baseURL = "" languageCode = "en-us" title = "Hugo sky theme" theme = "sky" disqusShortname = "your_disqus_shortname" [menu] [[menu.header]] name = "blog" weight = 0 url = "/blog" [[menu.header]] name = "about" weight = 0 url = "/about" [params] GithubID = "your_github" TwitterID = "your_twitter" LinkedInID = "your_linkedin" GoogleplusID = "your_googleplus" FacebookID = "your_facebook" TelegramID = "your_telegram" SlackURL = "your_slack_invite_url" Name = "Hugo" Email = "your_email" tagline = "Full Stack Developer" about = "Hi this is my website. I am a developer, writer and family man. I like developing websites using Hugo, sports, nature, photography and travel. On this websites you can expect my projects and blog posts about everything I love. Enjoy!" ProfilePicture = "/profile.jpg"