local SpatialRadialMatching, parent = torch.class('nn.SpatialRadialMatching', 'nn.Module') function SpatialRadialMatching:__init(maxh) -- If full_output is false, output is computed on elements of the first input -- for which all the possible corresponding elements exist in the second input -- In addition, if full_output is set to false, the pixel (1,1) of the first input -- is supposed to correspond to the pixel (maxh/2, maxw/2) of the second one parent.__init(self) self.maxh = maxh self.gradInput1 = torch.Tensor() self.gradInput2 = torch.Tensor() end function SpatialRadialMatching:updateOutput(input) -- input is a table of 2 inputs, each one being KxHxW -- if not full_output, the 1st one is KxH1xW1 where H1 <= H-maxh+1, W1 <= W-maxw+1 self.output:resize(input[1]:size(2), input[1]:size(3), self.maxh) --if input[3] == nil then -- input[3] = torch.LongTensor(input[1]:size(2), input[1]:size(3)):fill(1) --end --input[1].nn.SpatialRadialMatching_updateOutput(self, input[1], input[2], input[3]) input[1].nn.SpatialRadialMatching_updateOutput(self, input[1], input[2]) return self.output end function SpatialRadialMatching:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) self.gradInput1:resize(input[1]:size()):zero() self.gradInput2:resize(input[2]:size()):zero() --input[1].nn.SpatialRadialMatching_updateGradInput(self,input[1],input[2],gradOutput,input[3]) input[1].nn.SpatialRadialMatching_updateGradInput(self,input[1],input[2],gradOutput) self.gradInput = {self.gradInput1, self.gradInput2} return self.gradInput end