# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. class Comment < ApplicationRecord include Diaspora::Federated::Base include Diaspora::Fields::Guid include Diaspora::Fields::Author include Diaspora::Relayable include Diaspora::Taggable include Diaspora::Likeable include Diaspora::MentionsContainer include Reference::Source acts_as_taggable_on :tags extract_tags_from :text before_create :build_tags belongs_to :commentable, :touch => true, :polymorphic => true alias_attribute :post, :commentable alias_attribute :parent, :commentable delegate :name, to: :author, prefix: true delegate :comment_email_subject, to: :parent delegate :author_name, to: :parent, prefix: true validates :text, :presence => true, :length => {:maximum => 65535} has_many :reports, as: :item has_one :signature, class_name: "CommentSignature", dependent: :delete scope :including_author, -> { includes(:author => :profile) } scope :for_a_stream, -> { including_author.merge(order('created_at ASC')) } before_save do self.text.strip! unless self.text.nil? end after_commit on: :create do parent.update_comments_counter parent.touch(:interacted_at) if parent.respond_to?(:interacted_at) end after_destroy do self.parent.update_comments_counter participation = author.participations.find_by(target_id: post.id) participation.unparticipate! if participation.present? end def text= text self[:text] = text.to_s.strip #to_s if for nil, for whatever reason end def add_mention_subscribers? super && parent.author.local? end class Generator < Diaspora::Federated::Generator def self.federated_class Comment end def initialize(person, target, text) @text = text super(person, target) end def relayable_options {post: @target, text: @text} end end end