#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import ( absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals ) import argparse import atexit import datetime import errno import fcntl import glob import linecache import mmap import os import random import re import shutil import signal import socket import stat import string import struct import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time import uuid from builtins import input, int, open, range, str, zip import yaml import pycriu as crpc from zdtm.criu_config import criu_config # File to store content of streamed images STREAMED_IMG_FILE_NAME = "img.criu" prev_line = None uuid = uuid.uuid4() NON_ROOT_UID = 65534 def alarm(*args): print("==== ALARM ====") def traceit(f, e, a): if e == "line": lineno = f.f_lineno fil = f.f_globals["__file__"] if fil.endswith("zdtm.py"): global prev_line line = linecache.getline(fil, lineno) if line == prev_line: print(" ...") else: prev_line = line print("+%4d: %s" % (lineno, line.rstrip())) return traceit # Root dir for ns and uns flavors. All tests # sit in the same dir tests_root = None def clean_tests_root(): global tests_root if tests_root and tests_root[0] == os.getpid(): os.rmdir(os.path.join(tests_root[1], "root")) os.rmdir(tests_root[1]) def make_tests_root(): global tests_root if not tests_root: tests_root = (os.getpid(), tempfile.mkdtemp("", "criu-root-", "/tmp")) atexit.register(clean_tests_root) os.mkdir(os.path.join(tests_root[1], "root")) os.chmod(tests_root[1], 0o777) return os.path.join(tests_root[1], "root") # Report generation report_dir = None def init_report(path): global report_dir report_dir = path if not os.access(report_dir, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(report_dir) def add_to_report(path, tgt_name): global report_dir if report_dir: tgt_path = os.path.join(report_dir, tgt_name) att = 0 while os.access(tgt_path, os.F_OK): tgt_path = os.path.join(report_dir, tgt_name + ".%d" % att) att += 1 ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns('*.socket') if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.copytree(path, tgt_path, ignore=ignore) else: if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tgt_path)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(tgt_path)) shutil.copy2(path, tgt_path) def add_to_output(path): global report_dir if not report_dir: return output_path = os.path.join(report_dir, "output") with open(path, "r") as fdi, open(output_path, "a") as fdo: for line in fdi: fdo.write(line) prev_crash_reports = set(glob.glob("/tmp/zdtm-core-*.txt")) def check_core_files(): reports = set(glob.glob("/tmp/zdtm-core-*.txt")) - prev_crash_reports if not reports: return False while subprocess.Popen(r"ps axf | grep 'abrt\.sh'", shell=True).wait() == 0: time.sleep(1) for i in reports: add_to_report(i, os.path.basename(i)) print_sep(i) with open(i, "r") as report: print(report.read()) print_sep(i) return True # Arch we run on arch = os.uname()[4] # # Flavors # h -- host, test is run in the same set of namespaces as criu # ns -- namespaces, test is run in itw own set of namespaces # uns -- user namespace, the same as above plus user namespace # class host_flavor: def __init__(self, opts): self.name = "host" self.ns = False self.root = None def init(self, l_bins, x_bins): pass def fini(self): pass @staticmethod def clean(): pass class ns_flavor: __root_dirs = [ "/bin", "/sbin", "/etc", "/lib", "/lib64", "/dev", "/dev/pts", "/dev/net", "/tmp", "/usr", "/proc", "/run" ] def __init__(self, opts): self.name = "ns" self.ns = True self.uns = False self.root = make_tests_root() self.root_mounted = False def __copy_one(self, fname): tfname = self.root + fname if not os.access(tfname, os.F_OK): # Copying should be atomic as tests can be # run in parallel try: os.makedirs(self.root + os.path.dirname(fname)) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise dst = tempfile.mktemp(".tso", "", self.root + os.path.dirname(fname)) shutil.copy2(fname, dst) os.rename(dst, tfname) def __copy_libs(self, binary): ldd = subprocess.Popen(["ldd", binary], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, _ = ldd.communicate() xl = re.compile( r'^(linux-gate.so|linux-vdso(64)?.so|not a dynamic|.*\s*ldd\s)') # This Mayakovsky-style code gets list of libraries a binary # needs minus vdso and gate .so-s libs = map( lambda x: x[1] == '=>' and x[2] or x[0], map( lambda x: str(x).split(), filter( lambda x: not xl.match(x), map( lambda x: str(x).strip(), filter(lambda x: str(x).startswith('\t'), stdout.decode( 'ascii').splitlines()))))) for lib in libs: if not os.access(lib, os.F_OK): raise test_fail_exc("Can't find lib %s required by %s" % (lib, binary)) self.__copy_one(lib) def __mknod(self, name, rdev=None): name = "/dev/" + name if not rdev: if not os.access(name, os.F_OK): print("Skipping %s at root" % name) return else: rdev = os.stat(name).st_rdev name = self.root + name os.mknod(name, stat.S_IFCHR, rdev) os.chmod(name, 0o666) def __construct_root(self): for dir in self.__root_dirs: os.mkdir(self.root + dir) os.chmod(self.root + dir, 0o777) for ldir in ["/bin", "/sbin", "/lib", "/lib64"]: os.symlink(".." + ldir, self.root + "/usr" + ldir) self.__mknod("tty", os.makedev(5, 0)) self.__mknod("null", os.makedev(1, 3)) self.__mknod("net/tun") self.__mknod("rtc") self.__mknod("autofs", os.makedev(10, 235)) def __copy_deps(self, deps): for d in deps.split('|'): if os.access(d, os.F_OK): self.__copy_one(d) self.__copy_libs(d) return raise test_fail_exc("Deps check %s failed" % deps) def init(self, l_bins, x_bins): subprocess.check_call( ["mount", "--make-private", "--bind", ".", self.root]) self.root_mounted = True if not os.access(self.root + "/.constructed", os.F_OK): with open(os.path.abspath(__file__)) as o: fcntl.flock(o, fcntl.LOCK_EX) if not os.access(self.root + "/.constructed", os.F_OK): print("Construct root for %s" % l_bins[0]) self.__construct_root() os.mknod(self.root + "/.constructed", stat.S_IFREG | 0o600) for b in l_bins: self.__copy_libs(b) for b in x_bins: self.__copy_deps(b) def fini(self): if self.root_mounted: subprocess.check_call(["./umount2", self.root]) self.root_mounted = False @staticmethod def clean(): for d in ns_flavor.__root_dirs: p = './' + d print('Remove %s' % p) if os.access(p, os.F_OK): shutil.rmtree('./' + d) if os.access('./.constructed', os.F_OK): os.unlink('./.constructed') class userns_flavor(ns_flavor): def __init__(self, opts): ns_flavor.__init__(self, opts) self.name = "userns" self.uns = True def init(self, l_bins, x_bins): # To be able to create roots_yard in CRIU os.chmod(".", os.stat(".").st_mode | 0o077) ns_flavor.init(self, l_bins, x_bins) @staticmethod def clean(): pass flavors = {'h': host_flavor, 'ns': ns_flavor, 'uns': userns_flavor} flavors_codes = dict(zip(range(len(flavors)), sorted(flavors.keys()))) # # Helpers # def encode_flav(f): return sorted(flavors.keys()).index(f) + 128 def decode_flav(i): return flavors_codes.get(i - 128, "unknown") def tail(path): p = subprocess.Popen(['tail', '-n1', path], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = p.communicate() return out.decode() def rpidfile(path): with open(path) as fd: return fd.readline().strip() def wait_pid_die(pid, who, tmo=30): stime = 0.1 while stime < tmo: try: os.kill(int(pid), 0) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ESRCH: print(e) break print("Wait for %s(%d) to die for %f" % (who, pid, stime)) time.sleep(stime) stime *= 2 else: subprocess.Popen(["ps", "-p", str(pid)]).wait() subprocess.Popen(["ps", "axf", str(pid)]).wait() raise test_fail_exc("%s die" % who) def test_flag(tdesc, flag): return flag in tdesc.get('flags', '').split() # # Exception thrown when something inside the test goes wrong, # e.g. test doesn't start, criu returns with non zero code or # test checks fail # class test_fail_exc(Exception): def __init__(self, step): self.step = step def __str__(self): return str(self.step) class test_fail_expected_exc(Exception): def __init__(self, cr_action): self.cr_action = cr_action # # A test from zdtm/ directory. # class zdtm_test: def __init__(self, name, desc, flavor, freezer, rootless): self.__name = name self.__desc = desc self.__freezer = None self.__rootless = rootless self.__make_action('cleanout') self.__pid = 0 self.__flavor = flavor self.__freezer = freezer self._bins = [name] self._env = {} self._deps = desc.get('deps', []) self.auto_reap = True self.__timeout = int(self.__desc.get('timeout') or 30) def __make_action(self, act, env=None, root=None): sys.stdout.flush() # Not to let make's messages appear before ours tpath = self.__name + '.' + act s_args = [ 'make', '--no-print-directory', '-C', os.path.dirname(tpath), os.path.basename(tpath) ] if env: env = dict(os.environ, **env) s = subprocess.Popen( s_args, env=env, cwd=root, close_fds=True, preexec_fn=self.__freezer and self.__freezer.attach or None) if act == "pid": try_run_hook(self, ["--post-start"]) if s.wait(): raise test_fail_exc(str(s_args)) if self.__freezer: self.__freezer.freeze() def __pidfile(self): return self.__name + '.pid' def __wait_task_die(self): wait_pid_die(int(self.__pid), self.__name, self.__timeout) def __add_wperms(self): if os.getuid() != 0: return # Add write perms for .out and .pid files for b in self._bins: p = os.path.dirname(b) os.chmod(p, os.stat(p).st_mode | 0o222) def start(self): self.__flavor.init(self._bins, self._deps) print("Start test") env = self._env if not self.__freezer.kernel: env['ZDTM_THREAD_BOMB'] = "5" if test_flag(self.__desc, 'pre-dump-notify'): env['ZDTM_NOTIFY_FDIN'] = "100" env['ZDTM_NOTIFY_FDOUT'] = "101" if self.__rootless: env['ZDTM_ROOTLESS'] = "1" if not test_flag(self.__desc, 'suid'): # Numbers should match those in criu env['ZDTM_UID'] = "18943" env['ZDTM_GID'] = "58467" env['ZDTM_GROUPS'] = "27495 48244" self.__add_wperms() else: print("Test is SUID") if self.__flavor.ns: env['ZDTM_NEWNS'] = "1" env['ZDTM_ROOT'] = self.__flavor.root env['PATH'] = "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" if self.__flavor.uns: env['ZDTM_USERNS'] = "1" self.__add_wperms() if os.getenv("GCOV"): criu_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) criu_dir_r = "%s%s" % (self.__flavor.root, criu_dir) env['ZDTM_CRIU'] = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) subprocess.check_call(["mkdir", "-p", criu_dir_r]) self.__make_action('pid', env, self.__flavor.root) try: os.kill(int(self.getpid()), 0) except Exception as e: raise test_fail_exc("start: %s" % e) if not self.static(): # Wait less than a second to give the test chance to # move into some semi-random state time.sleep(random.random()) if self.__flavor.ns: # In the case of runc the path specified with the opts.root # option is created in /run/runc/ which is inaccessible to # unprivileged users. The permissions here are set to test # this use case. os.chmod(os.path.dirname(self.__flavor.root), 0o700) def kill(self, sig=signal.SIGKILL): self.__freezer.thaw() if self.__pid: print("Send the %d signal to %s" % (sig, self.__pid)) os.kill(int(self.__pid), sig) self.gone(sig == signal.SIGKILL) self.__flavor.fini() def pre_dump_notify(self): env = self._env if 'ZDTM_NOTIFY_FDIN' not in env: return if self.__pid == 0: self.getpid() notify_fdout_path = "/proc/%s/fd/%s" % (self.__pid, env['ZDTM_NOTIFY_FDOUT']) notify_fdin_path = "/proc/%s/fd/%s" % (self.__pid, env['ZDTM_NOTIFY_FDIN']) print("Send pre-dump notify to %s" % (self.__pid)) with open(notify_fdout_path, "rb") as fdout: with open(notify_fdin_path, "wb") as fdin: fdin.write(struct.pack("i", 0)) fdin.flush() print("Wait pre-dump notify reply") ret = struct.unpack('i', fdout.read(4)) print("Completed pre-dump notify with %d" % (ret)) def stop(self): self.__freezer.thaw() self.getpid() # Read the pid from pidfile back self.kill(signal.SIGTERM) res = tail(self.__name + '.out') if 'PASS' not in list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), res.split())): if os.access(self.__name + '.out.inprogress', os.F_OK): print_sep(self.__name + '.out.inprogress') with open(self.__name + '.out.inprogress') as fd: print(fd.read()) print_sep(self.__name + '.out.inprogress') raise test_fail_exc("result check") def getpid(self): if self.__pid == 0: self.__pid = rpidfile(self.__pidfile()) return self.__pid def getname(self): return self.__name def __getcropts(self): opts = self.__desc.get('opts', '').split() + [ "--pidfile", os.path.realpath(self.__pidfile()) ] if self.__flavor.ns: opts += ["--root", self.__flavor.root] if test_flag(self.__desc, 'crlib'): opts += [ "--libdir", os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(self.__name)) + '/lib' ] return opts def getdopts(self): return self.__getcropts() + self.__freezer.getdopts( ) + self.__desc.get('dopts', '').split() def getropts(self): return self.__getcropts() + self.__freezer.getropts( ) + self.__desc.get('ropts', '').split() def unlink_pidfile(self): self.__pid = 0 os.unlink(self.__pidfile()) def gone(self, force=True): if not self.auto_reap: pid, status = os.waitpid(int(self.__pid), 0) if pid != int(self.__pid): raise test_fail_exc("kill pid mess") self.__wait_task_die() self.__pid = 0 if force: os.unlink(self.__pidfile()) def print_output(self): for postfix in ['.out', '.out.inprogress']: if os.access(self.__name + postfix, os.R_OK): print("Test output: " + "=" * 32) with open(self.__name + postfix) as output: print(output.read()) print(" <<< " + "=" * 32) def static(self): return self.__name.split('/')[1] == 'static' def ns(self): return self.__flavor.ns def blocking(self): return test_flag(self.__desc, 'crfail') @staticmethod def available(): if not os.access("umount2", os.X_OK): subprocess.check_call( ["make", "umount2"], env=dict(os.environ, MAKEFLAGS="")) if not os.access("zdtm_ct", os.X_OK): subprocess.check_call( ["make", "zdtm_ct"], env=dict(os.environ, MAKEFLAGS="")) if not os.access("zdtm/lib/libzdtmtst.a", os.F_OK): subprocess.check_call(["make", "-C", "zdtm/"]) if opts['rootless']: return subprocess.check_call( ["flock", "zdtm_mount_cgroups.lock", "./zdtm_mount_cgroups", str(uuid)]) @staticmethod def cleanup(): if opts['rootless']: return subprocess.check_call( ["flock", "zdtm_mount_cgroups.lock", "./zdtm_umount_cgroups", str(uuid)]) def load_module_from_file(name, path): if sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5: import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) else: import imp mod = imp.load_source(name, path) return mod class inhfd_test: def __init__(self, name, desc, flavor, freezer, rootless): if rootless: raise test_fail_exc("This kind of test does not currently support rootless mode") self.__name = os.path.basename(name) print("Load %s" % name) self.__fdtyp = load_module_from_file(self.__name, name) self.__peer_pid = 0 self.__files = None self.__peer_file_names = [] self.__dump_opts = [] self.__messages = {} def __get_message(self, i): m = self.__messages.get(i, None) if not m: m = b"".join([ random.choice(string.ascii_letters).encode() for _ in range(10) ]) + b"%06d" % i self.__messages[i] = m return m def start(self): self.__files = self.__fdtyp.create_fds() # Check FDs returned for inter-connection i = 0 for my_file, peer_file in self.__files: msg = self.__get_message(i) my_file.write(msg) my_file.flush() data = peer_file.read(len(msg)) if data != msg: raise test_fail_exc("FDs screwup: %r %r" % (msg, data)) i += 1 start_pipe = os.pipe() self.__peer_pid = os.fork() if self.__peer_pid == 0: os.setsid() for _, peer_file in self.__files: getattr(self.__fdtyp, "child_prep", lambda fd: None)(peer_file) try: os.unlink(self.__name + ".out") except Exception as e: print(e) fd = os.open(self.__name + ".out", os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT) os.dup2(fd, 1) os.dup2(fd, 2) os.close(fd) fd = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDONLY) os.dup2(fd, 0) for my_file, _ in self.__files: my_file.close() os.close(start_pipe[0]) os.close(start_pipe[1]) i = 0 for _, peer_file in self.__files: msg = self.__get_message(i) try: # File pairs naturally block on read() until the write() # happen (or the writer is closed). This is not the case for # regular files, so we loop. data = b'' while not data: # In python 2.7, peer_file.read() doesn't call the read # system call if it's read file to the end once. The # next seek allows to workaround this problem. data = os.read(peer_file.fileno(), 16) time.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: print("Unable to read a peer file: %s" % e) sys.exit(1) if data != msg: print("%r %r" % (data, msg)) i += 1 sys.exit(data == msg and 42 or 2) os.close(start_pipe[1]) os.read(start_pipe[0], 12) os.close(start_pipe[0]) for _, peer_file in self.__files: self.__peer_file_names.append(self.__fdtyp.filename(peer_file)) self.__dump_opts += self.__fdtyp.dump_opts(peer_file) self.__fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % self.__peer_pid)) def stop(self): fds = set(os.listdir("/proc/%s/fd" % self.__peer_pid)) if fds != self.__fds: raise test_fail_exc("File descriptors mismatch: %s %s" % (fds, self.__fds)) i = 0 for my_file, _ in self.__files: msg = self.__get_message(i) my_file.write(msg) my_file.flush() i += 1 pid, status = os.waitpid(self.__peer_pid, 0) with open(self.__name + ".out") as output: print(output.read()) self.__peer_pid = 0 if not os.WIFEXITED(status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 42: raise test_fail_exc("test failed with %d" % status) def kill(self): if self.__peer_pid: os.kill(self.__peer_pid, signal.SIGKILL) def getname(self): return self.__name def getpid(self): return "%s" % self.__peer_pid def gone(self, force=True): os.waitpid(self.__peer_pid, 0) wait_pid_die(self.__peer_pid, self.__name) self.__files = None def getdopts(self): return self.__dump_opts def getropts(self): self.__files = self.__fdtyp.create_fds() ropts = ["--restore-sibling"] for i in range(len(self.__files)): my_file, peer_file = self.__files[i] fd = peer_file.fileno() fdflags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) & ~fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, fdflags) peer_file_name = self.__peer_file_names[i] ropts.extend(["--inherit-fd", "fd[%d]:%s" % (fd, peer_file_name)]) self.__peer_file_names = [] self.__dump_opts = [] for _, peer_file in self.__files: self.__peer_file_names.append(self.__fdtyp.filename(peer_file)) self.__dump_opts += self.__fdtyp.dump_opts(peer_file) return ropts def print_output(self): pass def static(self): return True def blocking(self): return False @staticmethod def available(): pass @staticmethod def cleanup(): pass class groups_test(zdtm_test): def __init__(self, name, desc, flavor, freezer, rootless): zdtm_test.__init__(self, 'zdtm/lib/groups', desc, flavor, freezer, rootless) if flavor.ns: self.__real_name = name with open(name) as fd: self.__subs = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), fd.readlines())) print("Subs:\n%s" % '\n'.join(self.__subs)) else: self.__real_name = '' self.__subs = [] self._bins += self.__subs self._deps += get_test_desc('zdtm/lib/groups')['deps'] self._env = {'ZDTM_TESTS': self.__real_name} def __get_start_cmd(self, name): tdir = os.path.dirname(name) tname = os.path.basename(name) s_args = ['make', '--no-print-directory', '-C', tdir] subprocess.check_call(s_args + [tname + '.cleanout']) s = subprocess.Popen(s_args + ['--dry-run', tname + '.pid'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) out, _ = s.communicate() cmd = out.decode().splitlines()[-1].strip() return 'cd /' + tdir + ' && ' + cmd def start(self): if (self.__subs): with open(self.__real_name + '.start', 'w') as f: for test in self.__subs: cmd = self.__get_start_cmd(test) f.write(cmd + '\n') with open(self.__real_name + '.stop', 'w') as f: for test in self.__subs: f.write('kill -TERM `cat /%s.pid`\n' % test) zdtm_test.start(self) def stop(self): zdtm_test.stop(self) for test in self.__subs: res = tail(test + '.out') if 'PASS' not in res.split(): raise test_fail_exc("sub %s result check" % test) test_classes = {'zdtm': zdtm_test, 'inhfd': inhfd_test, 'groups': groups_test} # # CRIU when launched using CLI # join_ns_file = '/run/netns/zdtm_netns' class criu_cli: @staticmethod def run(action, args, criu_bin, fault=None, strace=[], preexec=None, nowait=False): env = dict( os.environ, ASAN_OPTIONS="log_path=asan.log:disable_coredump=0:detect_leaks=0") if fault: print("Forcing %s fault" % fault) env['CRIU_FAULT'] = fault cr = subprocess.Popen(strace + [criu_bin, action, "--no-default-config"] + args, env=env, close_fds=False, preexec_fn=preexec) if nowait: return cr return cr.wait() class criu_rpc_process: def wait(self): return self.criu.wait_pid(self.pid) def terminate(self): os.kill(self.pid, signal.SIGTERM) class criu_rpc: pidfd_store_socket = None @staticmethod def __set_opts(criu, args, ctx): while len(args) != 0: arg = args.pop(0) if "--verbosity=4" == arg: criu.opts.log_level = 4 elif "--log-file" == arg: criu.opts.log_file = args.pop(0) elif "--images-dir" == arg: criu.opts.images_dir_fd = os.open(args.pop(0), os.O_DIRECTORY) ctx['imgd'] = criu.opts.images_dir_fd elif "--tree" == arg: criu.opts.pid = int(args.pop(0)) elif "--pidfile" == arg: ctx['pidf'] = args.pop(0) elif "--timeout" == arg: criu.opts.timeout = int(args.pop(0)) elif "--restore-detached" == arg: ctx['rd'] = True # Set by service by default elif "--root" == arg: criu.opts.root = args.pop(0) elif "--external" == arg: criu.opts.external.append(args.pop(0)) elif "--status-fd" == arg: fd = int(args.pop(0)) os.write(fd, b"\0") fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) elif "--port" == arg: criu.opts.ps.port = int(args.pop(0)) elif "--address" == arg: criu.opts.ps.address = args.pop(0) elif "--page-server" == arg: continue elif "--prev-images-dir" == arg: criu.opts.parent_img = args.pop(0) elif "--pre-dump-mode" == arg: key = args.pop(0) mode = crpc.rpc.VM_READ if key == "splice": mode = crpc.rpc.SPLICE criu.opts.pre_dump_mode = mode elif "--track-mem" == arg: criu.opts.track_mem = True elif "--tcp-established" == arg: criu.opts.tcp_established = True elif "--restore-sibling" == arg: criu.opts.rst_sibling = True elif "--inherit-fd" == arg: inhfd = criu.opts.inherit_fd.add() key = args.pop(0) fd, key = key.split(":", 1) inhfd.fd = int(fd[3:-1]) inhfd.key = key elif "--pidfd-store" == arg: if criu_rpc.pidfd_store_socket is None: criu_rpc.pidfd_store_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) criu.opts.pidfd_store_sk = criu_rpc.pidfd_store_socket.fileno() elif "--mntns-compat-mode" == arg: criu.opts.mntns_compat_mode = True else: raise test_fail_exc('RPC for %s(%s) required' % (arg, args.pop(0))) @staticmethod def run(action, args, criu_bin, fault=None, strace=[], preexec=None, nowait=False): if fault: raise test_fail_exc('RPC and FAULT not supported') if strace: raise test_fail_exc('RPC and SAT not supported') if preexec: raise test_fail_exc('RPC and PREEXEC not supported') ctx = {} # Object used to keep info until action is done criu = crpc.criu() criu.use_binary(criu_bin) criu_rpc.__set_opts(criu, args, ctx) p = None try: if action == 'dump': criu.dump() elif action == 'pre-dump': criu.pre_dump() elif action == 'restore': if 'rd' not in ctx: raise test_fail_exc( 'RPC Non-detached restore is impossible') res = criu.restore() pidf = ctx.get('pidf') if pidf: with open(pidf, 'w') as fd: fd.write('%d\n' % res.pid) elif action == "page-server": res = criu.page_server_chld() p = criu_rpc_process() p.pid = res.pid p.criu = criu else: raise test_fail_exc('RPC for %s required' % action) except crpc.CRIUExceptionExternal as e: print("Fail", e) ret = -1 else: ret = 0 imgd = ctx.get('imgd') if imgd: os.close(imgd) if nowait and ret == 0: return p return ret class criu: def __init__(self, opts): self.__test = None self.__dump_path = None self.__iter = 0 self.__prev_dump_iter = None self.__page_server = bool(opts['page_server']) self.__remote_lazy_pages = bool(opts['remote_lazy_pages']) self.__lazy_pages = (self.__remote_lazy_pages or bool(opts['lazy_pages'])) self.__lazy_migrate = bool(opts['lazy_migrate']) self.__restore_sibling = bool(opts['sibling']) self.__join_ns = bool(opts['join_ns']) self.__empty_ns = bool(opts['empty_ns']) self.__fault = opts['fault'] self.__script = opts['script'] self.__sat = bool(opts['sat']) self.__dedup = bool(opts['dedup']) self.__mdedup = bool(opts['noauto_dedup']) self.__user = bool(opts['user']) self.__rootless = bool(opts['rootless']) self.__leave_stopped = bool(opts['stop']) self.__stream = bool(opts['stream']) self.__show_stats = bool(opts['show_stats']) self.__lazy_pages_p = None self.__page_server_p = None self.__dump_process = None self.__img_streamer_process = None self.__tls = self.__tls_options() if opts['tls'] else [] self.__criu_bin = opts['criu_bin'] self.__crit_bin = opts['crit_bin'] self.__pre_dump_mode = opts['pre_dump_mode'] self.__mntns_compat_mode = bool(opts['mntns_compat_mode']) if opts['rpc']: self.__criu = criu_rpc elif opts['criu_config']: self.__criu = criu_config else: self.__criu = criu_cli def fini(self): if self.__lazy_migrate: ret = self.__dump_process.wait() if self.__lazy_pages_p: ret = self.__lazy_pages_p.wait() grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "lazy-pages.log"), err=ret) self.__lazy_pages_p = None if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu lazy-pages exited with %s" % ret) if self.__page_server_p: ret = self.__page_server_p.wait() grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "page-server.log"), err=ret) self.__page_server_p = None if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu page-server exited with %s" % ret) if self.__dump_process: ret = self.__dump_process.wait() grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "dump.log"), err=ret) self.__dump_process = None if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu dump exited with %s" % ret) if self.__img_streamer_process: ret = self.wait_for_criu_image_streamer() if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu-image-streamer exited with %s" % ret) return def logs(self): return self.__dump_path def set_test(self, test): self.__test = test self.__dump_path = "dump/" + test.getname() + "/" + test.getpid() if os.path.exists(self.__dump_path): for i in range(100): newpath = self.__dump_path + "." + str(i) if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.rename(self.__dump_path, newpath) break else: raise test_fail_exc("couldn't find dump dir %s" % self.__dump_path) os.makedirs(self.__dump_path) def cleanup(self): if self.__dump_path: print("Removing %s" % self.__dump_path) shutil.rmtree(self.__dump_path) def __tls_options(self): pki_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/pki" return [ "--tls", "--tls-no-cn-verify", "--tls-key", pki_dir + "/key.pem", "--tls-cert", pki_dir + "/cert.pem", "--tls-cacert", pki_dir + "/cacert.pem" ] def __ddir(self): return os.path.join(self.__dump_path, "%d" % self.__iter) def set_user_id(self): # Numbers should match those in zdtm_test os.setresgid(58467, 58467, 58467) os.setresuid(18943, 18943, 18943) def __criu_act(self, action, opts=[], log=None, nowait=False): if not log: log = action + ".log" s_args = ["--log-file", log, "--images-dir", self.__ddir(), "--verbosity=4"] + opts with open(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), action + '.cropt'), 'w') as f: f.write(' '.join(s_args) + '\n') print("Run criu " + action) if self.__rootless: s_args += ["--unprivileged"] strace = [] if self.__sat: fname = os.path.join(self.__ddir(), action + '.strace') print_fname(fname, 'strace') strace = ["strace", "-o", fname, '-T'] if action == 'restore': strace += ['-f'] s_args += [ '--action-script', os.getcwd() + '/../scripts/fake-restore.sh' ] if self.__script: s_args += ['--action-script', self.__script] if action == "restore": preexec = None else: if os.getuid(): preexec = None else: preexec = self.__user and self.set_user_id or None __ddir = self.__ddir() status_fds = None if nowait: status_fds = os.pipe() fd = status_fds[1] fdflags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, fdflags & ~fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) s_args += ["--status-fd", str(fd)] with open("/proc/sys/kernel/ns_last_pid") as ns_last_pid_fd: ns_last_pid = ns_last_pid_fd.read() ret = self.__criu.run(action, s_args, self.__criu_bin, self.__fault, strace, preexec, nowait) if nowait: os.close(status_fds[1]) if os.read(status_fds[0], 1) != b'\0': ret = ret.wait() if self.__test.blocking(): raise test_fail_expected_exc(action) else: raise test_fail_exc("criu %s exited with %s" % (action, ret)) os.close(status_fds[0]) return ret grep_errors(os.path.join(__ddir, log)) if ret != 0: if self.__fault and int(self.__fault) < 128: try_run_hook(self.__test, ["--fault", action]) if action == "dump": # create a clean directory for images os.rename(__ddir, __ddir + ".fail") os.mkdir(__ddir) os.chmod(__ddir, 0o777) else: # on restore we move only a log file, because we need images os.rename(os.path.join(__ddir, log), os.path.join(__ddir, log + ".fail")) # restore ns_last_pid to avoid a case when criu gets # PID of one of restored processes. with open("/proc/sys/kernel/ns_last_pid", "w+") as fd: fd.write(ns_last_pid) # try again without faults print("Run criu " + action) ret = self.__criu.run(action, s_args, self.__criu_bin, False, strace, preexec) grep_errors(os.path.join(__ddir, log)) if ret == 0: return rst_succeeded = os.access( os.path.join(__ddir, "restore-succeeded"), os.F_OK) if self.__test.blocking() or (self.__sat and action == 'restore' and rst_succeeded): raise test_fail_expected_exc(action) else: raise test_fail_exc("CRIU %s" % action) def __stats_file(self, action): return os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "stats-%s" % action) def show_stats(self, action): if not self.__show_stats: return subprocess.Popen([self.__crit_bin, "show", self.__stats_file(action)]).wait() def check_pages_counts(self): if not os.access(self.__stats_file("dump"), os.R_OK): return stats_written = -1 with open(self.__stats_file("dump"), 'rb') as stfile: stats = crpc.images.load(stfile) stent = stats['entries'][0]['dump'] stats_written = int(stent['shpages_written']) + int( stent['pages_written']) if self.__stream: self.spawn_criu_image_streamer("extract") ret = self.wait_for_criu_image_streamer() if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu-image-streamer (extract) exited with %s" % ret) real_written = 0 for f in os.listdir(self.__ddir()): if f.startswith('pages-'): real_written += os.path.getsize(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), f)) if self.__stream: # make sure the extracted image is not usable. os.unlink(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "inventory.img")) r_pages = real_written / mmap.PAGESIZE r_off = real_written % mmap.PAGESIZE if (stats_written != r_pages) or (r_off != 0): print("ERROR: bad page counts, stats = %d real = %d(%d)" % (stats_written, r_pages, r_off)) raise test_fail_exc("page counts mismatch") # action can be "capture", "extract", or "serve" def spawn_criu_image_streamer(self, action): print("Run criu-image-streamer in {} mode".format(action)) progress_r, progress_w = os.pipe() # We fcntl() on both file descriptors due to some potential differences # with python2 and python3. fcntl.fcntl(progress_r, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) fcntl.fcntl(progress_w, fcntl.F_SETFD, 0) # We use cat because the streamer requires to work with pipes. if action == 'capture': cmd = ["criu-image-streamer", "--images-dir '{images_dir}'", "--progress-fd {progress_fd}", action, "| cat > {img_file}"] else: cmd = ["cat {img_file} |", "criu-image-streamer", "--images-dir '{images_dir}'", "--progress-fd {progress_fd}", action] log = open(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "img-streamer.log"), "w") # * As we are using a shell pipe command, we want to use pipefail. # Otherwise, failures stay unnoticed. For this, we use bash as sh # doesn't support that feature. # * We use close_fds=False because we want the child to inherit the progress pipe p = subprocess.Popen(["bash", "-c", "set -o pipefail; " + " ".join(cmd).format( progress_fd=progress_w, images_dir=self.__ddir(), img_file=os.path.join(self.__ddir(), STREAMED_IMG_FILE_NAME) )], stderr=log, close_fds=False) log.close() os.close(progress_w) progress = os.fdopen(progress_r, "r") if action == 'serve' or action == 'extract': # Consume image statistics progress.readline() if action == 'capture' or action == 'serve': # The streamer socket is ready for consumption once we receive the # socket-init message. if progress.readline().strip() != "socket-init": p.kill() raise test_fail_exc( "criu-image-streamer is not starting (exit_code=%d)" % p.wait()) progress.close() self.__img_streamer_process = p def wait_for_criu_image_streamer(self): ret = self.__img_streamer_process.wait() grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "img-streamer.log")) self.__img_streamer_process = None return ret def dump(self, action, opts=[]): self.__iter += 1 os.mkdir(self.__ddir()) os.chmod(self.__ddir(), 0o777) a_opts = ["--tree", self.__test.getpid()] if self.__prev_dump_iter: a_opts += [ "--prev-images-dir", "../%d" % self.__prev_dump_iter, "--track-mem" ] self.__prev_dump_iter = self.__iter if self.__page_server: print("Adding page server") ps_opts = ["--port", "12345"] + self.__tls if self.__dedup: ps_opts += ["--auto-dedup"] self.__page_server_p = self.__criu_act("page-server", opts=ps_opts, nowait=True) a_opts += [ "--page-server", "--address", "", "--port", "12345" ] + self.__tls a_opts += self.__test.getdopts() if self.__stream: self.spawn_criu_image_streamer("capture") a_opts += ["--stream"] if self.__dedup: a_opts += ["--auto-dedup"] a_opts += ["--timeout", "10"] criu_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) if os.getenv("GCOV"): a_opts.append('--external') a_opts.append('mnt[%s]:zdtm' % criu_dir) if self.__leave_stopped: a_opts += ['--leave-stopped'] if self.__empty_ns: a_opts += ['--empty-ns', 'net'] if self.__pre_dump_mode: a_opts += ["--pre-dump-mode", "%s" % self.__pre_dump_mode] nowait = False if self.__lazy_migrate and action == "dump": a_opts += ["--lazy-pages", "--port", "12345"] + self.__tls nowait = True self.__dump_process = self.__criu_act(action, opts=a_opts + opts, nowait=nowait) if self.__stream: ret = self.wait_for_criu_image_streamer() if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu-image-streamer (capture) exited with %d" % ret) if self.__mdedup and self.__iter > 1: self.__criu_act("dedup", opts=[]) self.show_stats("dump") self.check_pages_counts() if self.__leave_stopped: pstree_check_stopped(self.__test.getpid()) pstree_signal(self.__test.getpid(), signal.SIGKILL) if self.__page_server_p: ret = self.__page_server_p.wait() grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "page-server.log"), err=ret) self.__page_server_p = None if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu page-server exited with %d" % ret) def restore(self): r_opts = [] if self.__restore_sibling: r_opts = ["--restore-sibling"] self.__test.auto_reap = False r_opts += self.__test.getropts() if self.__join_ns: r_opts.append("--join-ns") r_opts.append("net:%s" % join_ns_file) if self.__empty_ns: r_opts += ['--empty-ns', 'net'] r_opts += ['--action-script', os.getcwd() + '/empty-netns-prep.sh'] if self.__stream: self.spawn_criu_image_streamer("serve") r_opts += ["--stream"] if self.__dedup: r_opts += ["--auto-dedup"] self.__prev_dump_iter = None criu_dir = os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()) if os.getenv("GCOV"): r_opts.append('--external') r_opts.append('mnt[zdtm]:%s' % criu_dir) if self.__lazy_pages or self.__lazy_migrate: lp_opts = [] if self.__remote_lazy_pages or self.__lazy_migrate: lp_opts += [ "--page-server", "--port", "12345", "--address", "" ] + self.__tls if self.__remote_lazy_pages: ps_opts = [ "--pidfile", "ps.pid", "--port", "12345", "--lazy-pages" ] + self.__tls self.__page_server_p = self.__criu_act("page-server", opts=ps_opts, nowait=True) self.__lazy_pages_p = self.__criu_act("lazy-pages", opts=lp_opts, nowait=True) r_opts += ["--lazy-pages"] if self.__mntns_compat_mode: r_opts = ['--mntns-compat-mode'] + r_opts if self.__leave_stopped: r_opts += ['--leave-stopped'] self.__criu_act("restore", opts=r_opts + ["--restore-detached"]) if self.__stream: ret = self.wait_for_criu_image_streamer() if ret: raise test_fail_exc("criu-image-streamer (serve) exited with %d" % ret) self.show_stats("restore") if self.__leave_stopped: pstree_check_stopped(self.__test.getpid()) pstree_signal(self.__test.getpid(), signal.SIGCONT) @staticmethod def check(feature): if feature == 'stream': try: p = subprocess.Popen(["criu-image-streamer", "--version"]) return p.wait() == 0 except Exception: return False args = ["--no-default-config", "-verbosity=0", "--feature", feature] if opts['rootless']: args += ["--unprivileged"] return criu_cli.run("check", args, opts['criu_bin']) == 0 @staticmethod def available(): if not os.access(opts['criu_bin'], os.X_OK): print("CRIU binary not found at %s" % opts['criu_bin']) sys.exit(1) def kill(self): if self.__lazy_pages_p: self.__lazy_pages_p.terminate() print("criu lazy-pages exited with %s" % self.__lazy_pages_p.wait()) grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "lazy-pages.log"), err=True) self.__lazy_pages_p = None if self.__page_server_p: self.__page_server_p.terminate() print("criu page-server exited with %s" % self.__page_server_p.wait()) grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "page-server.log"), err=True) self.__page_server_p = None if self.__dump_process: self.__dump_process.terminate() print("criu dump exited with %s" % self.__dump_process.wait()) grep_errors(os.path.join(self.__ddir(), "dump.log"), err=True) self.__dump_process = None if self.__img_streamer_process: self.__img_streamer_process.terminate() ret = self.wait_for_criu_image_streamer() print("criu-image-streamer exited with %s" % ret) def try_run_hook(test, args): hname = test.getname() + '.hook' if os.access(hname, os.X_OK): print("Running %s(%s)" % (hname, ', '.join(args))) hook = subprocess.Popen([hname] + args) if hook.wait() != 0: raise test_fail_exc("hook " + " ".join(args)) # # Step by step execution # do_sbs = False def init_sbs(): if sys.stdout.isatty(): global do_sbs do_sbs = True else: print("Can't do step-by-step in this runtime") def sbs(what): if do_sbs: input("Pause %s. Press Enter to continue." % what) # # Main testing entity -- dump (probably with pre-dumps) and restore # def iter_parm(opt, dflt): x = ((opt or str(dflt)) + ":0").split(':') return (range(0, int(x[0])), float(x[1])) def cr(cr_api, test, opts): if opts['nocr']: return cr_api.set_test(test) iters = iter_parm(opts['iters'], 1) for i in iters[0]: pre = iter_parm(opts['pre'], 0) for p in pre[0]: if opts['snaps']: sbs('before snap %d' % p) cr_api.dump("dump", opts=["--leave-running", "--track-mem"]) else: sbs('before pre-dump %d' % p) cr_api.dump("pre-dump") try_run_hook(test, ["--post-pre-dump"]) test.pre_dump_notify() time.sleep(pre[1]) sbs('before dump') os.environ["ZDTM_TEST_PID"] = str(test.getpid()) if opts['norst']: try_run_hook(test, ["--pre-dump"]) cr_api.dump("dump", opts=["--leave-running"]) else: try_run_hook(test, ["--pre-dump"]) cr_api.dump("dump") if not opts['lazy_migrate']: test.gone() else: test.unlink_pidfile() sbs('before restore') try_run_hook(test, ["--pre-restore"]) cr_api.restore() os.environ["ZDTM_TEST_PID"] = str(test.getpid()) os.environ["ZDTM_IMG_DIR"] = cr_api.logs() try_run_hook(test, ["--post-restore"]) sbs('after restore') time.sleep(iters[1]) # Additional checks that can be done outside of test process def get_visible_state(test): maps = {} files = {} mounts = {} if not getattr(test, "static", lambda: False)() or \ not getattr(test, "ns", lambda: False)(): return ({}, {}, {}) r = re.compile('^[0-9]+$') pids = filter(lambda p: r.match(p), os.listdir("/proc/%s/root/proc/" % test.getpid())) for pid in pids: files[pid] = set( os.listdir("/proc/%s/root/proc/%s/fd" % (test.getpid(), pid))) cmaps = [[0, 0, ""]] last = 0 mapsfd = open("/proc/%s/root/proc/%s/maps" % (test.getpid(), pid)) for mp in mapsfd: m = list(map(lambda x: int('0x' + x, 0), mp.split()[0].split('-'))) m.append(mp.split()[1]) f = "/proc/%s/root/proc/%s/map_files/%s" % (test.getpid(), pid, mp.split()[0]) if os.access(f, os.F_OK): st = os.lstat(f) m.append(oct(st.st_mode)) if cmaps[last][1] == m[0] and cmaps[last][2] == m[2]: cmaps[last][1] = m[1] else: cmaps.append(m) last += 1 mapsfd.close() maps[pid] = set( map(lambda x: '%x-%x %s' % (x[0], x[1], " ".join(x[2:])), cmaps)) cmounts = [] try: r = re.compile( r"^\S+\s\S+\s\S+\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s(\S+)\s[^-]*?(shared)?[^-]*?(master)?[^-]*?-" ) with open("/proc/%s/root/proc/%s/mountinfo" % (test.getpid(), pid)) as mountinfo: for m in mountinfo: cmounts.append(r.match(m).groups()) except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.EINVAL: raise e mounts[pid] = cmounts return files, maps, mounts def has_vsyscall(maps): vsyscall = u"ffffffffff600000-ffffffffff601000" for i in maps: if vsyscall in i: return i return None def check_visible_state(test, state, opts): new = get_visible_state(test) for pid in state[0].keys(): fnew = new[0][pid] fold = state[0][pid] if fnew != fold: print("%s: Old files lost: %s" % (pid, fold - fnew)) print("%s: New files appeared: %s" % (pid, fnew - fold)) raise test_fail_exc("fds compare") old_maps = state[1][pid] new_maps = new[1][pid] if os.getenv("COMPAT_TEST"): # the vsyscall vma isn't unmapped from x32 processes entry = has_vsyscall(new_maps) if entry and has_vsyscall(old_maps) is None: new_maps.remove(entry) if old_maps != new_maps: print("%s: Old maps lost: %s" % (pid, old_maps - new_maps)) print("%s: New maps appeared: %s" % (pid, new_maps - old_maps)) if not opts['fault']: # skip parasite blob raise test_fail_exc("maps compare") old_mounts = state[2][pid] new_mounts = new[2][pid] for i in range(len(old_mounts)): m = old_mounts.pop(0) if m in new_mounts: new_mounts.remove(m) else: old_mounts.append(m) if old_mounts or new_mounts: print("%s: Old mounts lost: %s" % (pid, old_mounts)) print("%s: New mounts appeared: %s" % (pid, new_mounts)) raise test_fail_exc("mounts compare") if '--link-remap' in test.getdopts(): import glob link_remap_list = glob.glob( os.path.dirname(test.getname()) + '/link_remap*') if link_remap_list: print("%s: link-remap files left: %s" % (test.getname(), link_remap_list)) raise test_fail_exc("link remaps left") class noop_freezer: def __init__(self): self.kernel = False def attach(self): pass def freeze(self): pass def thaw(self): pass def getdopts(self): return [] def getropts(self): return [] class cg_freezer2: def __init__(self, path, state): self.__path = '/sys/fs/cgroup/' + path self.__state = state self.kernel = True def attach(self): if not os.access(self.__path, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.__path) with open(self.__path + '/cgroup.procs', 'w') as f: f.write('0') def __set_state(self, state): with open(self.__path + '/cgroup.freeze', 'w') as f: f.write(state) def freeze(self): if self.__state.startswith('f'): self.__set_state('1') def thaw(self): if self.__state.startswith('f'): self.__set_state('0') def getdopts(self): return ['--freeze-cgroup', self.__path, '--manage-cgroups'] def getropts(self): return ['--manage-cgroups'] class cg_freezer: def __init__(self, path, state): self.__path = '/sys/fs/cgroup/freezer/' + path self.__state = state self.kernel = True def attach(self): if not os.access(self.__path, os.F_OK): os.makedirs(self.__path) with open(self.__path + '/tasks', 'w') as f: f.write('0') def __set_state(self, state): with open(self.__path + '/freezer.state', 'w') as f: f.write(state) def freeze(self): if self.__state.startswith('f'): self.__set_state('FROZEN') def thaw(self): if self.__state.startswith('f'): self.__set_state('THAWED') def getdopts(self): return ['--freeze-cgroup', self.__path, '--manage-cgroups'] def getropts(self): return ['--manage-cgroups'] def get_freezer(desc): if not desc: return noop_freezer() fd = desc.split(':') if os.access("/sys/fs/cgroup/user.slice/cgroup.procs", os .F_OK): fr = cg_freezer2(path=fd[0], state=fd[1]) else: fr = cg_freezer(path=fd[0], state=fd[1]) return fr def cmp_ns(ns1, match, ns2, msg): ns1_ino = os.stat(ns1).st_ino ns2_ino = os.stat(ns2).st_ino if eval("%r %s %r" % (ns1_ino, match, ns2_ino)): print("%s match (%r %s %r) fail" % (msg, ns1_ino, match, ns2_ino)) raise test_fail_exc("%s compare" % msg) def check_joinns_state(t): cmp_ns("/proc/%s/ns/net" % t.getpid(), "!=", join_ns_file, "join-ns") def pstree_each_pid(root_pid): f_children_path = "/proc/{0}/task/{0}/children".format(root_pid) child_pids = [] try: with open(f_children_path, "r") as f_children: pid_line = f_children.readline().strip(" \n") if pid_line: child_pids += pid_line.split(" ") except Exception as e: print("Unable to read /proc/*/children: %s" % e) return # process is dead yield root_pid for child_pid in child_pids: for pid in pstree_each_pid(child_pid): yield pid def is_proc_stopped(pid): def get_thread_status(thread_dir): try: with open(os.path.join(thread_dir, "status")) as f_status: for line in f_status.readlines(): if line.startswith("State:"): return line.split(":", 1)[1].strip().split(" ")[0] except Exception as e: print("Unable to read a thread status: %s" % e) pass # process is dead return None def is_thread_stopped(status): return (status is None) or (status == "T") or (status == "Z") tasks_dir = "/proc/%s/task" % pid thread_dirs = [] try: thread_dirs = os.listdir(tasks_dir) except Exception as e: print("Unable to read threads: %s" % e) pass # process is dead for thread_dir in thread_dirs: thread_status = get_thread_status(os.path.join(tasks_dir, thread_dir)) if not is_thread_stopped(thread_status): return False if not is_thread_stopped(get_thread_status("/proc/%s" % pid)): return False return True def pstree_check_stopped(root_pid): for pid in pstree_each_pid(root_pid): if not is_proc_stopped(pid): raise test_fail_exc("CRIU --leave-stopped %s" % pid) def pstree_signal(root_pid, signal): for pid in pstree_each_pid(root_pid): try: os.kill(int(pid), signal) except Exception as e: print("Unable to kill %d: %s" % (pid, e)) pass # process is dead def do_run_test(tname, tdesc, flavs, opts): tcname = tname.split('/')[0] tclass = test_classes.get(tcname, None) if not tclass: print("Unknown test class %s" % tcname) return if opts['report']: init_report(opts['report']) if opts['sbs']: init_sbs() fcg = get_freezer(opts['freezecg']) for f in flavs: print_sep("Run %s in %s" % (tname, f)) if opts['dry_run']: continue flav = flavors[f](opts) t = tclass(tname, tdesc, flav, fcg, opts['rootless']) cr_api = criu(opts) try: t.start() s = get_visible_state(t) try: cr(cr_api, t, opts) except test_fail_expected_exc as e: if e.cr_action == "dump": t.stop() else: check_visible_state(t, s, opts) if opts['join_ns']: check_joinns_state(t) t.stop() cr_api.fini() try_run_hook(t, ["--clean"]) if t.blocking(): raise test_fail_exc("unexpected success") except test_fail_exc as e: print_sep("Test %s FAIL at %s" % (tname, e.step), '#') t.print_output() t.kill() cr_api.kill() try_run_hook(t, ["--clean"]) if cr_api.logs(): add_to_report(cr_api.logs(), tname.replace('/', '_') + "_" + f + "/images") if opts['keep_img'] == 'never': cr_api.cleanup() # When option --keep-going not specified this exit # does two things: exits from subprocess and aborts the # main script execution on the 1st error met sys.exit(encode_flav(f)) else: if opts['keep_img'] != 'always': cr_api.cleanup() print_sep("Test %s PASS" % tname) class Launcher: def __init__(self, opts, nr_tests): self.__opts = opts self.__total = nr_tests self.__runtest = 0 self.__nr = 0 self.__max = int(opts['parallel'] or 1) self.__subs = {} self.__fail = False self.__file_report = None self.__junit_file = None self.__junit_test_cases = None self.__failed = [] self.__nr_skip = 0 if self.__max > 1 and self.__total > 1: self.__use_log = True elif opts['report']: self.__use_log = True else: self.__use_log = False if opts['report'] and (opts['keep_going'] or self.__total == 1): global TestSuite, TestCase from junit_xml import TestCase, TestSuite now = datetime.datetime.now() att = 0 reportname = os.path.join(report_dir, "criu-testreport.tap") junitreport = os.path.join(report_dir, "criu-testreport.xml") while os.access(reportname, os.F_OK) or os.access( junitreport, os.F_OK): reportname = os.path.join(report_dir, "criu-testreport" + ".%d.tap" % att) junitreport = os.path.join(report_dir, "criu-testreport" + ".%d.xml" % att) att += 1 self.__junit_file = open(junitreport, 'a') self.__junit_test_cases = [] self.__file_report = open(reportname, 'a') print(u"TAP version 13", file=self.__file_report) print(u"# Hardware architecture: " + arch, file=self.__file_report) print(u"# Timestamp: " + now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") + " (GMT+1)", file=self.__file_report) print(u"# ", file=self.__file_report) print(u"1.." + str(nr_tests), file=self.__file_report) with open("/proc/sys/kernel/tainted") as taintfd: self.__taint = taintfd.read() if int(self.__taint, 0) != 0: print("The kernel is tainted: %r" % self.__taint) if not opts["ignore_taint"] and os.getenv("ZDTM_IGNORE_TAINT") != '1': raise Exception("The kernel is tainted: %r" % self.__taint) def __show_progress(self, msg): perc = int(self.__nr * 16 / self.__total) print("=== Run %d/%d %s %s" % (self.__nr, self.__total, '=' * perc + '-' * (16 - perc), msg)) def skip(self, name, reason): print("Skipping %s (%s)" % (name, reason)) self.__nr += 1 self.__runtest += 1 self.__nr_skip += 1 if self.__junit_test_cases is not None: tc = TestCase(name) tc.add_skipped_info(reason) self.__junit_test_cases.append(tc) if self.__file_report: testline = u"ok %d - %s # SKIP %s" % (self.__runtest, name, reason) print(testline, file=self.__file_report) def run_test(self, name, desc, flavor): if len(self.__subs) >= self.__max: self.wait() with open("/proc/sys/kernel/tainted") as taintfd: taint = taintfd.read() if self.__taint != taint: raise Exception("The kernel is tainted: %r (%r)" % (taint, self.__taint)) ''' The option --link-remap allows criu to hardlink open files back to the file-system on dump (should be removed on restore) and we have a sanity check in check_visible_state that they were actually removed at least from the root test directory after restore. As zdtm runs all tests from the same cwd (e.g.: test/zdtm/static) in parallel, hardlinks from one test can mess up with sanity checks of another test or even one test can by mistake use hardlinks created by another test which is even worse. So let's make all tests using --link-remap option non parallel. ''' link_remap_excl = '--link-remap' in desc.get('opts', '').split() + desc.get('dopts', '').split() + desc.get('ropts', '').split() if test_flag(desc, 'excl') or link_remap_excl: self.wait_all() self.__nr += 1 self.__show_progress(name) nd = ('nocr', 'norst', 'pre', 'iters', 'page_server', 'sibling', 'stop', 'empty_ns', 'fault', 'keep_img', 'report', 'snaps', 'sat', 'script', 'rpc', 'criu_config', 'lazy_pages', 'join_ns', 'dedup', 'sbs', 'freezecg', 'user', 'dry_run', 'noauto_dedup', 'remote_lazy_pages', 'show_stats', 'lazy_migrate', 'stream', 'tls', 'criu_bin', 'crit_bin', 'pre_dump_mode', 'mntns_compat_mode', 'rootless') arg = repr((name, desc, flavor, {d: self.__opts[d] for d in nd})) if self.__use_log: logf = name.replace('/', '_') + ".log" log = open(logf, "w") else: logf = None log = None if opts['rootless'] and os.getuid() == 0: os.setgid(NON_ROOT_UID) os.setuid(NON_ROOT_UID) sub = subprocess.Popen(["./zdtm_ct", "zdtm.py"], env=dict(os.environ, CR_CT_TEST_INFO=arg), stdout=log, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, close_fds=True) self.__subs[sub.pid] = { 'sub': sub, 'log': logf, 'name': name, "start": time.time() } if log: log.close() if test_flag(desc, 'excl') or link_remap_excl: self.wait() def __wait_one(self, flags): pid = -1 status = -1 signal.alarm(10) while True: try: pid, status = os.waitpid(0, flags) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.EINTR: subprocess.Popen(["ps", "axf", "--width", "160"]).wait() continue signal.alarm(0) raise e else: break signal.alarm(0) self.__runtest += 1 if pid != 0: sub = self.__subs.pop(pid) # The following wait() is not useful for our domain logic. # It's useful for taming warnings in subprocess.Popen.__del__() sub['sub'].wait() tc = None if self.__junit_test_cases is not None: tc = TestCase(sub['name'], elapsed_sec=time.time() - sub['start']) self.__junit_test_cases.append(tc) if status != 0: self.__fail = True failed_flavor = decode_flav(os.WEXITSTATUS(status)) self.__failed.append([sub['name'], failed_flavor]) if self.__file_report: testline = u"not ok %d - %s # flavor %s" % ( self.__runtest, sub['name'], failed_flavor) with open(sub['log']) as sublog: output = sublog.read() details = {'output': output} tc.add_error_info(output=output) print(testline, file=self.__file_report) print("%s" % yaml.safe_dump(details, explicit_start=True, explicit_end=True, default_style='|'), file=self.__file_report) if sub['log']: add_to_output(sub['log']) else: if self.__file_report: testline = u"ok %d - %s" % (self.__runtest, sub['name']) print(testline, file=self.__file_report) if sub['log']: with open(sub['log']) as sublog: print("%s" % sublog.read().encode( 'ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8')) os.unlink(sub['log']) return True return False def __wait_all(self): while self.__subs: self.__wait_one(0) def wait(self): self.__wait_one(0) while self.__subs: if not self.__wait_one(os.WNOHANG): break if self.__fail and not opts['keep_going']: raise test_fail_exc('') def wait_all(self): self.__wait_all() if self.__fail and not opts['keep_going']: raise test_fail_exc('') def finish(self): self.__wait_all() if not opts['fault'] and check_core_files(): self.__fail = True if self.__file_report: ts = TestSuite(opts['title'], self.__junit_test_cases, os.getenv("NODE_NAME")) self.__junit_file.write(TestSuite.to_xml_string([ts])) self.__junit_file.close() self.__file_report.close() if opts['keep_going']: if self.__fail: print_sep( "%d TEST(S) FAILED (TOTAL %d/SKIPPED %d)" % (len(self.__failed), self.__total, self.__nr_skip), "#") for failed in self.__failed: print(" * %s(%s)" % (failed[0], failed[1])) else: print_sep( "ALL TEST(S) PASSED (TOTAL %d/SKIPPED %d)" % (self.__total, self.__nr_skip), "#") if self.__fail: print_sep("FAIL", "#") sys.exit(1) def all_tests(opts): with open(opts['set'] + '.desc') as fd: desc = eval(fd.read()) files = [] mask = stat.S_IFREG | stat.S_IXUSR for d in os.walk(desc['dir']): for f in d[2]: fp = os.path.join(d[0], f) st = os.lstat(fp) if (st.st_mode & mask) != mask: continue if stat.S_IFMT(st.st_mode) in [stat.S_IFLNK, stat.S_IFSOCK]: continue files.append(fp) excl = list(map(lambda x: os.path.join(desc['dir'], x), desc['exclude'])) tlist = list(filter( lambda x: not x.endswith('.checkskip') and not x.endswith('.hook') and x not in excl, map(lambda x: x.strip(), files))) return tlist # Descriptor for abstract test not in list default_test = {} def get_test_desc(tname): d_path = tname + '.desc' if os.access(d_path, os.F_OK) and os.path.getsize(d_path) > 0: with open(d_path) as fd: return eval(fd.read()) return default_test def self_checkskip(tname): chs = tname + '.checkskip' if os.access(chs, os.X_OK): ch = subprocess.Popen([chs]) return not ch.wait() == 0 return False def print_fname(fname, typ): print("=[%s]=> %s" % (typ, fname)) def print_sep(title, sep="=", width=80): print((" " + title + " ").center(width, sep)) def print_error(line): line = line.rstrip() print(line.encode('utf-8')) if line.endswith('>'): # combine pie output return True return False def grep_errors(fname, err=False): first = True print_next = False before = [] with open(fname, errors='replace') as fd: for line in fd: before.append(line) if len(before) > 5: before.pop(0) if "Error" in line or "Warn" in line: if first: print_fname(fname, 'log') print_sep("grep Error", "-", 60) first = False for i in before: print_next = print_error(i) before = [] else: if print_next: print_next = print_error(line) before = [] # If process failed but there are no errors in log, # let's just print the log tail, probably it would # be helpful. if err and first: print_fname(fname, 'log') print_sep("grep Error (no)", "-", 60) first = False for i in before: print_next = print_error(i) if not first: print_sep("ERROR OVER", "-", 60) def run_tests(opts): excl = None features = {} if opts['pre'] or opts['snaps']: if not criu.check("mem_dirty_track"): print("Tracking memory is not available") return if opts['all']: torun = all_tests(opts) run_all = True elif opts['tests']: r = re.compile(opts['tests']) torun = filter(lambda x: r.match(x), all_tests(opts)) run_all = True elif opts['test']: torun = opts['test'] run_all = False elif opts['from']: if not os.access(opts['from'], os.R_OK): print("No such file") return with open(opts['from']) as fd: torun = map(lambda x: x.strip(), fd) opts['keep_going'] = False run_all = True else: print("Specify test with -t or -a") return torun = list(torun) if opts['keep_going'] and len(torun) < 2: print( "[WARNING] Option --keep-going is more useful when running multiple tests" ) opts['keep_going'] = False if opts['exclude']: excl = re.compile(".*(" + "|".join(opts['exclude']) + ")") print("Compiled exclusion list") if opts['report']: init_report(opts['report']) if opts['parallel'] and opts['freezecg']: print("Parallel launch with freezer not supported") opts['parallel'] = None if opts['join_ns']: if subprocess.Popen(["ip", "netns", "add", "zdtm_netns"]).wait(): raise Exception("Unable to create a network namespace") if subprocess.Popen([ "ip", "netns", "exec", "zdtm_netns", "ip", "link", "set", "up", "dev", "lo" ]).wait(): raise Exception("ip link set up dev lo") if opts['lazy_pages'] or opts['remote_lazy_pages'] or opts['lazy_migrate']: uffd = criu.check("uffd") uffd_noncoop = criu.check("uffd-noncoop") if not uffd: raise Exception( "UFFD is not supported, cannot run with --lazy-pages") if not uffd_noncoop: # Most tests will work with 4.3 - 4.11 print( "[WARNING] Non-cooperative UFFD is missing, some tests might spuriously fail" ) if opts['stream']: streamer_dir = os.path.realpath(opts['criu_image_streamer_dir']) os.environ['PATH'] = "{}:{}".format(streamer_dir, os.environ['PATH']) if not criu.check('stream'): raise RuntimeError(( "Streaming tests need the criu-image-streamer binary to be accessible in the {} directory. " + "Specify --criu-image-streamer-dir or modify PATH to provide an alternate location") .format(streamer_dir)) launcher = Launcher(opts, len(torun)) try: for t in torun: global arch if excl and excl.match(t): launcher.skip(t, "exclude") continue tdesc = get_test_desc(t) if tdesc.get('arch', arch) != arch: launcher.skip(t, "arch %s" % tdesc['arch']) continue if test_flag(tdesc, 'reqrst') and opts['norst']: launcher.skip(t, "restore stage is required") continue if run_all and test_flag(tdesc, 'noauto'): launcher.skip(t, "manual run only") continue feat_list = tdesc.get('feature', "") for feat in feat_list.split(): if feat not in features: print("Checking feature %s" % feat) features[feat] = criu.check(feat) if not features[feat]: launcher.skip(t, "no %s feature" % feat) feat_list = None break if feat_list is None: continue if self_checkskip(t): launcher.skip(t, "checkskip failed") continue if opts['user']: if test_flag(tdesc, 'suid'): launcher.skip(t, "suid test in user mode") continue if test_flag(tdesc, 'nouser'): launcher.skip(t, "criu root prio needed") continue if opts['join_ns']: if test_flag(tdesc, 'samens'): launcher.skip(t, "samens test in the same namespace") continue if opts['lazy_pages'] or opts['remote_lazy_pages'] or opts[ 'lazy_migrate']: if test_flag(tdesc, 'nolazy'): launcher.skip(t, "lazy pages are not supported") continue if opts['remote_lazy_pages']: if test_flag(tdesc, 'noremotelazy'): launcher.skip(t, "remote lazy pages are not supported") continue test_flavs = tdesc.get('flavor', 'h ns uns').split() opts_flavs = (opts['flavor'] or 'h,ns,uns').split(',') if opts_flavs != ['best']: run_flavs = set(test_flavs) & set(opts_flavs) else: run_flavs = set([test_flavs.pop()]) if not criu.check("userns"): run_flavs -= set(['uns']) if opts['user']: # FIXME -- probably uns will make sense run_flavs -= set(['ns', 'uns']) # remove ns and uns flavor in join_ns if opts['join_ns']: run_flavs -= set(['ns', 'uns']) if opts['empty_ns']: run_flavs -= set(['h']) if run_flavs: launcher.run_test(t, tdesc, run_flavs) else: launcher.skip(t, "no flavors") finally: launcher.finish() if opts['join_ns']: subprocess.Popen(["ip", "netns", "delete", "zdtm_netns"]).wait() sti_fmt = "%-40s%-10s%s" def show_test_info(t): tdesc = get_test_desc(t) flavs = tdesc.get('flavor', '') return sti_fmt % (t, flavs, tdesc.get('flags', '')) def list_tests(opts): tlist = all_tests(opts) if opts['info']: print(sti_fmt % ('Name', 'Flavors', 'Flags')) tlist = map(lambda x: show_test_info(x), tlist) print('\n'.join(tlist)) class group: def __init__(self, tname, tdesc): self.__tests = [tname] self.__desc = tdesc self.__deps = set() def __is_mergeable_desc(self, desc): # For now make it full match if self.__desc.get('flags') != desc.get('flags'): return False if self.__desc.get('flavor') != desc.get('flavor'): return False if self.__desc.get('arch') != desc.get('arch'): return False if self.__desc.get('opts') != desc.get('opts'): return False if self.__desc.get('feature') != desc.get('feature'): return False return True def merge(self, tname, tdesc): if not self.__is_mergeable_desc(tdesc): return False self.__deps |= set(tdesc.get('deps', [])) self.__tests.append(tname) return True def size(self): return len(self.__tests) # common method to write a "meta" auxiliary script (hook/checkskip) # which will call all tests' scripts in turn def __dump_meta(self, fname, ext): scripts = filter(lambda names: os.access(names[1], os.X_OK), map(lambda test: (test, test + ext), self.__tests)) if scripts: f = open(fname + ext, "w") f.write("#!/bin/sh -e\n") for test, script in scripts: f.write("echo 'Running %s for %s'\n" % (ext, test)) f.write('%s "$@"\n' % script) f.write("echo 'All %s scripts OK'\n" % ext) f.close() os.chmod(fname + ext, 0o700) def dump(self, fname): f = open(fname, "w") for t in self.__tests: f.write(t + '\n') f.close() os.chmod(fname, 0o700) if len(self.__desc) or len(self.__deps): f = open(fname + '.desc', "w") if len(self.__deps): self.__desc['deps'] = list(self.__deps) f.write(repr(self.__desc)) f.close() # write "meta" .checkskip and .hook scripts self.__dump_meta(fname, '.checkskip') self.__dump_meta(fname, '.hook') def group_tests(cli_opts): excl = None groups = [] pend_groups = [] maxs = int(cli_opts['max_size']) if not os.access("groups", os.F_OK): os.mkdir("groups") tlist = all_tests(cli_opts) random.shuffle(tlist) if cli_opts['exclude']: excl = re.compile(".*(" + "|".join(cli_opts['exclude']) + ")") print("Compiled exclusion list") for t in tlist: if excl and excl.match(t): continue td = get_test_desc(t) for g in pend_groups: if g.merge(t, td): if g.size() == maxs: pend_groups.remove(g) groups.append(g) break else: g = group(t, td) pend_groups.append(g) groups += pend_groups nr = 0 suf = cli_opts['name'] or 'group' for g in groups: if maxs > 1 and g.size() == 1: # Not much point in group test for this continue fn = os.path.join("groups", "%s.%d" % (suf, nr)) g.dump(fn) nr += 1 print("Generated %d group(s)" % nr) def clean_stuff(opts): print("Cleaning %s" % opts['what']) if opts['what'] == 'nsroot': for f in flavors: f = flavors[f] f.clean() def set_nr_hugepages(nr): try: orig_hugepages = 0 with open("/proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages", "r") as f: orig_hugepages = int(f.read()) with open("/proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages", "w") as f: f.write("{}\n".format(nr)) return orig_hugepages except PermissionError as err: # EACCES is expected when running as non-root, otherwise re-raise the exception. if err.errno != errno.EACCES or os.getuid() == 0: raise except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.EOPNOTSUPP: raise return 0 def get_cli_args(): """ Parse command-line arguments """ p = argparse.ArgumentParser("CRIU test suite") p.add_argument("--debug", help="Print what's being executed", action='store_true') p.add_argument("--set", help="Which set of tests to use", default='zdtm') sp = p.add_subparsers(help="Use --help for list of actions") rp = sp.add_parser("run", help="Run test(s)") rp.set_defaults(action=run_tests) rp.add_argument("-a", "--all", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("-t", "--test", help="Test name", action='append') rp.add_argument("-T", "--tests", help="Regexp") rp.add_argument("-F", "--from", help="From file") rp.add_argument("-f", "--flavor", help="Flavor to run") rp.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", help="Exclude tests from --all run", action='append') rp.add_argument("--sibling", help="Restore tests as siblings", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--join-ns", help="Restore tests and join existing namespace", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--empty-ns", help="Restore tests in empty net namespace", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--pre", help="Do some pre-dumps before dump (n[:pause])") rp.add_argument("--snaps", help="Instead of pre-dumps do full dumps", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--dedup", help="Auto-deduplicate images on iterations", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--noauto-dedup", help="Manual deduplicate images on iterations", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--nocr", help="Do not CR anything, just check test works", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--norst", help="Don't restore tasks, leave them running after dump", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--stop", help="Check that --leave-stopped option stops ps tree.", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--iters", help="Do CR cycle several times before check (n[:pause])") rp.add_argument("--fault", help="Test fault injection") rp.add_argument( "--sat", help="Generate criu strace-s for sat tool (restore is fake, images are kept)", action='store_true') rp.add_argument( "--sbs", help="Do step-by-step execution, asking user for keypress to continue", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--freezecg", help="Use freeze cgroup (path:state)") rp.add_argument("--user", help="Run CRIU as regular user", action='store_true') rp.add_argument( "--rootless", help="Run CRIU rootless (uid!=0) (needs CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE)", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--rpc", help="Run CRIU via RPC rather than CLI", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--criu-config", help="Use config file to set CRIU options", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--page-server", help="Use page server dump", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--stream", help="Use criu-image-streamer", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("-p", "--parallel", help="Run test in parallel") rp.add_argument("--dry-run", help="Don't run tests, just pretend to", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--script", help="Add script to get notified by criu") rp.add_argument("-k", "--keep-img", help="Whether or not to keep images after test", choices=['always', 'never', 'failed'], default='failed') rp.add_argument("--report", help="Generate summary report in directory") rp.add_argument("--keep-going", help="Keep running tests in spite of failures", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--ignore-taint", help="Don't care about a non-zero kernel taint flag", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--lazy-pages", help="restore pages on demand", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--lazy-migrate", help="restore pages on demand", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--remote-lazy-pages", help="simulate lazy migration", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--tls", help="use TLS for migration", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--title", help="A test suite title", default="criu") rp.add_argument("--show-stats", help="Show criu statistics", action='store_true') rp.add_argument("--criu-bin", help="Path to criu binary", default='../criu/criu') rp.add_argument("--crit-bin", help="Path to crit binary", default='../crit/crit') rp.add_argument("--criu-image-streamer-dir", help="Directory where the criu-image-streamer binary is located", default="../../criu-image-streamer") rp.add_argument("--pre-dump-mode", help="Use splice or read mode of pre-dumping", choices=['splice', 'read'], default='splice') rp.add_argument("--mntns-compat-mode", help="Use old compat mounts restore engine", action='store_true') lp = sp.add_parser("list", help="List tests") lp.set_defaults(action=list_tests) lp.add_argument('-i', '--info', help="Show more info about tests", action='store_true') gp = sp.add_parser("group", help="Generate groups") gp.set_defaults(action=group_tests) gp.add_argument("-m", "--max-size", help="Maximum number of tests in group") gp.add_argument("-n", "--name", help="Common name for group tests") gp.add_argument("-x", "--exclude", help="Exclude tests from --all run", action='append') cp = sp.add_parser("clean", help="Clean something") cp.set_defaults(action=clean_stuff) cp.add_argument("what", choices=['nsroot']) return vars(p.parse_args()) def waitpid_and_rip_zombies(pid): """ Collect this namespace's zombies """ while True: wpid, status = os.wait() if wpid == pid: if os.WIFEXITED(status): return os.WEXITSTATUS(status) return 1 def fork_zdtm(): """ Fork here, since we're new pidns init and are supposed to collect this namespace's zombies """ if 'CR_CT_TEST_INFO' in os.environ: status = 0 pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: tinfo = eval(os.environ['CR_CT_TEST_INFO']) do_run_test(tinfo[0], tinfo[1], tinfo[2], tinfo[3]) else: status = waitpid_and_rip_zombies(pid) sys.exit(status) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarm) fork_zdtm() opts = get_cli_args() if opts.get('sat', False): opts['keep_img'] = 'always' if opts['debug']: sys.settrace(traceit) if opts['action'] == 'run': criu.available() for tst in test_classes.values(): tst.available() orig_hugepages = set_nr_hugepages(20) opts['action'](opts) set_nr_hugepages(orig_hugepages) for tst in test_classes.values(): tst.cleanup()