-# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is -# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See -# the COPYRIGHT file. - content_for :head do = include_javascripts :profile :javascript $(document).ready(function () { var data = $.parseJSON( '#{@tags_array.to_json.gsub("'", "\\\\'")}' ), autocompleteInput = $("#follow_tags"); autocompleteInput.autoSuggest("#{tags_path}", { selectedItemProp: "name", searchObjProps: "name", asHtmlID: "tags", neverSubmit: true, retriveLimit: 10, selectionLimit: 5, minChars: 2, keyDelay: 200, startText: "", emptyText: "#{t('no_results')}", preFill: data }); autocompleteInput.bind('keydown', function(evt){ if(evt.keyCode == 13 || evt.keyCode == 9 || evt.keyCode == 32){ evt.preventDefault(); if( $('li.as-result-item.active').length == 0 ){ $('li.as-result-item').first().click(); } } }); }); .span-5.leftNavBar #home_user_badge = owner_image_link %h3 = current_user.first_name - unless has_completed_getting_started? .section %ul.left_nav %li = link_to t(".welcome"), getting_started_path, :class => "home_selector active" .section = render 'aspects/aspect_listings' .section = render 'tags/followed_tags_listings' .span-13.append-1 .stream_container %h2 = welcome_text %h4 = t(".community_welcome") %ul#getting_started %li.profile .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t(".who_are_you") .span-12 %p We can speed things up a bit by = link_to "hooking up your Facebook account", "auth/facebook?callback_url=#{getting_started_url}" to Diaspora. We can pull your name and photo, and enable cross-positng. .span-12 = form_for current_user.person.profile do |profile| .span-5 = profile.text_field :first_name, :placeholder => t('profiles.edit.first_name') .span-7.last = render 'photos/new_profile_photo', :aspect => :getting_started, :person => current_user.person %br .span-6.prepend-6.last .right = profile.submit "Save" %li.follow_interests .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t('.what_are_you_in_to') %p = t('.hashtag_explanation') .span-9 = form_tag(tags_path, :method => 'get', :class => "tag_input search_form") do = text_field_tag 'follow_tags', nil .clearfix %br %li{:style => 'text-align:center;'} %p = link_to t('.awesome_take_me_to_diaspora'), getting_started_completed_path, :class => "button"