# Hugo Theme Dopetrope ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Hugo-%5E0.19.0-ff4088?style=flat-square&logo=hugo) Dopetrope theme ported from [HTML5 UP](https://html5up.net/) for use with the [Hugo static site generator](https://gohugo.io/). Theme includes ability for: - Portfolio items - Blog posts ![](images/device-screenshots.png) ## Demo https://hugo-theme-dopetrope.netlify.com/ ## Setup ### Configuration See the demo's configuration as an example: https://github.com/curttimson/hugo-theme-dopetrope/blob/master/exampleSite/config-prod.toml ### Front Matter - `description` - `date` - `thumbnail` - `image` - `title` - `slug` - `author` - `draft` - `disqusid` - See [Blog Comments](#blog-comments) - `hidesidebar` - Set to false to hide the sidebar on specific pages ### Blog Comments Blog comments are supported by Disqus. Once set up comments will be displayed on the blog posts as well as a count on the homepage. If not set up already, create a Disqus account and enter the account name in the `config.toml` file: ``` [params.settings] disqus = "hugo-dopetrope" ``` To display comments on a post a unique ID will need to be added to the specific blog posts. Enter these IDs in the front-matter of the post files themselves: ``` disqusid = "1" ``` ### Cover Image The cover image URL is hard-coded, therefore to replace this add an image to the following location in your Hugo application: ``` /static/images/pic01.jpg ``` ## Development ### Example Site Deployment ``` $ hugo --config config-prod.toml ``` ## Original Theme Credits - [Dopetrope by HTML5 UP](https://html5up.net/dopetrope) ## License This hugo theme is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Read More - [LICENSE](LICENSE)