#!/bin/sh # # Download and run the latest release version of the Certbot client. # # NOTE: THIS SCRIPT IS AUTO-GENERATED AND SELF-UPDATING # # IF YOU WANT TO EDIT IT LOCALLY, *ALWAYS* RUN YOUR COPY WITH THE # "--no-self-upgrade" FLAG # # IF YOU WANT TO SEND PULL REQUESTS, THE REAL SOURCE FOR THIS FILE IS # letsencrypt-auto-source/letsencrypt-auto.template AND # letsencrypt-auto-source/pieces/bootstrappers/* set -e # Work even if somebody does "sh thisscript.sh". # Note: you can set XDG_DATA_HOME or VENV_PATH before running this script, # if you want to change where the virtual environment will be installed # HOME might not be defined when being run through something like systemd if [ -z "$HOME" ]; then HOME=~root fi if [ -z "$XDG_DATA_HOME" ]; then XDG_DATA_HOME=~/.local/share fi if [ -z "$VENV_PATH" ]; then # We export these values so they are preserved properly if this script is # rerun with sudo/su where $HOME/$XDG_DATA_HOME may have a different value. export OLD_VENV_PATH="$XDG_DATA_HOME/letsencrypt" export VENV_PATH="/opt/eff.org/certbot/venv" fi VENV_BIN="$VENV_PATH/bin" BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_PATH="$VENV_PATH/certbot-auto-bootstrap-version.txt" LE_AUTO_VERSION="0.20.0" BASENAME=$(basename $0) USAGE="Usage: $BASENAME [OPTIONS] A self-updating wrapper script for the Certbot ACME client. When run, updates to both this script and certbot will be downloaded and installed. After ensuring you have the latest versions installed, certbot will be invoked with all arguments you have provided. Help for certbot itself cannot be provided until it is installed. --debug attempt experimental installation -h, --help print this help -n, --non-interactive, --noninteractive run without asking for user input --no-bootstrap do not install OS dependencies --no-self-upgrade do not download updates --os-packages-only install OS dependencies and exit -v, --verbose provide more output -q, --quiet provide only update/error output; implies --non-interactive All arguments are accepted and forwarded to the Certbot client when run." export CERTBOT_AUTO="$0" for arg in "$@" ; do case "$arg" in --debug) DEBUG=1;; --os-packages-only) OS_PACKAGES_ONLY=1;; --no-self-upgrade) # Do not upgrade this script (also prevents client upgrades, because each # copy of the script pins a hash of the python client) NO_SELF_UPGRADE=1;; --no-bootstrap) NO_BOOTSTRAP=1;; --help) HELP=1;; --noninteractive|--non-interactive|renew) ASSUME_YES=1;; --quiet) QUIET=1;; --verbose) VERBOSE=1;; -[!-]*) OPTIND=1 while getopts ":hnvq" short_arg $arg; do case "$short_arg" in h) HELP=1;; n) NONINTERACTIVE=1;; q) QUIET=1;; v) VERBOSE=1;; esac done;; esac done if [ $BASENAME = "letsencrypt-auto" ]; then # letsencrypt-auto does not respect --help or --yes for backwards compatibility ASSUME_YES=1 HELP=0 fi # Set ASSUME_YES to 1 if QUIET or NONINTERACTIVE if [ "$QUIET" = 1 -o "$NONINTERACTIVE" = 1 ]; then ASSUME_YES=1 fi say() { if [ "$QUIET" != 1 ]; then echo "$@" fi } error() { echo "$@" } # Support for busybox and others where there is no "command", # but "which" instead if command -v command > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then export EXISTS="command -v" elif which which > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then export EXISTS="which" else error "Cannot find command nor which... please install one!" exit 1 fi # Certbot itself needs root access for almost all modes of operation. # certbot-auto needs root access to bootstrap OS dependencies and install # Certbot at a protected path so it can be safely run as root. To accomplish # this, this script will attempt to run itself as root if it doesn't have the # necessary privileges by using `sudo` or falling back to `su` if it is not # available. The mechanism used to obtain root access can be set explicitly by # setting the environment variable LE_AUTO_SUDO to 'sudo', 'su', 'su_sudo', # 'SuSudo', or '' as used below. # Because the parameters in `su -c` has to be a string, # we need to properly escape it. SuSudo() { args="" # This `while` loop iterates over all parameters given to this function. # For each parameter, all `'` will be replace by `'"'"'`, and the escaped string # will be wrapped in a pair of `'`, then appended to `$args` string # For example, `echo "It's only 1\$\!"` will be escaped to: # 'echo' 'It'"'"'s only 1$!' # │ │└┼┘│ # │ │ │ └── `'s only 1$!'` the literal string # │ │ └── `\"'\"` is a single quote (as a string) # │ └── `'It'`, to be concatenated with the strings following it # └── `echo` wrapped in a pair of `'`, it's totally fine for the shell command itself while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do args="$args'$(printf "%s" "$1" | sed -e "s/'/'\"'\"'/g")' " shift done su root -c "$args" } # Sets the environment variable SUDO to be the name of the program or function # to call to get root access. If this script already has root privleges, SUDO # is set to an empty string. The value in SUDO should be run with the command # to called with root privileges as arguments. SetRootAuthMechanism() { SUDO="" if [ -n "${LE_AUTO_SUDO+x}" ]; then case "$LE_AUTO_SUDO" in SuSudo|su_sudo|su) SUDO=SuSudo ;; sudo) SUDO="sudo -E" ;; '') ;; # Nothing to do for plain root method. *) error "Error: unknown root authorization mechanism '$LE_AUTO_SUDO'." exit 1 esac say "Using preset root authorization mechanism '$LE_AUTO_SUDO'." else if test "`id -u`" -ne "0" ; then if $EXISTS sudo 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then SUDO="sudo -E" else say \"sudo\" is not available, will use \"su\" for installation steps... SUDO=SuSudo fi fi fi } if [ "$1" = "--cb-auto-has-root" ]; then shift 1 else SetRootAuthMechanism if [ -n "$SUDO" ]; then echo "Requesting to rerun $0 with root privileges..." $SUDO "$0" --cb-auto-has-root "$@" exit 0 fi fi # Runs this script again with the given arguments. --cb-auto-has-root is added # to the command line arguments to ensure we don't try to acquire root a # second time. After the script is rerun, we exit the current script. RerunWithArgs() { "$0" --cb-auto-has-root "$@" exit 0 } BootstrapMessage() { # Arguments: Platform name say "Bootstrapping dependencies for $1... (you can skip this with --no-bootstrap)" } ExperimentalBootstrap() { # Arguments: Platform name, bootstrap function name if [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then if [ "$2" != "" ]; then BootstrapMessage $1 $2 fi else error "FATAL: $1 support is very experimental at present..." error "if you would like to work on improving it, please ensure you have backups" error "and then run this script again with the --debug flag!" error "Alternatively, you can install OS dependencies yourself and run this script" error "again with --no-bootstrap." exit 1 fi } DeprecationBootstrap() { # Arguments: Platform name, bootstrap function name if [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then if [ "$2" != "" ]; then BootstrapMessage $1 $2 fi else error "WARNING: certbot-auto support for this $1 is DEPRECATED!" error "Please visit certbot.eff.org to learn how to download a version of" error "Certbot that is packaged for your system. While an existing version" error "of certbot-auto may work currently, we have stopped supporting updating" error "system packages for your system. Please switch to a packaged version" error "as soon as possible." exit 1 fi } DeterminePythonVersion() { for LE_PYTHON in "$LE_PYTHON" python2.7 python27 python2 python; do # Break (while keeping the LE_PYTHON value) if found. $EXISTS "$LE_PYTHON" > /dev/null && break done if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then error "Cannot find any Pythons; please install one!" exit 1 fi export LE_PYTHON PYVER=`"$LE_PYTHON" -V 2>&1 | cut -d" " -f 2 | cut -d. -f1,2 | sed 's/\.//'` if [ "$PYVER" -lt 26 ]; then error "You have an ancient version of Python entombed in your operating system..." error "This isn't going to work; you'll need at least version 2.6." exit 1 fi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapDebCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_DEB_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapDebCommon() { # Current version tested with: # # - Ubuntu # - 14.04 (x64) # - 15.04 (x64) # - Debian # - 7.9 "wheezy" (x64) # - sid (2015-10-21) (x64) # Past versions tested with: # # - Debian 8.0 "jessie" (x64) # - Raspbian 7.8 (armhf) # Believed not to work: # # - Debian 6.0.10 "squeeze" (x64) if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then QUIET_FLAG='-qq' fi apt-get $QUIET_FLAG update || error apt-get update hit problems but continuing anyway... # virtualenv binary can be found in different packages depending on # distro version (#346) virtualenv= # virtual env is known to apt and is installable if apt-cache show virtualenv > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then if ! LC_ALL=C apt-cache --quiet=0 show virtualenv 2>&1 | grep -q 'No packages found'; then virtualenv="virtualenv" fi fi if apt-cache show python-virtualenv > /dev/null 2>&1; then virtualenv="$virtualenv python-virtualenv" fi augeas_pkg="libaugeas0 augeas-lenses" AUGVERSION=`LC_ALL=C apt-cache show --no-all-versions libaugeas0 | grep ^Version: | cut -d" " -f2` if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then YES_FLAG="-y" fi AddBackportRepo() { # ARGS: BACKPORT_NAME="$1" BACKPORT_SOURCELINE="$2" say "To use the Apache Certbot plugin, augeas needs to be installed from $BACKPORT_NAME." if ! grep -v -e ' *#' /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -q "$BACKPORT_NAME" ; then # This can theoretically error if sources.list.d is empty, but in that case we don't care. if ! grep -v -e ' *#' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* 2>/dev/null | grep -q "$BACKPORT_NAME"; then if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then /bin/echo -n "Installing augeas from $BACKPORT_NAME in 3 seconds..." sleep 1s /bin/echo -ne "\e[0K\rInstalling augeas from $BACKPORT_NAME in 2 seconds..." sleep 1s /bin/echo -e "\e[0K\rInstalling augeas from $BACKPORT_NAME in 1 second ..." sleep 1s add_backports=1 else read -p "Would you like to enable the $BACKPORT_NAME repository [Y/n]? " response case $response in [yY][eE][sS]|[yY]|"") add_backports=1;; *) add_backports=0;; esac fi if [ "$add_backports" = 1 ]; then sh -c "echo $BACKPORT_SOURCELINE >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/$BACKPORT_NAME.list" apt-get $QUIET_FLAG update fi fi fi if [ "$add_backports" != 0 ]; then apt-get install $QUIET_FLAG $YES_FLAG --no-install-recommends -t "$BACKPORT_NAME" $augeas_pkg augeas_pkg= fi } if dpkg --compare-versions 1.0 gt "$AUGVERSION" ; then if lsb_release -a | grep -q wheezy ; then AddBackportRepo wheezy-backports "deb http://http.debian.net/debian wheezy-backports main" elif lsb_release -a | grep -q precise ; then # XXX add ARM case AddBackportRepo precise-backports "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise-backports main restricted universe multiverse" else echo "No libaugeas0 version is available that's new enough to run the" echo "Certbot apache plugin..." fi # XXX add a case for ubuntu PPAs fi apt-get install $QUIET_FLAG $YES_FLAG --no-install-recommends \ python \ python-dev \ $virtualenv \ gcc \ $augeas_pkg \ libssl-dev \ openssl \ libffi-dev \ ca-certificates \ if ! $EXISTS virtualenv > /dev/null ; then error Failed to install a working \"virtualenv\" command, exiting exit 1 fi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapRpmCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_RPM_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapRpmCommon() { # Tested with: # - Fedora 20, 21, 22, 23 (x64) # - Centos 7 (x64: on DigitalOcean droplet) # - CentOS 7 Minimal install in a Hyper-V VM # - CentOS 6 (EPEL must be installed manually) if type dnf 2>/dev/null then tool=dnf elif type yum 2>/dev/null then tool=yum else error "Neither yum nor dnf found. Aborting bootstrap!" exit 1 fi if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then yes_flag="-y" fi if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then QUIET_FLAG='--quiet' fi if ! $tool list *virtualenv >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "To use Certbot, packages from the EPEL repository need to be installed." if ! $tool list epel-release >/dev/null 2>&1; then error "Enable the EPEL repository and try running Certbot again." exit 1 fi if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then /bin/echo -n "Enabling the EPEL repository in 3 seconds..." sleep 1s /bin/echo -ne "\e[0K\rEnabling the EPEL repository in 2 seconds..." sleep 1s /bin/echo -e "\e[0K\rEnabling the EPEL repository in 1 seconds..." sleep 1s fi if ! $tool install $yes_flag $QUIET_FLAG epel-release; then error "Could not enable EPEL. Aborting bootstrap!" exit 1 fi fi pkgs=" gcc augeas-libs openssl openssl-devel libffi-devel redhat-rpm-config ca-certificates " # Most RPM distros use the "python" or "python-" naming convention. Let's try that first. if $tool list python >/dev/null 2>&1; then pkgs="$pkgs python python-devel python-virtualenv python-tools python-pip " # Fedora 26 starts to use the prefix python2 for python2 based packages. # this elseif is theoretically for any Fedora over version 26: elif $tool list python2 >/dev/null 2>&1; then pkgs="$pkgs python2 python2-libs python2-setuptools python2-devel python2-virtualenv python2-tools python2-pip " # Some distros and older versions of current distros use a "python27" # instead of the "python" or "python-" naming convention. else pkgs="$pkgs python27 python27-devel python27-virtualenv python27-tools python27-pip " fi if $tool list installed "httpd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then pkgs="$pkgs mod_ssl " fi if ! $tool install $yes_flag $QUIET_FLAG $pkgs; then error "Could not install OS dependencies. Aborting bootstrap!" exit 1 fi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapSuseCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_SUSE_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapSuseCommon() { # SLE12 don't have python-virtualenv if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then zypper_flags="-nq" install_flags="-l" fi if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then QUIET_FLAG='-qq' fi zypper $QUIET_FLAG $zypper_flags in $install_flags \ python \ python-devel \ python-virtualenv \ gcc \ augeas-lenses \ libopenssl-devel \ libffi-devel \ ca-certificates } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapArchCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_ARCH_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapArchCommon() { # Tested with: # - ArchLinux (x86_64) # # "python-virtualenv" is Python3, but "python2-virtualenv" provides # only "virtualenv2" binary, not "virtualenv" necessary in # ./tools/_venv_common.sh deps=" python2 python-virtualenv gcc augeas openssl libffi ca-certificates pkg-config " # pacman -T exits with 127 if there are missing dependencies missing=$(pacman -T $deps) || true if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then noconfirm="--noconfirm" fi if [ "$missing" ]; then if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then pacman -S --needed $missing $noconfirm > /dev/null else pacman -S --needed $missing $noconfirm fi fi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapGentooCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_GENTOO_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapGentooCommon() { PACKAGES=" dev-lang/python:2.7 dev-python/virtualenv app-admin/augeas dev-libs/openssl dev-libs/libffi app-misc/ca-certificates virtual/pkgconfig" ASK_OPTION="--ask" if [ "$ASSUME_YES" = 1 ]; then ASK_OPTION="" fi case "$PACKAGE_MANAGER" in (paludis) cave resolve --preserve-world --keep-targets if-possible $PACKAGES -x ;; (pkgcore) pmerge --noreplace --oneshot $ASK_OPTION $PACKAGES ;; (portage|*) emerge --noreplace --oneshot $ASK_OPTION $PACKAGES ;; esac } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapFreeBsd below, this version number # must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_FREEBSD_VERSION=1 BootstrapFreeBsd() { if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then QUIET_FLAG="--quiet" fi pkg install -Ay $QUIET_FLAG \ python \ py27-virtualenv \ augeas \ libffi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapMac below, this version number must # be increased. BOOTSTRAP_MAC_VERSION=1 BootstrapMac() { if hash brew 2>/dev/null; then say "Using Homebrew to install dependencies..." pkgman=brew pkgcmd="brew install" elif hash port 2>/dev/null; then say "Using MacPorts to install dependencies..." pkgman=port pkgcmd="port install" else say "No Homebrew/MacPorts; installing Homebrew..." ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" pkgman=brew pkgcmd="brew install" fi $pkgcmd augeas if [ "$(which python)" = "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python" \ -o "$(which python)" = "/usr/bin/python" ]; then # We want to avoid using the system Python because it requires root to use pip. # python.org, MacPorts or HomeBrew Python installations should all be OK. say "Installing python..." $pkgcmd python fi # Workaround for _dlopen not finding augeas on macOS if [ "$pkgman" = "port" ] && ! [ -e "/usr/local/lib/libaugeas.dylib" ] && [ -e "/opt/local/lib/libaugeas.dylib" ]; then say "Applying augeas workaround" mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/ ln -s /opt/local/lib/libaugeas.dylib /usr/local/lib/ fi if ! hash pip 2>/dev/null; then say "pip not installed" say "Installing pip..." curl --silent --show-error --retry 5 https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python fi if ! hash virtualenv 2>/dev/null; then say "virtualenv not installed." say "Installing with pip..." pip install virtualenv fi } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapSmartOS below, this version number # must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_SMARTOS_VERSION=1 BootstrapSmartOS() { pkgin update pkgin -y install 'gcc49' 'py27-augeas' 'py27-virtualenv' } # If new packages are installed by BootstrapMageiaCommon below, this version # number must be increased. BOOTSTRAP_MAGEIA_COMMON_VERSION=1 BootstrapMageiaCommon() { if [ "$QUIET" = 1 ]; then QUIET_FLAG='--quiet' fi if ! urpmi --force $QUIET_FLAG \ python \ libpython-devel \ python-virtualenv then error "Could not install Python dependencies. Aborting bootstrap!" exit 1 fi if ! urpmi --force $QUIET_FLAG \ git \ gcc \ python-augeas \ libopenssl-devel \ libffi-devel \ rootcerts then error "Could not install additional dependencies. Aborting bootstrap!" exit 1 fi } # Set Bootstrap to the function that installs OS dependencies on this system # and BOOTSTRAP_VERSION to the unique identifier for the current version of # that function. If Bootstrap is set to a function that doesn't install any # packages (either because --no-bootstrap was included on the command line or # we don't know how to bootstrap on this system), BOOTSTRAP_VERSION is not set. if [ "$NO_BOOTSTRAP" = 1 ]; then Bootstrap() { : } elif [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then Bootstrap() { BootstrapMessage "Debian-based OSes" BootstrapDebCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapDebCommon $BOOTSTRAP_DEB_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/mageia-release ]; then # Mageia has both /etc/mageia-release and /etc/redhat-release Bootstrap() { ExperimentalBootstrap "Mageia" BootstrapMageiaCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapMageiaCommon $BOOTSTRAP_MAGEIA_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then Bootstrap() { BootstrapMessage "RedHat-based OSes" BootstrapRpmCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapRpmCommon $BOOTSTRAP_RPM_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/os-release ] && `grep -q openSUSE /etc/os-release` ; then Bootstrap() { BootstrapMessage "openSUSE-based OSes" BootstrapSuseCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapSuseCommon $BOOTSTRAP_SUSE_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/arch-release ]; then Bootstrap() { if [ "$DEBUG" = 1 ]; then BootstrapMessage "Archlinux" BootstrapArchCommon else error "Please use pacman to install letsencrypt packages:" error "# pacman -S certbot certbot-apache" error error "If you would like to use the virtualenv way, please run the script again with the" error "--debug flag." exit 1 fi } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapArchCommon $BOOTSTRAP_ARCH_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/manjaro-release ]; then Bootstrap() { ExperimentalBootstrap "Manjaro Linux" BootstrapArchCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapArchCommon $BOOTSTRAP_ARCH_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/gentoo-release ]; then Bootstrap() { DeprecationBootstrap "Gentoo" BootstrapGentooCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapGentooCommon $BOOTSTRAP_GENTOO_COMMON_VERSION" elif uname | grep -iq FreeBSD ; then Bootstrap() { DeprecationBootstrap "FreeBSD" BootstrapFreeBsd } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapFreeBsd $BOOTSTRAP_FREEBSD_VERSION" elif uname | grep -iq Darwin ; then Bootstrap() { DeprecationBootstrap "macOS" BootstrapMac } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapMac $BOOTSTRAP_MAC_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/issue ] && grep -iq "Amazon Linux" /etc/issue ; then Bootstrap() { ExperimentalBootstrap "Amazon Linux" BootstrapRpmCommon } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapRpmCommon $BOOTSTRAP_RPM_COMMON_VERSION" elif [ -f /etc/product ] && grep -q "Joyent Instance" /etc/product ; then Bootstrap() { ExperimentalBootstrap "Joyent SmartOS Zone" BootstrapSmartOS } BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="BootstrapSmartOS $BOOTSTRAP_SMARTOS_VERSION" else Bootstrap() { error "Sorry, I don't know how to bootstrap Certbot on your operating system!" error error "You will need to install OS dependencies, configure virtualenv, and run pip install manually." error "Please see https://letsencrypt.readthedocs.org/en/latest/contributing.html#prerequisites" error "for more info." exit 1 } fi # Sets PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION to the identifier for the bootstrap script used # to install OS dependencies on this system. PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION isn't set # if it is unknown how OS dependencies were installed on this system. SetPrevBootstrapVersion() { if [ -f $BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_PATH ]; then PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=$(cat "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_PATH") # The list below only contains bootstrap version strings that existed before # we started writing them to disk. # # DO NOT MODIFY THIS LIST UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! elif grep -Fqx "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" << "UNLIKELY_EOF" BootstrapDebCommon 1 BootstrapMageiaCommon 1 BootstrapRpmCommon 1 BootstrapSuseCommon 1 BootstrapArchCommon 1 BootstrapGentooCommon 1 BootstrapFreeBsd 1 BootstrapMac 1 BootstrapSmartOS 1 UNLIKELY_EOF then # If there's no bootstrap version saved to disk, but the currently selected # bootstrap script is from before we started saving the version number, # return the currently selected version to prevent us from rebootstrapping # unnecessarily. PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION="$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" fi } TempDir() { mktemp -d 2>/dev/null || mktemp -d -t 'le' # Linux || macOS } if [ "$1" = "--le-auto-phase2" ]; then # Phase 2: Create venv, install LE, and run. shift 1 # the --le-auto-phase2 arg SetPrevBootstrapVersion INSTALLED_VERSION="none" if [ -d "$VENV_PATH" ]; then # If the selected Bootstrap function isn't a noop and it differs from the # previously used version if [ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" -a "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" != "$PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" ]; then # if non-interactive mode or stdin and stdout are connected to a terminal if [ \( "$NONINTERACTIVE" = 1 \) -o \( \( -t 0 \) -a \( -t 1 \) \) ]; then rm -rf "$VENV_PATH" RerunWithArgs "$@" else error "Skipping upgrade because new OS dependencies may need to be installed." error error "To upgrade to a newer version, please run this script again manually so you can" error "approve changes or with --non-interactive on the command line to automatically" error "install any required packages." # Set INSTALLED_VERSION to be the same so we don't update the venv INSTALLED_VERSION="$LE_AUTO_VERSION" fi elif [ -f "$VENV_BIN/letsencrypt" ]; then # --version output ran through grep due to python-cryptography DeprecationWarnings # grep for both certbot and letsencrypt until certbot and shim packages have been released INSTALLED_VERSION=$("$VENV_BIN/letsencrypt" --version 2>&1 | grep "^certbot\|^letsencrypt" | cut -d " " -f 2) if [ -z "$INSTALLED_VERSION" ]; then error "Error: couldn't get currently installed version for $VENV_BIN/letsencrypt: " 1>&2 "$VENV_BIN/letsencrypt" --version exit 1 fi fi fi if [ "$LE_AUTO_VERSION" != "$INSTALLED_VERSION" ]; then say "Creating virtual environment..." DeterminePythonVersion rm -rf "$VENV_PATH" if [ "$VERBOSE" = 1 ]; then virtualenv --no-site-packages --python "$LE_PYTHON" "$VENV_PATH" else virtualenv --no-site-packages --python "$LE_PYTHON" "$VENV_PATH" > /dev/null fi if [ -n "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" ]; then echo "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" > "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_PATH" elif [ -n "$PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" ]; then echo "$PREV_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION" > "$BOOTSTRAP_VERSION_PATH" fi say "Installing Python packages..." TEMP_DIR=$(TempDir) trap 'rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"' EXIT # There is no $ interpolation due to quotes on starting heredoc delimiter. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat << "UNLIKELY_EOF" > "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto-requirements.txt" # This is the flattened list of packages certbot-auto installs. To generate # this, do # `pip install --no-cache-dir -e acme -e . -e certbot-apache -e certbot-nginx`, # and then use `hashin` or a more secure method to gather the hashes. # Hashin example: # pip install hashin # hashin -r dependency-requirements.txt cryptography==1.5.2 # sets the new certbot-auto pinned version of cryptography to 1.5.2 argparse==1.4.0 \ --hash=sha256:c31647edb69fd3d465a847ea3157d37bed1f95f19760b11a47aa91c04b666314 \ --hash=sha256:62b089a55be1d8949cd2bc7e0df0bddb9e028faefc8c32038cc84862aefdd6e4 # This comes before cffi because cffi will otherwise install an unchecked # version via setup_requires. pycparser==2.14 \ --hash=sha256:7959b4a74abdc27b312fed1c21e6caf9309ce0b29ea86b591fd2e99ecdf27f73 \ --no-binary pycparser asn1crypto==0.22.0 \ --hash=sha256:d232509fefcfcdb9a331f37e9c9dc20441019ad927c7d2176cf18ed5da0ba097 \ --hash=sha256:cbbadd640d3165ab24b06ef25d1dca09a3441611ac15f6a6b452474fdf0aed1a cffi==1.10.0 \ --hash=sha256:446699c10f3c390633d0722bc19edbc7ac4b94761918a4a4f7908a24e86ebbd0 \ --hash=sha256:562326fc7f55a59ef3fef5e82908fe938cdc4bbda32d734c424c7cd9ed73e93a \ --hash=sha256:7f732ad4a30db0b39400c3f7011249f7d0701007d511bf09604729aea222871f \ --hash=sha256:94fb8410c6c4fc48e7ea759d3d1d9ca561171a88d00faddd4aa0306f698ad6a0 \ --hash=sha256:587a5043df4b00a2130e09fed42da02a4ed3c688bd9bf07a3ac89d2271f4fb07 \ --hash=sha256:ec08b88bef627ec1cea210e1608c85d3cf44893bcde74e41b7f7dbdfd2c1bad6 \ --hash=sha256:a41406f6d62abcdf3eef9fd998d8dcff04fd2a7746644143045feeebd76352d1 \ --hash=sha256:b560916546b2f209d74b82bdbc3223cee9a165b0242fa00a06dfc48a2054864a \ --hash=sha256:e74896774e437f4715c57edeb5cf3d3a40d7727f541c2c12156617b5a15d1829 \ --hash=sha256:9a31c18ba4881a116e448c52f3f5d3e14401cf7a9c43cc88f06f2a7f5428da0e \ --hash=sha256:80796ea68e11624a0279d3b802f88a7fe7214122b97a15a6c97189934a2cc776 \ --hash=sha256:f4019826a2dec066c909a1f483ef0dcf9325d6740cc0bd15308942b28b0930f7 \ --hash=sha256:7248506981eeba23888b4140a69a53c4c0c0a386abcdca61ed8dd790a73e64b9 \ --hash=sha256:a8955265d146e86fe2ce116394be4eaf0cb40314a79b19f11c4fa574cd639572 \ --hash=sha256:c49187260043bd4c1d6a52186f9774f17d9b1da0a406798ebf4bfc12da166ade \ --hash=sha256:c1d8b3d8dcb5c23ac1a8bf56422036f3f305a3c5a8bc8c354256579a1e2aa2c1 \ --hash=sha256:9e389615bcecb8c782a87939d752340bb0a3a097e90bae54d7f0915bc12f45bd \ --hash=sha256:d09ff358f75a874f69fa7d1c2b4acecf4282a950293fcfcf89aa606da8a9a500 \ --hash=sha256:b69b4557aae7de18b7c174a917fe19873529d927ac592762d9771661875bbd40 \ --hash=sha256:5de52b081a2775e76b971de9d997d85c4457fc0a09079e12d66849548ae60981 \ --hash=sha256:e7d88fecb7b6250a1fd432e6dc64890342c372fce13dbfe4bb6f16348ad00c14 \ --hash=sha256:1426e67e855ef7f5030c9184f4f1a9f4bfa020c31c962cd41fd129ec5aef4a6a \ --hash=sha256:267dd2c66a5760c5f4d47e2ebcf8eeac7ef01e1ae6ae7a6d0d241a290068bc38 \ --hash=sha256:e553eb489511cacf19eda6e52bc9e151316f0d721724997dda2c4d3079b778db \ --hash=sha256:98b89b2c57f97ce2db7aeba60db173c84871d73b40e41a11ea95de1500ddc57e \ --hash=sha256:e2b7e090188833bc58b2ae03fb864c22688654ebd2096bcf38bc860c4f38a3d8 \ --hash=sha256:afa7d8b8d38ad40db8713ee053d41b36d87d6ae5ec5ad36f9210b548a18dc214 \ --hash=sha256:4fc9c2ff7924b3a1fa326e1799e5dd58cac585d7fb25fe53ccaa1333b0453d65 \ --hash=sha256:937db39a1ec5af3003b16357b2042bba67c88d43bc11aaa203fa8a5924524209 \ --hash=sha256:ab22285797631df3b513b2cd3ecdc51cd8e3d36788e3991d93d0759d6883b027 \ --hash=sha256:96e599b924ef009aa867f725b3249ee51d76489f484d3a45b4bd219c5ec6ed59 \ --hash=sha256:bea842a0512be6a8007e585790bccd5d530520fc025ce63b03e139be373b0063 \ --hash=sha256:e7175287f7fe7b1cc203bb958b17db40abd732690c1e18e700f10e0843a58598 \ --hash=sha256:285ab352552f52f1398c912556d4d36d4ea9b8450e5c65d03809bf9886755533 \ --hash=sha256:5576644b859197da7bbd8f8c7c2fb5dcc6cd505cadb42992d5f104c013f8a214 \ --hash=sha256:b3b02911eb1f6ada203b0763ba924234629b51586f72a21faacc638269f4ced5 ConfigArgParse==0.12.0 \ --hash=sha256:28cd7d67669651f2a4518367838c49539457504584a139709b2b8f6c208ef339 configobj==5.0.6 \ --hash=sha256:a2f5650770e1c87fb335af19a9b7eb73fc05ccf22144eb68db7d00cd2bcb0902 cryptography==2.0.2 \ --hash=sha256:187ae17358436d2c760f28c2aeb02fefa3f37647a9c5b6f7f7c3e83cd1c5a972 \ --hash=sha256:19e43a13bbf52028dd1e810c803f2ad8880d0692d772f98d42e1eaf34bdee3d6 \ --hash=sha256:da9291502cbc87dc0284a20c56876e4d2e68deac61cc43df4aec934e44ca97b1 \ --hash=sha256:0954f8813095f581669330e0a2d5e726c33ac7f450c1458fac58bab54595e516 \ --hash=sha256:d68b0cc40a8432ed3fc84876c519de704d6001800ec22b136e75ae841910c45b \ --hash=sha256:2f8ad9580ab4da645cfea52a91d2da99a49a1e76616d8be68441a986fad652b0 \ --hash=sha256:cc00b4511294f5f6b65c4e77a1a9c62f52490a63d2c120f3872176b40a82351e \ --hash=sha256:cf896020f6a9f095a547b3d672c8db1ef2ed71fca11250731fa1d4a4cb8b1590 \ --hash=sha256:e0fdb8322206fa02aa38f71519ff75dce2eb481b7e1110e2936795cb376bb6ee \ --hash=sha256:277538466657ca5d6637f80be100242f9831d75138b788d718edd3aab34621f8 \ --hash=sha256:2c77eb0560f54ce654ab82d6b2a64327a71ee969b29022bf9746ca311c9f5069 \ --hash=sha256:755a7853b679e79d0a799351c092a9b0271f95ff54c8dd8823d8b527a2926a86 \ --hash=sha256:77197a2d525e761cdd4c771180b4bd0d80703654c6385e4311cbbbe2beb56fa1 \ --hash=sha256:eb8bb79d0ab00c931c8333b745f06fec481a51c52d70acd4ee95d6093ba5c386 \ --hash=sha256:131f61de82ef28f3e20beb4bfc24f9692d28cecfd704e20e6c7f070f7793013a \ --hash=sha256:ac35435974b2e27cd4520f29c191d7da36f4189aa3264e52c4c6c6d089ab6142 \ --hash=sha256:04b6ea99daa2a8460728794213d76d45ad58ea247dc7e7ff148d7dd726e87863 \ --hash=sha256:2b9442f8b4c3d575f6cc3db0e856034e0f5a9d55ecd636f52d8c496795b26952 \ --hash=sha256:b3d3b3ecba1fe1bdb6f180770a137f877c8f07571f7b2934bb269475bcf0e5e8 \ --hash=sha256:670a58c0d75cb0e78e73dd003bd96d4440bbb1f2bc041dcf7b81767ca4fb0ce9 \ --hash=sha256:5af84d23bdb86b5e90aca263df1424b43f1748480bfcde3ac2a3cbe622612468 \ --hash=sha256:ba22e8eefabdd7aca37d0c0c00d2274000d2cebb5cce9e5a710cb55bf8797b31 \ --hash=sha256:b798b22fa7e92b439547323b8b719d217f1e1b7677585cfeeedf3b55c70bb7fb \ --hash=sha256:59cff28af8cce96cb7e94a459726e1d88f6f5fa75097f9dcbebd99118d64ea4c \ --hash=sha256:fe859e445abc9ba9e97950ddafb904e23234c4ecb76b0fae6c86e80592ce464a \ --hash=sha256:655f3c474067f1e277430f23cc0549f0b1dc99b82aec6e53f80b9b2db7f76f11 \ --hash=sha256:0ebc2be053c9a03a2f3e20a466e87bf12a51586b3c79bd2a22171b073a805346 \ --hash=sha256:01e6e60654df64cca53733cda39446d67100c819c181d403afb120e0d2a71e1b \ --hash=sha256:d46f4e5d455cb5563685c52ef212696f0a6cc1ea627603218eabbd8a095291d8 \ --hash=sha256:3780b2663ee7ebb37cb83263326e3cd7f8b2ea439c448539d4b87de12c8d06ab enum34==1.1.2 \ --hash=sha256:2475d7fcddf5951e92ff546972758802de5260bf409319a9f1934e6bbc8b1dc7 \ --hash=sha256:35907defb0f992b75ab7788f65fedc1cf20ffa22688e0e6f6f12afc06b3ea501 funcsigs==1.0.2 \ --hash=sha256:330cc27ccbf7f1e992e69fef78261dc7c6569012cf397db8d3de0234e6c937ca \ --hash=sha256:a7bb0f2cf3a3fd1ab2732cb49eba4252c2af4240442415b4abce3b87022a8f50 idna==2.5 \ --hash=sha256:cc19709fd6d0cbfed39ea875d29ba6d4e22c0cebc510a76d6302a28385e8bb70 \ --hash=sha256:3cb5ce08046c4e3a560fc02f138d0ac63e00f8ce5901a56b32ec8b7994082aab ipaddress==1.0.16 \ --hash=sha256:935712800ce4760701d89ad677666cd52691fd2f6f0b340c8b4239a3c17988a5 \ --hash=sha256:5a3182b322a706525c46282ca6f064d27a02cffbd449f9f47416f1dc96aa71b0 linecache2==1.0.0 \ --hash=sha256:e78be9c0a0dfcbac712fe04fbf92b96cddae80b1b842f24248214c8496f006ef \ --hash=sha256:4b26ff4e7110db76eeb6f5a7b64a82623839d595c2038eeda662f2a2db78e97c ordereddict==1.1 \ --hash=sha256:1c35b4ac206cef2d24816c89f89cf289dd3d38cf7c449bb3fab7bf6d43f01b1f packaging==16.8 \ --hash=sha256:99276dc6e3a7851f32027a68f1095cd3f77c148091b092ea867a351811cfe388 \ --hash=sha256:5d50835fdf0a7edf0b55e311b7c887786504efea1177abd7e69329a8e5ea619e parsedatetime==2.1 \ --hash=sha256:ce9d422165cf6e963905cd5f74f274ebf7cc98c941916169178ef93f0e557838 \ --hash=sha256:17c578775520c99131634e09cfca5a05ea9e1bd2a05cd06967ebece10df7af2d pbr==1.8.1 \ --hash=sha256:46c8db75ae75a056bd1cc07fa21734fe2e603d11a07833ecc1eeb74c35c72e0c \ --hash=sha256:e2127626a91e6c885db89668976db31020f0af2da728924b56480fc7ccf09649 pyOpenSSL==16.2.0 \ --hash=sha256:26ca380ddf272f7556e48064bbcd5bd71f83dfc144f3583501c7ddbd9434ee17 \ --hash=sha256:7779a3bbb74e79db234af6a08775568c6769b5821faecf6e2f4143edb227516e pyparsing==2.1.8 \ --hash=sha256:2f0f5ceb14eccd5aef809d6382e87df22ca1da583c79f6db01675ce7d7f49c18 \ --hash=sha256:03a4869b9f3493807ee1f1cb405e6d576a1a2ca4d81a982677c0c1ad6177c56b \ --hash=sha256:ab09aee814c0241ff0c503cff30018219fe1fc14501d89f406f4664a0ec9fbcd \ --hash=sha256:6e9a7f052f8e26bcf749e4033e3115b6dc7e3c85aafcb794b9a88c9d9ef13c97 \ --hash=sha256:9f463a6bcc4eeb6c08f1ed84439b17818e2085937c0dee0d7674ac127c67c12b \ --hash=sha256:3626b4d81cfb300dad57f52f2f791caaf7b06c09b368c0aa7b868e53a5775424 \ --hash=sha256:367b90cc877b46af56d4580cd0ae278062903f02b8204ab631f5a2c0f50adfd0 \ --hash=sha256:9f1ea360086cd68681e7f4ca8f1f38df47bf81942a0d76a9673c2d23eff35b13 pyRFC3339==1.0 \ --hash=sha256:eea31835c56e2096af4363a5745a784878a61d043e247d3a6d6a0a32a9741f56 \ --hash=sha256:8dfbc6c458b8daba1c0f3620a8c78008b323a268b27b7359e92a4ae41325f535 python-augeas==0.5.0 \ --hash=sha256:67d59d66cdba8d624e0389b87b2a83a176f21f16a87553b50f5703b23f29bac2 pytz==2015.7 \ --hash=sha256:3abe6a6d3fc2fbbe4c60144211f45da2edbe3182a6f6511af6bbba0598b1f992 \ --hash=sha256:939ef9c1e1224d980405689a97ffcf7828c56d1517b31d73464356c1f2b7769e \ --hash=sha256:ead4aefa7007249e05e51b01095719d5a8dd95760089f5730aac5698b1932918 \ --hash=sha256:3cca0df08bd0ed98432390494ce3ded003f5e661aa460be7a734bffe35983605 \ --hash=sha256:3ede470d3d17ba3c07638dfa0d10452bc1b6e5ad326127a65ba77e6aaeb11bec \ --hash=sha256:68c47964f7186eec306b13629627722b9079cd4447ed9e5ecaecd4eac84ca734 \ --hash=sha256:dd5d3991950aae40a6c81de1578942e73d629808cefc51d12cd157980e6cfc18 \ --hash=sha256:a77c52062c07eb7c7b30545dbc73e32995b7e117eea750317b5cb5c7a4618f14 \ --hash=sha256:81af9aec4bc960a9a0127c488f18772dae4634689233f06f65443e7b11ebeb51 \ --hash=sha256:e079b1dadc5c06246cc1bb6fe1b23a50b1d1173f2edd5104efd40bb73a28f406 \ --hash=sha256:fbd26746772c24cb93c8b97cbdad5cb9e46c86bbdb1b9d8a743ee00e2fb1fc5d \ --hash=sha256:99266ef30a37e43932deec2b7ca73e83c8dbc3b9ff703ec73eca6b1dae6befea \ --hash=sha256:8b6ce1c993909783bc96e0b4f34ea223bff7a4df2c90bdb9c4e0f1ac928689e3 requests==2.12.1 \ --hash=sha256:3f3f27a9d0f9092935efc78054ef324eb9f8166718270aefe036dfa1e4f68e1e \ --hash=sha256:2109ecea94df90980be040490ff1d879971b024861539abb00054062388b612e six==1.10.0 \ --hash=sha256:0ff78c403d9bccf5a425a6d31a12aa6b47f1c21ca4dc2573a7e2f32a97335eb1 \ --hash=sha256:105f8d68616f8248e24bf0e9372ef04d3cc10104f1980f54d57b2ce73a5ad56a traceback2==1.4.0 \ --hash=sha256:8253cebec4b19094d67cc5ed5af99bf1dba1285292226e98a31929f87a5d6b23 \ --hash=sha256:05acc67a09980c2ecfedd3423f7ae0104839eccb55fc645773e1caa0951c3030 unittest2==1.1.0 \ --hash=sha256:13f77d0875db6d9b435e1d4f41e74ad4cc2eb6e1d5c824996092b3430f088bb8 \ --hash=sha256:22882a0e418c284e1f718a822b3b022944d53d2d908e1690b319a9d3eb2c0579 zope.component==4.2.2 \ --hash=sha256:282c112b55dd8e3c869a3571f86767c150ab1284a9ace2bdec226c592acaf81a zope.event==4.1.0 \ --hash=sha256:dc7a59a2fd91730d3793131a5d261b29e93ec4e2a97f1bc487ce8defee2fe786 zope.interface==4.1.3 \ --hash=sha256:f07b631f7a601cd8cbd3332d54f43142c7088a83299f859356f08d1d4d4259b3 \ --hash=sha256:de5cca083b9439d8002fb76bbe6b4998c5a5a721fab25b84298967f002df4c94 \ --hash=sha256:6788416f7ea7f5b8a97be94825377aa25e8bdc73463e07baaf9858b29e737077 \ --hash=sha256:6f3230f7254518201e5a3708cbb2de98c848304f06e3ded8bfb39e5825cba2e1 \ --hash=sha256:5fa575a5240f04200c3088427d0d4b7b737f6e9018818a51d8d0f927a6a2517a \ --hash=sha256:522194ad6a545735edd75c8a83f48d65d1af064e432a7d320d64f56bafc12e99 \ --hash=sha256:e8c7b2d40943f71c99148c97f66caa7f5134147f57423f8db5b4825099ce9a09 \ --hash=sha256:279024f0208601c3caa907c53876e37ad88625f7eaf1cb3842dbe360b2287017 \ --hash=sha256:2e221a9eec7ccc58889a278ea13dcfed5ef939d80b07819a9a8b3cb1c681484f \ --hash=sha256:69118965410ec86d44dc6b9017ee3ddbd582e0c0abeef62b3a19dbf6c8ad132b \ --hash=sha256:d04df8686ec864d0cade8cf199f7f83aecd416109a20834d568f8310ded12dea \ --hash=sha256:e75a947e15ee97e7e71e02ea302feb2fc62d3a2bb4668bf9dfbed43a506ac7e7 \ --hash=sha256:4e45d22fb883222a5ab9f282a116fec5ee2e8d1a568ccff6a2d75bbd0eb6bcfc \ --hash=sha256:bce9339bb3c7a55e0803b63d21c5839e8e479bc85c4adf42ae415b72f94facb2 \ --hash=sha256:928138365245a0e8869a5999fbcc2a45475a0a6ed52a494d60dbdc540335fedd \ --hash=sha256:0d841ba1bb840eea0e6489dc5ecafa6125554971f53b5acb87764441e61bceba \ --hash=sha256:b09c8c1d47b3531c400e0195697f1414a63221de6ef478598a4f1460f7d9a392 # Using an older version of mock here prevents regressions of #5276. mock==1.3.0 \ --hash=sha256:3f573a18be94de886d1191f27c168427ef693e8dcfcecf95b170577b2eb69cbb \ --hash=sha256:1e247dbecc6ce057299eb7ee019ad68314bb93152e81d9a6110d35f4d5eca0f6 # Contains the requirements for the letsencrypt package. # # Since the letsencrypt package depends on certbot and using pip with hashes # requires that all installed packages have hashes listed, this allows # dependency-requirements.txt to be used without requiring a hash for a # (potentially unreleased) Certbot package. letsencrypt==0.7.0 \ --hash=sha256:105a5fb107e45bcd0722eb89696986dcf5f08a86a321d6aef25a0c7c63375ade \ --hash=sha256:c36e532c486a7e92155ee09da54b436a3c420813ec1c590b98f635d924720de9 certbot==0.20.0 \ --hash=sha256:c6b6bd288700898d1eb31a65b605e3a5fc10f1e3213ce468207d76a2decb9d35 \ --hash=sha256:cabf505b64fb400c4239dcdbaeb882079477eb6a8442268596a8791b9e34de88 acme==0.20.0 \ --hash=sha256:8b0cee192c0d76d6f4045bdb14b3cfd29d9720e0dad2046794a2a555f1eaccb7 \ --hash=sha256:45121aed6c8cc2f31896ac1083068dfdeb613f3edeff9576dc0d10632ea5a3d5 certbot-apache==0.20.0 \ --hash=sha256:f7e4dbc154d2e9d1461118b6dd3dbd16f6892da468f060eeaa162aff673347e2 \ --hash=sha256:0ba499706451ffbccb172bcf93d6ef4c6cc8599157077a4fa6dfbe5a83c7921f certbot-nginx==0.20.0 \ --hash=sha256:b6e372e8740b20dd9bd63837646157ac97b3c9a65affd3954571b8e872ae9ecf \ --hash=sha256:6379fdf20d9a7651fe30bb8d4b828cbea178cc263d7af5a380fc4508d793b9ae UNLIKELY_EOF # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat << "UNLIKELY_EOF" > "$TEMP_DIR/pipstrap.py" #!/usr/bin/env python """A small script that can act as a trust root for installing pip 8 Embed this in your project, and your VCS checkout is all you have to trust. In a post-peep era, this lets you claw your way to a hash-checking version of pip, with which you can install the rest of your dependencies safely. All it assumes is Python 2.6 or better and *some* version of pip already installed. If anything goes wrong, it will exit with a non-zero status code. """ # This is here so embedded copies are MIT-compliant: # Copyright (c) 2016 Erik Rose # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to # deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the # rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or # sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import StrictVersion from hashlib import sha256 from os.path import join from pipes import quote from shutil import rmtree try: from subprocess import check_output except ImportError: from subprocess import CalledProcessError, PIPE, Popen def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs): if 'stdout' in kwargs: raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be ' 'overridden.') process = Popen(stdout=PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs) output, unused_err = process.communicate() retcode = process.poll() if retcode: cmd = kwargs.get("args") if cmd is None: cmd = popenargs[0] raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd) return output from sys import exit, version_info from tempfile import mkdtemp try: from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler except ImportError: from urllib.request import build_opener, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler try: from urlparse import urlparse except ImportError: from urllib.parse import urlparse # 3.4 __version__ = 1, 3, 0 PIP_VERSION = '9.0.1' # wheel has a conditional dependency on argparse: maybe_argparse = ( [('https://pypi.python.org/packages/18/dd/' 'e617cfc3f6210ae183374cd9f6a26b20514bbb5a792af97949c5aacddf0f/' 'argparse-1.4.0.tar.gz', '62b089a55be1d8949cd2bc7e0df0bddb9e028faefc8c32038cc84862aefdd6e4')] if version_info < (2, 7, 0) else []) PACKAGES = maybe_argparse + [ # Pip has no dependencies, as it vendors everything: ('https://pypi.python.org/packages/11/b6/' 'abcb525026a4be042b486df43905d6893fb04f05aac21c32c638e939e447/' 'pip-{0}.tar.gz' .format(PIP_VERSION), '09f243e1a7b461f654c26a725fa373211bb7ff17a9300058b205c61658ca940d'), # This version of setuptools has only optional dependencies: ('https://pypi.python.org/packages/69/65/' '4c544cde88d4d876cdf5cbc5f3f15d02646477756d89547e9a7ecd6afa76/' 'setuptools-20.2.2.tar.gz', '24fcfc15364a9fe09a220f37d2dcedc849795e3de3e4b393ee988e66a9cbd85a'), ('https://pypi.python.org/packages/c9/1d/' 'bd19e691fd4cfe908c76c429fe6e4436c9e83583c4414b54f6c85471954a/' 'wheel-0.29.0.tar.gz', '1ebb8ad7e26b448e9caa4773d2357849bf80ff9e313964bcaf79cbf0201a1648') ] class HashError(Exception): def __str__(self): url, path, actual, expected = self.args return ('{url} did not match the expected hash {expected}. Instead, ' 'it was {actual}. The file (left at {path}) may have been ' 'tampered with.'.format(**locals())) def hashed_download(url, temp, digest): """Download ``url`` to ``temp``, make sure it has the SHA-256 ``digest``, and return its path.""" # Based on pip 1.4.1's URLOpener but with cert verification removed. Python # >=2.7.9 verifies HTTPS certs itself, and, in any case, the cert # authenticity has only privacy (not arbitrary code execution) # implications, since we're checking hashes. def opener(): opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler()) # Strip out HTTPHandler to prevent MITM spoof: for handler in opener.handlers: if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler): opener.handlers.remove(handler) return opener def read_chunks(response, chunk_size): while True: chunk = response.read(chunk_size) if not chunk: break yield chunk response = opener().open(url) path = join(temp, urlparse(url).path.split('/')[-1]) actual_hash = sha256() with open(path, 'wb') as file: for chunk in read_chunks(response, 4096): file.write(chunk) actual_hash.update(chunk) actual_digest = actual_hash.hexdigest() if actual_digest != digest: raise HashError(url, path, actual_digest, digest) return path def main(): pip_version = StrictVersion(check_output(['pip', '--version']) .decode('utf-8').split()[1]) min_pip_version = StrictVersion(PIP_VERSION) if pip_version >= min_pip_version: return 0 has_pip_cache = pip_version >= StrictVersion('6.0') temp = mkdtemp(prefix='pipstrap-') try: downloads = [hashed_download(url, temp, digest) for url, digest in PACKAGES] check_output('pip install --no-index --no-deps -U ' + # Disable cache since we're not using it and it otherwise # sometimes throws permission warnings: ('--no-cache-dir ' if has_pip_cache else '') + ' '.join(quote(d) for d in downloads), shell=True) except HashError as exc: print(exc) except Exception: rmtree(temp) raise else: rmtree(temp) return 0 return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': exit(main()) UNLIKELY_EOF # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set PATH so pipstrap upgrades the right (v)env: PATH="$VENV_BIN:$PATH" "$VENV_BIN/python" "$TEMP_DIR/pipstrap.py" set +e if [ "$VERBOSE" = 1 ]; then "$VENV_BIN/pip" install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --require-hashes -r "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto-requirements.txt" else PIP_OUT=`"$VENV_BIN/pip" install --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --require-hashes -r "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto-requirements.txt" 2>&1` fi PIP_STATUS=$? set -e if [ "$PIP_STATUS" != 0 ]; then # Report error. (Otherwise, be quiet.) error "Had a problem while installing Python packages." if [ "$VERBOSE" != 1 ]; then error error "pip prints the following errors: " error "=====================================================" error "$PIP_OUT" error "=====================================================" error error "Certbot has problem setting up the virtual environment." if `echo $PIP_OUT | grep -q Killed` || `echo $PIP_OUT | grep -q "allocate memory"` ; then error error "Based on your pip output, the problem can likely be fixed by " error "increasing the available memory." else error error "We were not be able to guess the right solution from your pip " error "output." fi error error "Consult https://certbot.eff.org/docs/install.html#problems-with-python-virtual-environment" error "for possible solutions." error "You may also find some support resources at https://certbot.eff.org/support/ ." fi rm -rf "$VENV_PATH" exit 1 fi if [ -d "$OLD_VENV_PATH" -a ! -L "$OLD_VENV_PATH" ]; then rm -rf "$OLD_VENV_PATH" ln -s "$VENV_PATH" "$OLD_VENV_PATH" fi say "Installation succeeded." fi "$VENV_BIN/letsencrypt" "$@" else # Phase 1: Upgrade certbot-auto if necessary, then self-invoke. # # Each phase checks the version of only the thing it is responsible for # upgrading. Phase 1 checks the version of the latest release of # certbot-auto (which is always the same as that of the certbot # package). Phase 2 checks the version of the locally installed certbot. if [ ! -f "$VENV_BIN/letsencrypt" ]; then if [ -z "$OLD_VENV_PATH" -o ! -f "$OLD_VENV_PATH/bin/letsencrypt" ]; then if [ "$HELP" = 1 ]; then echo "$USAGE" exit 0 fi # If it looks like we've never bootstrapped before, bootstrap: Bootstrap fi fi if [ "$OS_PACKAGES_ONLY" = 1 ]; then say "OS packages installed." exit 0 fi if [ "$NO_SELF_UPGRADE" != 1 ]; then TEMP_DIR=$(TempDir) trap 'rm -rf "$TEMP_DIR"' EXIT # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- cat << "UNLIKELY_EOF" > "$TEMP_DIR/fetch.py" """Do downloading and JSON parsing without additional dependencies. :: # Print latest released version of LE to stdout: python fetch.py --latest-version # Download letsencrypt-auto script from git tag v1.2.3 into the folder I'm # in, and make sure its signature verifies: python fetch.py --le-auto-script v1.2.3 On failure, return non-zero. """ from __future__ import print_function from distutils.version import LooseVersion from json import loads from os import devnull, environ from os.path import dirname, join import re from subprocess import check_call, CalledProcessError from sys import argv, exit from urllib2 import build_opener, HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler from urllib2 import HTTPError, URLError PUBLIC_KEY = environ.get('LE_AUTO_PUBLIC_KEY', """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA6MR8W/galdxnpGqBsYbq OzQb2eyW15YFjDDEMI0ZOzt8f504obNs920lDnpPD2/KqgsfjOgw2K7xWDJIj/18 xUvWPk3LDkrnokNiRkA3KOx3W6fHycKL+zID7zy+xZYBuh2fLyQtWV1VGQ45iNRp 9+Zo7rH86cdfgkdnWTlNSHyTLW9NbXvyv/E12bppPcEvgCTAQXgnDVJ0/sqmeiij n9tTFh03aM+R2V/21h8aTraAS24qiPCz6gkmYGC8yr6mglcnNoYbsLNYZ69zF1XH cXPduCPdPdfLlzVlKK1/U7hkA28eG3BIAMh6uJYBRJTpiGgaGdPd7YekUB8S6cy+ CQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- """) class ExpectedError(Exception): """A novice-readable exception that also carries the original exception for debugging""" class HttpsGetter(object): def __init__(self): """Build an HTTPS opener.""" # Based on pip 1.4.1's URLOpener # This verifies certs on only Python >=2.7.9. self._opener = build_opener(HTTPSHandler()) # Strip out HTTPHandler to prevent MITM spoof: for handler in self._opener.handlers: if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler): self._opener.handlers.remove(handler) def get(self, url): """Return the document contents pointed to by an HTTPS URL. If something goes wrong (404, timeout, etc.), raise ExpectedError. """ try: # socket module docs say default timeout is None: that is, no # timeout return self._opener.open(url, timeout=30).read() except (HTTPError, IOError) as exc: raise ExpectedError("Couldn't download %s." % url, exc) def write(contents, dir, filename): """Write something to a file in a certain directory.""" with open(join(dir, filename), 'w') as file: file.write(contents) def latest_stable_version(get): """Return the latest stable release of letsencrypt.""" metadata = loads(get( environ.get('LE_AUTO_JSON_URL', 'https://pypi.python.org/pypi/certbot/json'))) # metadata['info']['version'] actually returns the latest of any kind of # release release, contrary to https://wiki.python.org/moin/PyPIJSON. # The regex is a sufficient regex for picking out prereleases for most # packages, LE included. return str(max(LooseVersion(r) for r in metadata['releases'].iterkeys() if re.match('^[0-9.]+$', r))) def verified_new_le_auto(get, tag, temp_dir): """Return the path to a verified, up-to-date letsencrypt-auto script. If the download's signature does not verify or something else goes wrong with the verification process, raise ExpectedError. """ le_auto_dir = environ.get( 'LE_AUTO_DIR_TEMPLATE', 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/certbot/certbot/%s/' 'letsencrypt-auto-source/') % tag write(get(le_auto_dir + 'letsencrypt-auto'), temp_dir, 'letsencrypt-auto') write(get(le_auto_dir + 'letsencrypt-auto.sig'), temp_dir, 'letsencrypt-auto.sig') write(PUBLIC_KEY, temp_dir, 'public_key.pem') try: with open(devnull, 'w') as dev_null: check_call(['openssl', 'dgst', '-sha256', '-verify', join(temp_dir, 'public_key.pem'), '-signature', join(temp_dir, 'letsencrypt-auto.sig'), join(temp_dir, 'letsencrypt-auto')], stdout=dev_null, stderr=dev_null) except CalledProcessError as exc: raise ExpectedError("Couldn't verify signature of downloaded " "certbot-auto.", exc) def main(): get = HttpsGetter().get flag = argv[1] try: if flag == '--latest-version': print(latest_stable_version(get)) elif flag == '--le-auto-script': tag = argv[2] verified_new_le_auto(get, tag, dirname(argv[0])) except ExpectedError as exc: print(exc.args[0], exc.args[1]) return 1 else: return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': exit(main()) UNLIKELY_EOF # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- DeterminePythonVersion if ! REMOTE_VERSION=`"$LE_PYTHON" "$TEMP_DIR/fetch.py" --latest-version` ; then error "WARNING: unable to check for updates." elif [ "$LE_AUTO_VERSION" != "$REMOTE_VERSION" ]; then say "Upgrading certbot-auto $LE_AUTO_VERSION to $REMOTE_VERSION..." # Now we drop into Python so we don't have to install even more # dependencies (curl, etc.), for better flow control, and for the option of # future Windows compatibility. "$LE_PYTHON" "$TEMP_DIR/fetch.py" --le-auto-script "v$REMOTE_VERSION" # Install new copy of certbot-auto. # TODO: Deal with quotes in pathnames. say "Replacing certbot-auto..." # Clone permissions with cp. chmod and chown don't have a --reference # option on macOS or BSD, and stat -c on Linux is stat -f on macOS and BSD: cp -p "$0" "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto.permission-clone" cp "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto" "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto.permission-clone" # Using mv rather than cp leaves the old file descriptor pointing to the # original copy so the shell can continue to read it unmolested. mv across # filesystems is non-atomic, doing `rm dest, cp src dest, rm src`, but the # cp is unlikely to fail if the rm doesn't. mv -f "$TEMP_DIR/letsencrypt-auto.permission-clone" "$0" fi # A newer version is available. fi # Self-upgrading is allowed. RerunWithArgs --le-auto-phase2 "$@" fi