import os import six from acme import challenges from certbot import errors from certbot.plugins import common from certbot_nginx import obj from certbot_nginx import nginxparser logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NginxChallengePerformer(common.ChallengePerformer): """Additional helper methods for Nginx challenge performers.""" def perform(self): """Perform all added challenges. :returns: challenge respones :rtype: `list` of `acme.challenges.KeyAuthorizationChallengeResponse` """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def _make_server_block(self, achall, addrs): """Creates a server block for a challenge. :param achall: Annotated HTTP-01 challenge :type achall: :class:`certbot.achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge` :param list addrs: addresses of challenged domain :class:`list` of type :class:`~nginx.obj.Addr` :returns: server block for the challenge host :rtype: list """ raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover @property def _challenge_conf(self): """Location of the challenge config file""" raise NotImplementedError() # pragma: no cover def _listen_addresses(self, default_addr, ipv6_addr, port): """Finds addresses for each challenge block to listen on. :param string default_addr: default listen directive argument for ipv4 :param string ipv6_addr: default listen directive argument for ipv6 :param int port: port to check for ipv6 usage :returns: list of lists of :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply :rtype: list """ addresses = [] ipv6, ipv6only = self.configurator.ipv6_info(port) for achall in self.achalls: vhost = self.configurator.choose_vhost(achall.domain, create_if_no_match=True) if vhost is not None and vhost.addrs: non_ssl_addrs = (addr for addr in vhost.addrs if not addr.ssl) addresses.append(list(non_ssl_addrs)) else: if ipv6: # If IPv6 is active in Nginx configuration if not ipv6only: # If ipv6only=on is not already present in the config ipv6_addr = ipv6_addr + " ipv6only=on" addresses.append([obj.Addr.fromstring(default_addr), obj.Addr.fromstring(ipv6_addr)]) logger.info(("Using default addresses %s and %s for authentication."), default_addr, ipv6_addr) else: addresses.append([obj.Addr.fromstring(default_addr)]) logger.info("Using default address %s for authentication.", default_addr) return addresses def _mod_config(self, ll_addrs): """Modifies Nginx config to include challenge server blocks. :param list ll_addrs: list of lists of :class:`certbot_nginx.obj.Addr` to apply :raises .MisconfigurationError: Unable to find a suitable block in which to include authenticator hosts. """ # Add the 'include' statement for the challenges if it doesn't exist # already in the main config included = False include_directive = ['\n', 'include', ' ', self._challenge_conf] root = self.configurator.parser.config_root bucket_directive = ['\n', 'server_names_hash_bucket_size', ' ', '128'] main = self.configurator.parser.parsed[root] for line in main: if line[0] == ['http']: body = line[1] found_bucket = False posn = 0 for inner_line in body: if inner_line[0] == bucket_directive[1]: if int(inner_line[1]) < int(bucket_directive[3]): body[posn] = bucket_directive found_bucket = True posn += 1 if not found_bucket: body.insert(0, bucket_directive) if include_directive not in body: body.insert(0, include_directive) included = True break if not included: raise errors.MisconfigurationError( 'Certbot could not find a block to include ' 'challenges in %s.' % root) config = [self._make_server_block(pair[0], pair[1]) for pair in six.moves.zip(self.achalls, ll_addrs)] config = nginxparser.UnspacedList(config) self.configurator.reverter.register_file_creation( True, self._challenge_conf) with open(self._challenge_conf, "w") as new_conf: nginxparser.dump(config, new_conf) def _make_base_block(self, addrs): """Creates a baseline server block that listens and logs for a challenge. :param list addrs: addresses of challenged domain :class:`list` of type :class:`~nginx.obj.Addr` :returns: baseline server block for the challenge host, without the server directive :rtype: list """ block = [['listen', ' ', addr.to_string(include_default=False)] for addr in addrs] block.extend([# access and error logs necessary for # integration testing (non-root) ['access_log', ' ', os.path.join( self.configurator.config.work_dir, 'access.log')], ['error_log', ' ', os.path.join( self.configurator.config.work_dir, 'error.log')] ]) return block class NginxHttp01(NginxChallengePerformer): """HTTP-01 authenticator for Nginx :ivar configurator: NginxConfigurator object :type configurator: :class:`~nginx.configurator.NginxConfigurator` :ivar list achalls: Annotated class:`~certbot.achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge` challenges :param list indices: Meant to hold indices of challenges in a larger array. NginxHttp01 is capable of solving many challenges at once which causes an indexing issue within NginxConfigurator who must return all responses in order. Imagine NginxConfigurator maintaining state about where all of the http-01 Challenges, TLS-SNI-01 Challenges belong in the response array. This is an optional utility. :param str challenge_conf: location of the challenge config file """ def __init__(self, configurator): super(NginxHttp01, self).__init__(configurator) self.challenge_conf = os.path.join( configurator.config.config_dir, "le_http_01_cert_challenge.conf") @property def _challenge_conf(self): """Location of the challenge config file""" return self.challenge_conf def perform(self): """Perform a challenge on Nginx. :returns: list of :class:`certbot.acme.challenges.HTTP01Response` :rtype: list """ if not self.achalls: return [] default_addr = "%s" % self.configurator.config.http01_port ipv6_addr = "[::]:{0}".format( self.configurator.config.http01_port) addresses = self._listen_addresses(default_addr, ipv6_addr, self.configurator.config.http01_port) responses = [x.response(x.account_key) for x in self.achalls] # Set up the configuration self._mod_config(addresses) # Save reversible changes self.configurator.save("HTTP Challenge", True) return responses def _get_validation_path(self, achall): return os.sep + os.path.join(challenges.HTTP01.URI_ROOT_PATH, achall.chall.encode("token")) def _make_server_block(self, achall, addrs): """Creates a server block for a challenge. :param achall: Annotated HTTP-01 challenge :type achall: :class:`certbot.achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge` :param list addrs: addresses of challenged domain :class:`list` of type :class:`~nginx.obj.Addr` :returns: server block for the challenge host :rtype: list """ block = self._make_base_block(addrs) validation = achall.validation(achall.account_key) validation_path = self._get_validation_path(achall) block.extend([['server_name', ' ', achall.domain], [['location', ' ', '=', ' ', validation_path], [['default_type', ' ', 'text/plain'], ['return', ' ', '200', ' ', validation]]]]) return [['server'], block] class NginxTlsSni01(common.TLSSNI01, NginxChallengePerformer): """TLS-SNI-01 authenticator for Nginx :ivar configurator: NginxConfigurator object :type configurator: :class:`~nginx.configurator.NginxConfigurator` :ivar list achalls: Annotated class:`~certbot.achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge` challenges :param list indices: Meant to hold indices of challenges in a larger array. NginxTlsSni01 is capable of solving many challenges at once which causes an indexing issue within NginxConfigurator who must return all responses in order. Imagine NginxConfigurator maintaining state about where all of the http-01 Challenges, TLS-SNI-01 Challenges belong in the response array. This is an optional utility. :param str challenge_conf: location of the challenge config file """ @property def _challenge_conf(self): """Location of the challenge config file""" return self.challenge_conf def perform(self): """Perform a challenge on Nginx. :returns: list of :class:`certbot.acme.challenges.TLSSNI01Response` :rtype: list """ if not self.achalls: return [] default_addr = "{0} ssl".format( self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port) ipv6_addr = "[::]:{0} ssl".format( self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port) addresses = self._listen_addresses(default_addr, ipv6_addr, self.configurator.config.tls_sni_01_port) # Create challenge certs responses = [self._setup_challenge_cert(x) for x in self.achalls] # Set up the configuration self._mod_config(addresses) # Save reversible changes self.configurator.save("SNI Challenge", True) return responses def _make_server_block(self, achall, addrs): """Creates a server block for a challenge. :param achall: Annotated TLS-SNI-01 challenge :type achall: :class:`certbot.achallenges.KeyAuthorizationAnnotatedChallenge` :param list addrs: addresses of challenged domain :class:`list` of type :class:`~nginx.obj.Addr` :returns: server block for the challenge host :rtype: list """ document_root = os.path.join( self.configurator.config.work_dir, "tls_sni_01_page") block = self._make_base_block(addrs) block.extend([['server_name', ' ', achall.response(achall.account_key).z_domain.decode('ascii')], ['ssl_certificate', ' ', self.get_cert_path(achall)], ['ssl_certificate_key', ' ', self.get_key_path(achall)], ['include', ' ', self.configurator.mod_ssl_conf], [['location', ' ', '/'], [['root', ' ', document_root]]]]) return [['server'], block]