# This file isn't used while testing packages in tools/_release.sh so any # settings we want to also change there must be added to the release script # directly. [pytest] # Warnings being triggered by our plugins using deprecated features in # acme/certbot should be fixed by having our plugins no longer using the # deprecated code rather than adding them to the list of ignored warnings here. # Fixing things in this way prevents us from shipping packages raising our own # deprecation warnings and gives time for plugins that don't use the deprecated # API to propagate, especially for plugins packaged as an external snap, before # we release breaking changes. # # The current warnings being ignored are: # 1) The warning raised when importing certbot.tests.util and the external mock # library is installed. # 2) An ImportWarning is raised with older versions of setuptools and # zope.interface. See # https://github.com/zopefoundation/zope.interface/issues/68 for more info. # 3) The deprecation warning raised when importing old Zope interfaces from # the certbot.interfaces module. # 4) The deprecation warning raised when importing deprecated attributes from # the certbot.display.util module. # 5) A deprecation warning is raised in dnspython==1.15.0 in the oldest tests for # certbot-dns-rfc2136. # 6) botocore is currently using deprecated urllib3 functionality. See # https://github.com/boto/botocore/issues/2744. # 7) ACMEv1 deprecations in acme.client which will be resolved by Certbot 2.0. # 8) acme.mixins deprecation in acme.client which will be resolved by Certbot 2.0. # 9) acme.messages.Authorization.combinations which will be resolved by Certbot 2.0. filterwarnings = error ignore:The external mock module:PendingDeprecationWarning ignore:.*zope. missing __init__:ImportWarning ignore:.*attribute in certbot.interfaces module is deprecated:DeprecationWarning ignore:.*attribute in certbot.display.util module is deprecated:DeprecationWarning ignore:decodestring\(\) is a deprecated alias:DeprecationWarning:dns ignore:'urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl:DeprecationWarning:botocore ignore:.*attribute in acme.client is deprecated:DeprecationWarning ignore:.*acme.mixins is deprecated:DeprecationWarning ignore:.*Authorization.combinations is deprecated:DeprecationWarning