#!/usr/bin/python import sys import rpc_pb2 as rpc from setup_swrk import setup_swrk print('Connecting to CRIU in swrk mode to check the version:') swrk, s1 = setup_swrk() # Create criu msg, set it's type to dump request # and set dump options. Checkout more options in protobuf/rpc.proto req = rpc.criu_req() req.type = rpc.VERSION # Send request s1.send(req.SerializeToString()) # Recv response resp = rpc.criu_resp() MAX_MSG_SIZE = 1024 resp.ParseFromString(s1.recv(MAX_MSG_SIZE)) if resp.type != rpc.VERSION: print('RPC: Unexpected msg type') sys.exit(-1) else: if resp.success: print('RPC: Success') print('CRIU major %d' % resp.version.major_number) print('CRIU minor %d' % resp.version.minor_number) if resp.version.HasField('gitid'): print('CRIU gitid %s' % resp.version.gitid) if resp.version.HasField('sublevel'): print('CRIU sublevel %s' % resp.version.sublevel) if resp.version.HasField('extra'): print('CRIU extra %s' % resp.version.extra) if resp.version.HasField('name'): print('CRIU name %s' % resp.version.name) else: print('Fail') sys.exit(-1)