local SpatialGraph, parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialGraph', 'nn.Module') local help_desc = [[Creates an edge-weighted graph from a set of N feature maps. The input is a 3D tensor width x height x nInputPlane, the output is a 3D tensor width x height x 2. The first slice of the output contains horizontal edges, the second vertical edges. The input features are assumed to be >= 0. More precisely: + dist == 'euclid' and norm == true: the input features should also be <= 1, to produce properly normalized distances (btwn 0 and 1); + dist == 'cosine': the input features do not need to be bounded, as the cosine dissimilarity normalizes with respect to each vector. An epsilon is automatically added, so that components that are == 0 are properly considered as being similar. ]] function SpatialGraph:__init(...) parent.__init(self) xlua.unpack_class( self, {...}, 'nn.SpatialGraph', help_desc, {arg='dist', type='string', help='distance metric to use', default='euclid'}, {arg='normalize', type='boolean', help='normalize euclidean distances btwn 0 and 1 (assumes input range to be btwn 0 and 1)', default=true}, {arg='connex', type='number', help='connexity', default=4} ) if self.connex ~= 4 then xlua.error('4 is the only connexity supported, for now', 'nn.SpatialGraph',self.usage) end self.dist = ((self.dist == 'euclid') and 0) or ((self.dist == 'cosine') and 1) or xerror('euclid is the only distance supported, for now','nn.SpatialGraph',self.usage) self.normalize = (self.normalize and 1) or 0 if self.dist == 'cosine' and self.normalize == 1 then xerror('normalized cosine is not supported for now [just because I couldnt figure out the gradient :-)]', 'nn.SpatialGraph', self.usage) end end function SpatialGraph:forward(input) self.output:resize(self.connex / 2, input:size(2), input:size(3)) input.nn.SpatialGraph_forward(self, input) return self.output end function SpatialGraph:backward(input, gradOutput) self.gradInput:resizeAs(input) input.nn.SpatialGraph_backward(self, input, gradOutput) return self.gradInput end function SpatialGraph:write(file) parent.write(self, file) file:writeInt(self.connex) file:writeInt(self.dist) file:writeInt(self.normalize) end function SpatialGraph:read(file) parent.read(self, file) self.connex = file:readInt() self.dist = file:readInt() self.normalize = file:readInt() end