bers(8) ======= :doctype: manpage :man source: bers :man version: 0.0.1 :man manual: bers manual NAME ---- bers - go berserk and eat computer resources SYNOPSIS -------- *bers* ['options'] DESCRIPTION ----------- *bers* is a command line utility aimed to eat resources of the computer it runs on. Idea behind is to create a number of tasks which would trash computer resources eating cpu and i/o time. OPTIONS ------- *-t*, *--tasks* 'num':: Create 'num' number of forks. *-d*, *--dir* 'dir':: Path to 'dir' directory where temporary files will be created to load I/O subsystem. *-f*, *--files* 'num':: Create 'num' files in each task. *-m*, *--memory* 'num':: Allocate 'num' megabytes of memory for every task. *--mem-chunks* 'num':: Allocate memory for each task not as one slab but split it into 'num' equal parts. *--mem-fill* 'mode':: Touch (write) into allocated memory once task is created. The 'mode' might be one of the following: 'all' -- write every single byte of the memory, 'light' -- write into first bytes of first page of the allocated memory chunk, 'dirtify' -- write into every page of every allocated chunk. *--mem-cycle* 'mode':: Same as *--mem-fill*, but 'mode' taken into account while task is cycling. By default each cycle initiated per one second. *--refresh* 'second':: Refresh load state of every task each 'second'. By refsresh here means to dirtify memory and file contents. *--file-size* 'bytes':: Write 'bytes' of data into each file on every refresh cycle. EXAMPLE ------- bers -d test/bers/dump -t 256 -m 54 -c 4 -f 200 --mem-fill dirtify --mem-cycle dirtify We generate 256 tasks wit each allocating 54 megabytes of memory splitted equally into 4 memory areas. Each task opens 200 files. On creation and cycling we touch every page of every memory area. AUTHOR ------ OpenVZ team. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright \(C) 2014, Parallels Inc.