# These images are located in us-east-1. targets: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Ubuntu - ami: ami-0f2e2c076f4c2f941 name: ubuntu20.10 type: ubuntu virt: hvm user: ubuntu - ami: ami-0758470213bdd23b1 name: ubuntu20.04 type: ubuntu virt: hvm user: ubuntu - ami: ami-095192256fe1477ad name: ubuntu18.04LTS type: ubuntu virt: hvm user: ubuntu #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debian - ami: ami-01db78123b2b99496 name: debian10 type: ubuntu virt: hvm user: admin - ami: ami-0dcd54b7d2fff584f name: debian10_arm64 type: ubuntu virt: hvm user: admin machine_type: a1.medium #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Other Redhat Distros - ami: ami-0916c408cb02e310b name: RHEL7 type: centos virt: hvm user: ec2-user - ami: ami-0c322300a1dd5dc79 name: RHEL8 type: centos virt: hvm user: ec2-user #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # CentOS # These Marketplace AMIs must, irritatingly, have their terms manually # agreed to on the AWS marketplace site for any new AWS account using them... - ami: ami-9887c6e7 name: centos7 type: centos virt: hvm user: centos # centos6 requires EPEL repo added - ami: ami-1585c46a name: centos6 type: centos virt: hvm user: centos userdata: | #cloud-config runcmd: - yum install -y epel-release - iptables -F - ami: ami-01ca03df4a6012157 name: centos8 type: centos virt: hvm user: centos