## Some notes about this file: ## - All comments start with a double # ## - All settings are by default commented out with a single # ## You need to uncomment them in order to work. ## - Take care to keep proper indentation, that is keeping the indentation ## of the original #, with no additional space before the settings ## name. ## - Take care to keep proper quoting. All ' should have a matching ' at ## the end of the same line. Same goes for " ## - Lines containing "## Section" are sections, categories or however you ## like to name them. Do not edit those! ## - Lists need the space after the - ## - true, false and numbers should have no quoting. ## Single words could have none, but doesn't do any harm to them. ## ## You can set and/or override all this settings through environment variables ## with the following conversion rules: ## - Strip the top level namespace (configuration, production, etc.) ## - Build the path to the setting, for example environment.s3.enable ## - Replace the dots with underscores: environment_s3_enable ## - Upcase everything: ENVIRONMENT_S3_ENABLE ## - Specify lists/arrays as comma separated values ## ## - For example, on Heroku: ## heroku config:set SERVICES_FACEBOOK_APP_ID=whateeryourappid SERVICES_FACEBOOK_SECRET=whateeryourappsecret configuration: ## Section ## Settings you need to change or at least review ## in order for your pod to basically work environment: ## Section ## Set the hostname of the machine you're running Diaspora on, as seen ## from the internet. This should be the URL you want to use to ## access the pod. So if you plan to reverse proxy it, it should be ## the URL the proxy listens on. ## DO NOT CHANGE THIS AFTER INITIAL SETUP ## UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING! ## However changing http to https is okay and has no consequences. ## If you do change it you have to start over as it's hardcoded into ## the database. #url: "https://example.org/" ## Setting the bundle of certificate authorities (CA) certificates. ## This is operating system specific. ## Examples, uncomment one or add your own: ## Debian, Ubuntu, Archlinux, Gentoo (package ca-certificates) #certificate_authorities: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' ## CentOS, Fedora #certificate_authorities: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt' ## URL for a remote redis. ## Don't forget to restrict the IP access! ## Leave it commented out for the default (localhost) #redis: 'redis://exmaple_host' #redis: 'redis://username:password@host:6379/0' #redis: 'unix:///tmp/redis.sock' ## Require SSL, default true. ## When set, your pod will force you to use https in production. ## Since OAuth2 requires SSL Diasporas future API might not work if you're not ## on SSL. Also no gurantee that posting to services is given if SSL ## is disabled. #require_ssl: true ## Single process mode ## If set to true Diaspora will work with just the appserver, ## thin by default, running, however this makes it quite slow as ## all the time intensive jobs must be run inside the request cycle. ## So this is higly unrecommended for production setups. #single_process_mode: true ## Sidekiq - background processing sidekiq: ## Section ## Number of parallel threads Sidekiq uses ## If you touch this please set the pool setting ## in your database.yml to a value that's at minimum ## close to this! The default value is 5 but you can safely ## increase it to 25 and more on a medium sized pod. ## This applies per started Sidekiq worker, so if you set it to ## 25 and start two workers you'll process up to 50 jobs in parallel. #concurrency: 25 ## Number of times a job is retried ## There's an exponential backoff, if you set this too ## high you might get too many jobs in the queue ## Set this to false to disable it completely #retry: 10 ## Namespace to use in Redis, useful if you need to run ## multiple instances of Diaspora using the same Redis instance #namespace: "diaspora" ## Lines of backtrace that is stored on failure ## Set this to false if you're not interested in this data to ## reduce memory usage (and log size) #backtrace: 15 ## Log file for Sidekiq #log: "log/sidekiq.log" ## Use Amazon S3 instead of your local filesystem ## to handle uploaded pictures. s3: ## Section #enable: true #key: 'changeme' #secret: 'changeme' #bucket: 'my_photos' #region: 'us-east-1' # Use max-age header on Amazon S3 resources. # this would set a max-age value of 1 year #cache : true ## Related to S3 you can set a url to redirect all requests to uploaded ## images to another host. If you for example set ## https://images.example.org here, all requests made to ## pictures under /uploads/images will be redirected to ## https://images.example.org/uploads/images/... #image_redirect_url: 'https://images.example.org' assets: ## Section ## Serve static assets via the appserver. ## This is highly discouraged for production use, ## let your reverse proxy/webserver do it by serving the files ## under public/ directly. #serve: true ## Upload your assets to S3 #upload: true ## Specify an asset host. Ensure it does not have a trailing slash (/). #host: http://cdn.example.org/diaspora ## Diaspora is only tested against this default pubsub server. ## You likely don't want to change this. #pubsub_server: 'https://pubsubhubbub.appspot.com/' ## Settings affecting how ./script/server behaves. server: ## Section ## The port on which the appserver should listen #port: 3000 ## The environment in which the server should be started by default. #rails_environment: 'production' ## Write unicorn stderr and stdout log #stderr_log: '/usr/local/app/diaspora/log/unicorn-stderr.log' #stdout_log: '/usr/local/app/diaspora/log/unicorn-stdout.log' ## Number of Unicorn worker processes, increase this if ## you have many users #unicorn_worker: 2 ## Number of seconds before a request is aborted, increase if ## you get empty responses, or large image uploads fail. ## Decrease if you're under heavy load and don't care for some ## requests to fail. #unicorn_timeout: 90 ## Embed a Sidekiq worker inside the unicorn process, useful for ## minimal Heroku setups #embed_sidekiq_worker: true ## Number of Sidekiq worker processes ## Most of the time you want to increase ## environment.sidekiq.concurrency instead! #sidekiq_workers: 1 ## Settings probably affecting the privacy of your users privacy: ## Section ## Include jQuery from jquery.com's CDN ## This potentially saves you some traffic and speeds up ## load time since most clients already have this one cached #jquery_cdn: true ## Provide a key to enable tracking by Google Analytics #google_analytics_key: ## Piwik Tracking ## Provide a site ID and the host piwik is running on to enable ## tracking through Piwik. piwik: ## Section #enable: true #host: 'stats.example.org' #site_id: 1 ## Mixpanel event tracking #mixpanel_uid: ## Chartbeat tracking #chartbeat_uid: ## Statistics ## By default pod name, version and whether registrations are ## open or not is reported. Enable more statistics below. statistics: ## Section ## Local user total and 6 month active counts #user_counts: true ## Local post total count #post_counts: true #comment_counts: true ## General settings settings: ## Section ## The name of your pod displayed in various locations, ## including the header. #pod_name: "Diaspora*" ## Set this to false to prevent people from signing up for your pod ## without an invitation. Note that this needs to be true even for ## the first registration (you). #enable_registrations: true ## Users will automatically follow a specified account on creation ## Set this to false if you don't want your users to automatically ## follow an account upon creation. #autofollow_on_join: true ## The diasporahq account helps users start with some activity in ## their stream and get news about Diaspora, but if you don't want ## your server to contact joindiaspora.com, you can change account ## below or set autofollow_on_join to false #autofollow_on_join_user: 'diasporahq@joindiaspora.com' ## Settings about captcha captcha: ## Section ## Set this to false if you don't want to use captcha for signup process #enable: true ## Change this value to use different captcha image size #image_size: '120x20' ## Length of captcha text. Default value is 5 #captcha_length: 5 ## Change this value to use various image style. ## Available options are: 'simply_blue', 'simply_red' ## 'simply_green', 'charcoal_grey', 'embosed_silver', 'all_black', ## 'distorted_black', 'almost_invisible', 'random' #image_style: 'simply_green' ## Set this value to use various level of distortion ## Available options are: 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'random' #distortion: 'low' ## Settings about invitations invitations: ## Section ## Set this to true if you want users to be able to send invites. #open: true ## The default amount of invitiations an invite link has. ## Every user has such a link. Default count is 25, uncomment to set ## another value. #count: 25 ## Paypal donations ## You can provide the ID of a hosted Paypal button here to kindly ask ## your users for donations to run their pod. If you leave this out ## we kindly ask your users to donate to the Diaspora Foundation :) #paypal_hosted_button_id: "" ## Bitcoin donations ## You can provide a bitcoin address here to kindly ask ## your users for donations to run their pod. #bitcoin_address: "" ## Community Spotlight ## The community spotlight gives new users a starting point on who ## could be interesting Diasporas community. To add a person ## to the spotlight add the 'spotlight' role to it. community_spotlight: ## Section #enable: false ## E-Mail address users can make suggestions about who should be ## in the spotlight to. #suggest_email: 'admin@example.org' ## Maximum number of parallel HTTP requests made to other pods ## Be careful, raising this setting will heavily increase the ## memory usage of your Sidekiq workers #typhoeus_concurrency: 20 ## CURL debug ## Turn on extra verbose output when sending stuff. No you ## don't need to touch this unless explicitly told to. #typhoeus_verbose: true ## Setup E-Mail mail: ## Section ## First you need to enable it ;) #enable: true ## Sender address used in mail send by Diaspora #sender_address: 'no-reply@example.org' ## This selects which mailer should be used. Take 'smtp' for a smtp ## connection, 'sendmail' to use the sendmail binary or ## 'messagebus' to use the messagebus service. #method: 'smtp' ## Ignore if method isn't 'smtp' smtp: ## Section ## Host and port of the smtp server handling outgoing mail. ## This should match the common name of the certificate ## the SMTP server sends. If he sends one. #host: 'smtp.example.org' #port: 587 ## Authentication required to send mail. Use one of 'plain', ## 'login' or 'cram_md5'. Use 'none' if server does not support ## authentication #authentication: 'plain' ## Credentials to log in to the SMTP server - may be necessary if ## authentication is not 'none' #username: 'changeme' #password: 'changeme' ## Automatically enable TLS? Ignored if authentication is set to none #starttls_auto: true ## The domain for the HELO command if needed #domain: 'smtp.example.org' ## OpenSSL verify mode used when connecting to a ## SMTP server with TLS. Set this to none if you have ## a self signed certificate. Possible values: ## 'none', 'peer', 'client_once', 'fail_if_no_peer_cert' #openssl_verify_mode: 'none' ## Ignore if method isn't 'sendmail' sendmail: ## Section ## The path to the sendmail binary. #location: '/usr/sbin/sendmail' ## Set this to true if you want to use exim and sendmail #exim_fix: true ## Ignore if method isn't 'messagebus' #message_bus_api_key: 'abcdef' ## Settings around Diasporas capabilities to post to services services: ## Section ## OAuth credentials for Facebook: facebook: ## Section #enable: true #app_id: 'abcdef' #secret: 'changeme' ## OAuth credentials for Twitter: twitter: ## Section #enable: true #key: 'abcdef' #secret: 'changeme' ## OAuth credentials for Tumblr tumblr: ## Section #enable: true #key: 'abcdef' #secret: 'changeme' ## OAuth credentials for Wordpress wordpress: ## Section #enable: true #client_id: 'abcdef' #secret: 'changeme' ## Settings relevant to administrators admins: ## Section ## Set the admin account. ## This doesn't make the user an admin but is used when a generic ## admin contact is neeeded, much like the postmaster role in mail ## systems. Set only the username, NOT the full ID. #account: "podmaster" ## E-Mail address users can contact the administrator #podmin_email: 'podmin@example.org' ## Here you can make overides to settings defined above if you need ## to have them different in different environments. production: ## Section environment: ## Section #redis_url: 'redis://production.example.org:6379' development: ## Section environment: ## Section #redis_url: 'redis://production.example.org:6379'