/* An external file is a file, which is dumped with help a plugin */ #include #include "imgset.h" #include "files.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "protobuf.h" #include "images/ext-file.pb-c.h" static int dump_one_ext_file(int lfd, u32 id, const struct fd_parms *p) { int ret; struct cr_img *rimg; FileEntry fe = FILE_ENTRY__INIT; ExtFileEntry xfe = EXT_FILE_ENTRY__INIT; ret = run_plugins(DUMP_EXT_FILE, lfd, id); if (ret < 0) return ret; xfe.id = id; xfe.fown = (FownEntry *)&p->fown; fe.type = FD_TYPES__EXT; fe.id = xfe.id; fe.ext = &xfe; rimg = img_from_set(glob_imgset, CR_FD_FILES); return pb_write_one(rimg, &fe, PB_FILE); } const struct fdtype_ops ext_dump_ops = { .type = FD_TYPES__EXT, .dump = dump_one_ext_file, }; struct ext_file_info { struct file_desc d; ExtFileEntry *xfe; }; static int open_fd(struct file_desc *d, int *new_fd) { struct ext_file_info *xfi; int fd; xfi = container_of(d, struct ext_file_info, d); fd = run_plugins(RESTORE_EXT_FILE, xfi->xfe->id); if (fd < 0) { pr_err("Unable to restore %#x\n", xfi->xfe->id); return -1; } if (restore_fown(fd, xfi->xfe->fown)) return -1; *new_fd = fd; return 0; } static struct file_desc_ops ext_desc_ops = { .type = FD_TYPES__EXT, .open = open_fd, }; static int collect_one_ext(void *o, ProtobufCMessage *base, struct cr_img *i) { struct ext_file_info *xfi = o; xfi->xfe = pb_msg(base, ExtFileEntry); pr_info("Collected external file with ID %#x\n", xfi->xfe->id); return file_desc_add(&xfi->d, xfi->xfe->id, &ext_desc_ops); } struct collect_image_info ext_file_cinfo = { .fd_type = CR_FD_EXT_FILES, .pb_type = PB_EXT_FILE, .priv_size = sizeof(struct ext_file_info), .collect = collect_one_ext, }; int dump_unsupp_fd(struct fd_parms *p, int lfd, char *more, char *info, FdinfoEntry *e) { int ret; ret = do_dump_gen_file(p, lfd, &ext_dump_ops, e); if (ret == 0) return 0; if (ret == -ENOTSUP) pr_err("Can't dump file %d of that type [%o] (%s %s)\n", p->fd, p->stat.st_mode, more, info); return -1; }