# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. class StatusMessagesController < ApplicationController before_action :authenticate_user! before_action :remove_getting_started, only: :create respond_to :html, :mobile, :json layout "application", only: :bookmarklet # Called when a user clicks "Mention" on a profile page # @param person_id [Integer] The id of the person to be mentioned def new if params[:person_id] && fetch_person(params[:person_id]) @aspect = :profile @contact = current_user.contact_for(@person) if @contact @aspects_with_person = @contact.aspects.load render layout: nil else @aspects_with_person = [] end elsif request.format == :mobile @aspect = :all @aspects = current_user.aspects.load else redirect_to stream_path end end def bookmarklet @aspects = current_user.aspects gon.preloads[:bookmarklet] = { content: params[:content], title: params[:title], url: params[:url], notes: params[:notes] } end def create status_message = StatusMessageCreationService.new(current_user).create(normalize_params) respond_to do |format| format.mobile { redirect_to stream_path } format.json { render json: PostPresenter.new(status_message, current_user), status: 201 } end rescue StatusMessageCreationService::BadAspectsIDs render status: 422, plain: I18n.t("status_messages.bad_aspects") rescue StandardError => error handle_create_error(error) end private def fetch_person(person_id) @person = Person.where(id: person_id).first end def handle_create_error(error) logger.debug error respond_to do |format| format.mobile { redirect_to stream_path } format.json { render plain: error.message, status: 403 } end end def comes_from_others_profile_page? coming_from_profile_page? && !own_profile_page? end def coming_from_profile_page? request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].include?("people") end def own_profile_page? request.env["HTTP_REFERER"].include?("/people/" + current_user.guid) end def normalize_params params.permit( :location_address, :location_coords, :poll_question, status_message: %i[text provider_display_name], poll_answers: [] ).to_h.merge( services: [*params[:services]].compact, aspect_ids: normalize_aspect_ids, public: [*params[:aspect_ids]].first == "public", photos: [*params[:photos]].compact ) end def normalize_aspect_ids aspect_ids = [*params[:aspect_ids]] if aspect_ids.first == "all_aspects" current_user.aspect_ids else aspect_ids end end def remove_getting_started current_user.disable_getting_started end end