"""Contains UI methods for Nginx operations.""" import logging import zope.component from certbot import interfaces import certbot.display.util as display_util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def select_vhost_multiple(vhosts): """Select multiple Vhosts to install the certificate for :param vhosts: Available Nginx VirtualHosts :type vhosts: :class:`list` of type `~obj.Vhost` :returns: List of VirtualHosts :rtype: :class:`list`of type `~obj.Vhost` """ if not vhosts: return list() tags_list = [vhost.display_repr()+"\n" for vhost in vhosts] # Remove the extra newline from the last entry if len(tags_list): tags_list[-1] = tags_list[-1][:-1] code, names = zope.component.getUtility(interfaces.IDisplay).checklist( "Which server blocks would you like to modify?", tags=tags_list, force_interactive=True) if code == display_util.OK: return_vhosts = _reversemap_vhosts(names, vhosts) return return_vhosts return [] def _reversemap_vhosts(names, vhosts): """Helper function for select_vhost_multiple for mapping string representations back to actual vhost objects""" return_vhosts = list() for selection in names: for vhost in vhosts: if vhost.display_repr().strip() == selection.strip(): return_vhosts.append(vhost) return return_vhosts