#!/bin/bash -e # Release packages to PyPI if [ "`dirname $0`" != "tools" ] ; then echo Please run this script from the repo root exit 1 fi CheckVersion() { # Args: if ! echo "$1" | grep -q -e '[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+.[0-9]\+' ; then echo "$1 doesn't look like 1.2.3" echo "Usage:" echo "$0 RELEASE_VERSION NEXT_VERSION" exit 1 fi } CheckVersion "$1" CheckVersion "$2" if [ "$RELEASE_GPG_KEY" = "" ] && ! gpg2 --card-status >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo OpenPGP card not found! echo Please insert your PGP card and run this script again. exit 1 fi if ! command -v script >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo The command script was not found. echo Please install it. exit 1 fi export RELEASE_DIR="./releases" mv "$RELEASE_DIR" "$RELEASE_DIR.$(date +%s).bak" || true LOG_PATH="log" mv "$LOG_PATH" "$LOG_PATH.$(date +%s).bak" || true # Work with both Linux and macOS versions of script if script --help | grep -q -- '--command'; then script --command "tools/_release.sh $1 $2" "$LOG_PATH" else script "$LOG_PATH" tools/_release.sh "$1" "$2" fi