# Sky Theme for Hugo Sky is a simple, minimal theme for Hugo ![Hugo Theme Sky](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cfrome77/hugo-theme-sky/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Usage Clone the repository to your hugo theme directory ``` mkdir themes cd themes git clone https://github.com/cfrome77/hugo-theme-sky ``` ## Configuration Put your profile picture under the `static` folder with the file name `profile.jpg` Add these parameters to your `config.toml`: ``` [params] Name = "your_name" tagline = "your_industry_or_job_tagline" About = "info_about_you" ``` `name` will be displayed in navbar on left side next to the cloud icon. Optionally you can add any of these social networks to the \[params\] section. ``` GnuPGFingerprint = "your_gpg_fingerprint" StackExchangeID = "your_stackexchange_id" StackOverflowID = "your_stackoverflow_id" GithubID = "your_github" GitlabId = "your_gitlab" BitbucketID = "your_bitbucket_id" TwitterID = "your_twitter" CodepenID = "your_codepen" LinkedInID = "your_linkedin" GoogleplusID = "your_googleplus" FacebookID = "your_facebook" InstagramID = "your_instagram" TelegramID = "your_telegram" Email = "your_email" Phone = "+1-201-555-0123" Mobile = "+1-201-555-0123" GoogleAnalytics = "your_google_analytics_id" SlackURL = "https://join.slack.com/..." PayPalMeID = "https://www.paypal.me/..." XingURL = "https://www.xing.com/profile/..." CvURL = "your_cv_url" ``` To add a menu item add `[[menu.header]]` item to `config.toml`. For example: ``` [menu] [[menu.header]] name = "blog" weight = 0 url = "/post" [[menu.header]] name = "about" weight = 0 url = "/about" ``` To add a submenu item add `[[menu.header]]` item with a parent parameter to `config.toml`. For example: ``` [menu] [[menu.header]] identifier = "post" name = "posts" weight = 0 url = "/post" [[menu.header]] parent = "post" name = "All Posts" url = "/post" [[menu.header]] parent = "post" name = "categories" url = "/categories" [[menu.header]] parent = "post" name = "tags" url = "/tags" ``` To enable disqus comments add `disqusShortname` to your `config.toml`. You can turn off disqus comments per page by adding `nocomments = true` to the front matter. ## License Sky is licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE)