-# Copyright (c) 2010, Diaspora Inc. This file is -# licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See -# the COPYRIGHT file. .span-5.leftNavBar #home_user_badge = owner_image_link %h3 = current_user.first_name - unless has_completed_getting_started? .section %ul.left_nav %li = link_to t(".welcome"), getting_started_path, :class => "home_selector active" .section = render 'aspects/aspect_listings' .section = render 'tags/followed_tags_listings' .span-13.append-1 .stream_container %h2 = welcome_text %ul#getting_started %li.profile{:class => ("completed" if has_completed_profile?)} .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t(".fill_out_your_profile") #getting_started_profile_photo = person_image_link(current_user.person, :size => :thumb_medium) %p = t(".profile_description") .span-8.fields - [:full_name, :image_url, :birthday, :gender, :bio, :location, :tag_string].each do |attr| .span-4.last = profile_field_tag(current_user.person.profile, attr) #edit_profile_button_div = link_to "Edit Profile", edit_profile_path, :class => "button" - unless AppConfig[:configured_services].blank? %li.services{:class => ("completed" if has_connected_services?)} .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t('.connect_to_your_other_social_networks') #getting_started_service_icons - AppConfig.configured_services.each do |service| - unless current_user.services.any?{|x| x.provider == service} = link_to(image_tag("social_media_logos/#{service.to_s.downcase}-48x48.png", :title => service.to_s.titleize), "/auth/#{service}") %li.connect_with_people{:class => ("completed" if has_few_contacts?)} .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t('.connect_with_people') %p = t('.connect_with_people_explanation') #diaspora_hq_pane - if diasporahq = Person.find_by_diaspora_handle("diasporahq@joindiaspora.com") = person_image_link(diasporahq, :size => :thumb_medium) .name = person_link(diasporahq) .info Get updates about the project from the core team. .add_to_aspect = render :partial => 'people/relationship_action', :locals => { :person => diasporahq, :contact => current_user.contact_for(diasporahq), :current_user => current_user } #featured_users_pane %h4 = t('.featured_users') %div - Person.featured_users[0..5].each do |person| .featured_user_card_small = person_image_link(person) = person_link(person, :class => "hovercardable") .tags - person.profile.tags[0..2].each do |tg| = link_to "##{tg}", tags_path(tg) = link_to "#{t('.see_all_featured_users')} ->", featured_users_path %br #find_friends_pane %h4 = t('.find_friends') .span-5.append-1 = form_tag(people_path, :method => 'get', :class => "search_form") do = text_field_tag 'q', nil, :placeholder => "Search for people", :type => 'search', :results => 5 .span-5.last{:style => "height:30px;"} %h4{:style => "margin-top:7px;"} or = link_to t('.find_friends_from_facebook'), friend_finder_path('facebook'), :rel => 'facebox' .clearfix %br %li.follow_interests{:class => ("completed" if has_few_followed_tags?)} .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t('.follow_your_interests') %p = t('.hashtag_explanation') .span-5.append-1 = form_tag(tags_path, :method => 'get', :class => "search_form") do = text_field_tag 'q', nil, :placeholder => "Search for #hashtags", :type => 'search', :results => 5 .span-5.last %h4{:style => "margin-top:7px;"} = t('.featured_tags') %p = link_to "#diaspora", tag_path('diaspora') %br = link_to "#art", tag_path('art') %br = link_to "#gif", tag_path('gif') %br = link_to "#french", tag_path('french') .clearfix %br %br %li.cubbies{:class => ("completed" if has_connected_cubbies?)} .getting_started_number %h3 = @step += 1 .content %h3 = t(".connect_to") = link_to "Cubbi.es", "http://cubbi.es/" %p = t('tokens.show.what_is_cubbies') .cubbies_images = image_tag '/images/cubbies_collage.png', :width => 422, :height => 159, :class => "cubbies_collage_small" = image_tag '/images/cubbies_screenshot2.png', :height => 151, :width => 200, :class => "cubbies_user_page_small" %li{:style => 'text-align:center;'} %p = link_to t('.finished'), getting_started_completed_path, :class => "button" /.span-5.rightBar.last / = render 'selected_contacts', :people => @selected_people.sample(20), :count => @contact_count / = render 'shared/right_sections'