# This file isn't used while testing packages in tools/_release.sh so any # settings we want to also change there must be added to the release script # directly. [pytest] # In general, all warnings are treated as errors. Here are the exceptions: # 1- decodestring: https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython/issues/338 # 2- ignore our own TLS-SNI-01 warning # 3- ignore warn for importing abstract classes from collections instead of collections.abc, # too much third party dependencies are still relying on this behavior, # but it should be corrected to allow Certbot compatiblity with Python >= 3.8 # 4- ipdb uses deprecated functionality of IPython. See # https://github.com/gotcha/ipdb/issues/144. # 5- ignore our own warnings about deprecated view_config_changes methods filterwarnings = error ignore:decodestring:DeprecationWarning ignore:(TLSSNI01|TLS-SNI-01):DeprecationWarning ignore:.*collections\.abc:DeprecationWarning ignore:The `color_scheme` argument is deprecated:DeprecationWarning:IPython.* ignore:.*view_config_changes:DeprecationWarning