# Hugo HTML5up Alpha Hugo HTML5up Alpha is a port of the static HTML template [Alpha by HTML5 UP](https://html5up.net/alpha). It is designed to mirror the look and feel of the original template as closely as possible while taking advantage of all the best features Hugo has to offer. ![](https://github.com/dewittn/hugo-html5up-alpha/blob/master/images/screenshot.png) ## Features - Blog - Sections - Taxonomies - Page bundles - Disqus Comments - Fontawesome icons - Menus and Submenus - OpenGraph Metadata - Customizable Homepage ## Demo This theme comes with a more comprehensive demo, which closely mimics the original [HTML5 UP](https://html5up.net/alpha) theme and demonstrates more of its features. You can view a fully functional demo at: https://hugo-html5up-alpha.nelsonroberto.com/ To run the demo locally use the following commands: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/dewittn/hugo-html5up-alpha/ $ cd hugo-html5up-alpha/exampleSite $ hugo server --themesDir ../.. ``` ## Configuration See the demo's configuration as an example: https://github.com/dewittn/hugo-html5up-alpha/blob/master/exampleSite/config.toml ### Homepage The homepage has five sections that are customizable and removable. - Banner - Highlight - Features - Blog - Call to Action Settings for the homepage come from `data\homepage.yml`. ``` ### Banner ### banner: enable: true title: "Alpha" content: "" # Change this if you want something other then the site description buttons: - title: "Sign Up" link: "#" class: "primary" - title: "Learn More" link: "#" ### Highlight ### highlight: enable: true header: "Introducing the ultimate mobile app
for doing stuff with your phone" content: "Blandit varius ut praesent nascetur eu penatibus nisi risus faucibus nunc ornare
adipiscing nunc adipiscing. Condimentum turpis massa." image: "images/pic01.jpg" ### Features ### features: enable: true rows: - items: - title: "Magna etiam" icon: "fa-bolt" accent: "accent2" #accent values are 1-8 content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros." - title: "Ipsum dolor" icon: "fa-chart-area" accent: "accent3" #accent values are 1-8 content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros." - items: - title: "Sed feugiat" icon: "fa-cloud" accent: "accent4" #accent values are 1-8 content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros." - title: "Enim phasellus" icon: "fa-lock" accent: "accent5" #accent values are 1-8 content: "Integer volutpat ante et accumsan commophasellus sed aliquam feugiat lorem aliquet ut enim rutrum phasellus iaculis accumsan dolore magna aliquam veroeros." ### Blog ### blog: enable: true # Leave header text blank to remove entire
header: "Recent Posts" buttonText: "Read More" postCount: 2 ### Call to Action ### cta: enable: true header: "Sign up for beta access" content: "Blandit varius ut praesent nascetur eu penatibus nisi risus faucibus nunc." ``` ### Global Banner The global header is also configurable by modifying the `globalheader.yml` file. ``` title: "[Alpha](/) by HTML5 UP" button: enable: true title: "Sign up" link: "#" ``` ### Cover Image The cover image URL is hard-coded, therefore to replace this add an image to the following location in your Hugo application: ``` /static/images/banner.jpg ``` ### Comments powered by Disqus The comments section is **not** shown unless a Disqus code is set in the `config.toml` file. ``` disqusShortname = "XXX" ``` ## Original Theme Credits - [Alpha by HTML5 UP](https://html5up.net/alpha) ## License This theme is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). Read More - [LICENSE](LICENSE)