# Terrassa - Hugo Theme Terrassa is a simple, fast and responsive theme for Hugo with a strong focus on accessibility made from scratch. ![Hugo Terrassa theme screenshot](https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme/blob/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Archived I have decided to archive the project as I have been and am unable to give it the necessary support. I started Terrassa as a way to experiment with Hugo and the Go template system and the truth is that I didn't expect the support that the project has been getting over time. Unfortunately over time I have had to move on to working with other technologies and on other projects and have never had enough time to re-familiarise myself with the code and continue working on the project. Many thanks to all the people who have used Terrassa, who have sent PRs and above all to the people who encouraged me and talked about how they were using Terrassa to bring their projects to life. ## Features - Coherent responsive design. - Consistent design throughout the entire site. - Classic navigation menu in large screen sizes. - Hamburger menu in mobile devices. - Focus on accessibility. - Customizable call to action on the home page. - Contact form. - Ready for blogging. - Multilingual Support ## Installation To install Terrassa run the followings command inside your Hugo site: ```bash $ mkdir themes $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme.git terrassa ``` Or ```bash $ mkdir themes $ cd themes $ git submodule add https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme.git terrassa ``` > You can also download the last release [here](https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme/releases). Back to your Hugo site directory open the _config.toml_ file and add or change the following line: ```toml theme = "terrassa" ``` ## Configuration > You can find an example of the final configuration [here](https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml). ### Basic ```toml baseurl = "/" # The base URL of your Hugo site title = "titlehere" # The title of your Hugo site author = "authorhere" # The author name googleAnalytics = "" # Your Google Analytics tracking ID enableRobotsTXT = true language = "en-US" paginate = 7 # The numbers of posts per page theme = "terrassa" # Your Hugo theme ``` There's a lot more information about the basic configuration of an Hugo site [here](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration/). ### Description, favicon and logo params ```toml [params] description = "" # Description for the meta description tag favicon = "" # Relative URL for your favicon logo = "" # Absolute URL for your logo ``` ### Hero ```toml [params.hero] textColor = "" # Empty for default color ``` ### Call To Action ```toml [params.cta] # Call To Action show = true cta = "Contact" # Text message of the CTA link = "contact" # Relative URL ``` ### Separators between Home sections ```toml [params.separator] show = false ``` ### Contact information ```toml [params.contact] email = "" phone = "" skype = "" address = "" ``` ### Social Networks ```toml [params.social] twitter = "" facebook = "" github = "" gitlab = "" codepen = "" instagram = "" pinterest = "" youtube = "" linkedin = "" weibo = "" mastodon = "" tumblr = "" flickr = "" "500px" = "" ``` > Icons for social networks depend on Font Awesome. ### Font Awesome ```toml [params.fa] version = "" # Font Awesome version integrity = "" # Font Awesome integrity for the Font Awesome script ``` ### Copyright message ```toml [params.copy] message = "" ``` ### Agreements ```toml [params.agreement] message = "" # You can use HTML tags ``` ### Posts ```toml [params.posts] showAuthor = true showDate = true showTags = true dateFormat = "Monday, Jan, 2006" ``` ### Form ```toml [params.form] netlify = true # Only if you are using Netlify action = "" method = "" inputNameName = "" inputNameLabel = "" inputNamePlaceholder = "" inputEmailName = "" inputEmailLabel = "" inputEmailPlaceholder = "" inputMsgName = "" inputMsgLabel = "" inputMsgLength = 750 inputSubmitValue = "" ``` ### Privacy ```toml [privacy] [privacy.googleAnalytics] anonymizeIP = true disable = false respectDoNotTrack = true useSessionStorage = false [privacy.instagram] disable = false simple = false [privacy.twitter] disable = false enableDNT = true simple = false [privacy.vimeo] disable = false simple = false [privacy.youtube] disable = false privacyEnhanced = true ``` To learn more about privacy configuration check the [official documentation](https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/). ### Custom CSS To add custom CSS you have to create a folder called `assets` in the root of your project. Then, create another folder called `css` inside `assets`. And finally, a file called `custom.css` inside `css` with your styles. ```bash $ mkdir -p ./assets/css/ ``` ## Archetypes Terrassa includes three base archetypes: - _default_: for content such as blogs posts. - _section_: for the sections on your Home page. - _page_: for pages like the About page. So be careful. Creating a new site with Hugo also creates a default archetype that replaces the one provided by Terrassa. ### Home and Single pages To create your home page run the following command inside your Hugo site: ```bash $ hugo new _index.md -k page ``` Or to create another page: ```bash $ hugo new example.md -k page ``` You'll get something like this: ```markdown --- title: "" description: "" images: [] draft: true menu: main weight: 0 --- ``` Some properties are used as follows: - _title_: is the name that will be displayed in the menu. In the rest of the single pages the main title of the content. - _description_: in the case of the home page the description is not shown. In the rest of the single pages it is shown as a subtitle. - _images_: in the case of the home page the first image is used as the background image for the hero and to share on social networks (with [Twitter Cards](https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/optimize-with-cards/overview/abouts-cards.html) and [Facebook Graph](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/)). In every other page or post is used only for share on social networks. - _weight_: sets the order of the items in the menu. ## Home page Sections To create a new section in your Home page follow the next steps: ```bash $ hugo new sections/example.md -k section ``` You'll come across something like this: ```markdown --- title: "Example" description: "" draft: true weight: 0 --- ``` The _title_ is used as the title of your new section and the content is the body. At this moment the _description_ is not used for anything. The _weight_ defines the order in case of having more than one section. ### Blog or List pages To create a Blog or a page with a similar structure follow these steps: ```bash $ hugo new posts/_index.md -k page ``` > In this case it is only necessary to set, if wanted, the _title_ and the _weight_ in the _\_index.md_. To add a new posts run the following command: ```bash $ hugo new posts/bad-example.md ``` Inside this file you'll find something like this: ```markdown --- title: "Bad example" description: "" date: 2018-12-27T21:09:45+01:00 publishDate: 2018-12-27T21:09:45+01:00 author: "John Doe" images: [] draft: true tags: [] --- ``` The _title_ and _description_ are used as the main title and subtitle respectively. > You can find more information about each parameter in the [official documentation](https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/). Then, the corresponding section will show a list of cards with the _title_, the _date_, a _summary of the content_ (truncated to 480 words) and a list of _tags_ if any. ![Hugo Terrassa theme Blog section screenshot](https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme/blob/master/images/blog-screenshot.png) ### Contact For the contact page follow these instructions: ```bash $ hugo new contact/_index.md -k page ``` The _title_ and _description_ will be used as the main title and subtitle respectively with a contact form. The rest of the options are defined in the [config.toml](https://github.com/danielkvist/hugo-terrassa-theme/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml). ## Multilingual Support If your site is multilingual, add each language to your config.toml parameters with the following structure: ```bash [languages] [languages.en] languageName = "en" weight = 1 contentDir = "content/en" [languages.de] languageName = "de" weight = 2 contentDir = "content/de" [languages.fr] languageName = "fr" weight = 3 contentDir = "content/fr" ``` The theme assumes you have one default language, defined in config.toml as defaultContentLanguage. These pages will be at root of the URL, while the other languages will be in their own subdirectory. You can overwrite all Site parameters in config.url by adding them to the respective language, for example: ```bash [languages.de] languageName = "de" weight = 2 contentDir = "content/de" title = "Das ist der deutsche Titel" description = "Das ist die deutsche Beschreibung" ``` For translating the contact form, add these parameters: ```bash [languages.de.params] [languages.de.params.form] # Translate contact form fields inputNameLabel = "Name" inputNamePlaceholder = "Dein Name" inputEmailLabel = "E-mail" inputEmailPlaceholder = "Deine E-Mail-Adresse" inputMsgLabel = "Schreib etwas" inputSubmitValue = "Abschicken" [languages.de.params.cta] # Translate Call To Action show = true cta = "Kontakt" link = "de/kontakt/" # Relative URL ``` Activate the language switcher in the header by setting: ```bash [params.languageSwitcher] show = true ``` Read more about Hugo's Multilingual mode here: https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/