####################################################################### ############### DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING BELOW THIS ###################### ####################################################################### defaults: version: number: "" # Do not touch unless doing a release, do not backport the version number that's in master heroku: false environment: url: "http://localhost:3000/" certificate_authorities: redis: require_ssl: true single_process_mode: false sidekiq: concurrency: 5 retry: 10 backtrace: 15 dead_jobs_limit: 5000 dead_jobs_timeout: 3628800 # 6 weeks log: 'log/sidekiq.log' s3: enable: false key: secret: bucket: region: cache: true image_redirect_url: assets: serve: false upload: false host: pubsub_server: 'https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/' logging: logrotate: enable: true days: 7 debug: sql: false federation: false server: listen: '' rails_environment: 'development' pid: "tmp/pids/web.pid" stderr_log: stdout_log: unicorn_worker: 2 unicorn_timeout: 90 embed_sidekiq_worker: false sidekiq_workers: 1 chat: enabled: false server: enabled: true certs: "config/certs" bosh: proxy: false proto: 'http' address: '' port: 5280 bind: '/http-bind' log: info: 'log/prosody.log' error: 'log/prosody.err' debug: false map: mapbox: enabled: false access_token: style: "mapbox/streets-v9" privacy: jquery_cdn: false google_analytics_key: piwik: enable: false host: site_id: statistics: user_counts: false post_counts: false comment_counts: false camo: proxy_markdown_images: false proxy_opengraph_thumbnails: false proxy_remote_pod_images: false root: key: settings: pod_name: 'diaspora*' enable_registrations: true autofollow_on_join: true autofollow_on_join_user: 'hq@pod.diaspora.software' welcome_message: enabled: false subject: 'Welcome Message' text: 'Hello %{username}, welcome to diaspora*.' invitations: open: true count: 25 paypal_donations: enable: false currency: USD paypal_hosted_button_id: paypal_unhosted_button_encrypted: liberapay_username: bitcoin_address: bitcoin_wallet_id: # DEPRECATED: Remove with 0.6 community_spotlight: enable: false suggest_email: typhoeus_verbose: false typhoeus_concurrency: 20 export_concurrency: 1 username_blacklist: - 'admin' - 'administrator' - 'hostmaster' - 'info' - 'postmaster' - 'root' - 'ssladmin' - 'ssladministrator' - 'sslwebmaster' - 'sysadmin' - 'webmaster' - 'support' - 'contact' - 'example_user1dsioaioedfhgoiesajdigtoearogjaidofgjo' captcha: enable: true image_size: '120x20' captcha_length: 5 image_style: 'simply_green' distortion: 'low' terms: enable: false jurisdiction: false minimum_age: false maintenance: remove_old_users: enable: false after_days: 730 warn_days: 30 limit_removals_to_per_day: 100 source_url: changelog_url: default_color_theme: "original" default_metas: title: 'diaspora* social network' description: 'diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control.' csp: report_only: true report_uri: services: twitter: enable: false key: secret: authorized: true tumblr: enable: false key: secret: authorized: true wordpress: enable: false key: secret: authorized: true mail: enable: false sender_address: 'no-reply@example.org' method: 'smtp' smtp: host: 'localhost' port: 587 authentication: 'plain' username: password: starttls_auto: true openssl_verify_mode: domain: sendmail: location: '/usr/sbin/sendmail' exim_fix: false message_bus_api_key: admins: account: podmin_email: relay: outbound: send: false url: 'https://relay.iliketoast.net/receive/public' inbound: subscribe: false scope: tags include_user_tags: false pod_tags: development: environment: assets: serve: true single_process_mode: true require_ssl: false logging: debug: sql: true server: unicorn_worker: 1 settings: autofollow_on_join: false autofollow_on_join_user: '' production: server: listen: 'unix:tmp/diaspora.sock' test: environment: url: 'http://localhost:9887/' single_process_mode: true require_ssl: false assets: serve: true settings: autofollow_on_join: false autofollow_on_join_user: '' invitations: open: true services: twitter: enable: true key: 'fake' secret: 'sdoigjosdfijg' mail: enable: true integration1: environment: url: 'http://localhost:45789/' single_process_mode: true assets: serve: true require_ssl: false integration2: environment: url: 'http://localhost:34658/' redis: 'redis://localhost:6380' single_process_mode: true assets: serve: true require_ssl: false