# ghazal The ghazal Theme is a light weight responsive blog theme. ## Features * Responsive * Keyboard navigation for contents using left and right keys * No external CSS frameworks ## Live Demo [Click here](https://ghazaldemo.netlify.app/) for live demo. [![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/bb480c02-843d-439e-a570-a0ab813f8eff/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/ghazaldemo/deploys) ## Installation Inside the folder of your Hugo site run: $ cd themes $ git clone https://github.com/darshanbaral/ghazal.git For more information read the official [setup guide](//gohugo.io/overview/installing/) of Hugo. ## Getting started After installing the ghazal Theme successfully, modify the `config.toml` as you wish to generate your online resume. ### The config file You'll find a file called [`config.toml`](https://github.com/darshanbaral/ghazal/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml). Copy the `config.toml`to the root folder of your Hugo site and customize it per your need. ### `About Me` page The information for `About Me` page comes from the `_index.md` inside `content/about` (https://github.com/darshanbaral/ghazal/tree/master/exampleSite/content/about).