# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. en_valspeak: _applications: "Appz" _contacts: "BFFs <3" _help: "Need halp!!" _services: "Other socialz" _statistics: "statsss" _terms: "boring legal stuff" account: "Like ur account" activerecord: errors: models: contact: attributes: person_id: taken: "it must be like... different among this homie's homiez. duh." person: attributes: diaspora_handle: taken: "is like... already taken. sry :\\" poll: attributes: poll_answers: not_enough_poll_answers: "Theres like... not enough stuff to select in the poll..." poll_participation: attributes: poll: already_participated: "uve like... already voted on this poll!! derp." reshare: attributes: root_guid: taken: "Umm, wtf r u doing? U already reshared that postie? Duh?" user: attributes: email: taken: "is like... already taken." person: invalid: "is like... not valid n junk." username: invalid: "is like... not valid n junk. u have 2 liek... use letterz, numbahz, and these thingz \"_\" but like witout the quote thingz..." taken: "some1 like, already bought those shoez. sry bout that :\\" admins: admin_bar: pages: "Pagies!" pod_stats: "Pod statsss <3" report: "Reportz" sidekiq_monitor: "Technical thingy called Sidekiq monitor... wasnt that like... a phone once? OMG! IT WAS! :DD" user_search: "Ppl search" weekly_user_stats: "Weekly ppl stats" stats: 2weeks: "2 weekz" 50_most: "ZOMG THE 50 MOST POPULAR TAGZ!!!" comments: one: "%{count} comment!!!(:" other: "%{count} commentz!! :DDD" zero: "%{count} commentz :(" current_segment: "So like, the current segment is like.. averagin %{post_yest} posties per usah, from %{post_day}" daily: "Dailyy" display_results: "Showin results from the like.. %{segment} segment" go: "go!!" month: "Month" posts: one: "%{count} postie" other: "%{count} posties!" zero: "%{count} posties :(" shares: one: "%{count} share!(:" other: "OMG u like have %{count} sharez!! :DDD" zero: "%{count} sharez :c" tag_name: "Tag Nameuh: %{name_tag} Countuh: %{count_tag}" usage_statistic: "Usage staties" users: one: "%{count} ppl!(:" other: "%{count} ppl!!! :DDD" zero: "%{count} ppl :c" week: "Week" user_entry: account_closed: "account trashed <3" diaspora_handle: "d* handle" email: "Emale" guid: "gee yew eye dee" id: "eye dee" last_seen: "was like, last seen" ? "no" : "no way!" nsfw: "#groody" unknown: "dunno them" ? "yes" : totally user_search: account_closing_scheduled: "So like, the account of %{name} is waitin 2 b closed. it will b done in a few min, kay?" account_locking_scheduled: "So like, that account with like the name... %{name} is like.. scheduled to be locked. So like, it will totally be done in a min. Kthx." account_unlocking_scheduled: "so like... the account for %{name} is like.. scheduled to be like.. unlocked. give it a min, mkay?" add_invites: "add invites!! <3" are_you_sure: "R u like... totally sure u wanna trash this account?" are_you_sure_lock_account: "So like, u totes sure u wanna lock this ppl?" are_you_sure_unlock_account: "So like, u totes sure u wanna unlock this ppl?" close_account: "trash account" email_to: "Email for the ppl 2 invite <3" under_13: "show ppl undah 13 (COPPA)" users: one: "%{count} was like... found! :D" other: "%{count} ppl found!! :D" zero: "%{count} ppl found :(" view_profile: "look at profile" you_currently: one: "u only have 1 invite left %{link}" other: "u have like... %{count} invites left %{link}" zero: "u like... have no invites left %{link} :\\" weekly_user_stats: amount_of: one: "Number of new ppl this week: %{count}" other: "Number of new ppl this week: %{count}" zero: "Number of new ppl this week: none :\\" current_server: "So like... the current server date ish like... %{date}" all_aspects: "All aspectz" are_you_sure: "R u like, for sure?" are_you_sure_delete_account: "R u like, mental? U like, wanna close ur account? U should like stay! YOLO! Well if u do, remember, like, this CANT b undone. Kay?" aspect_memberships: destroy: failure: "The person was not like... removed... sry bout that :\\" forbidden: "So like, ur not allowed to do tht..." no_membership: "like... we couldnt find the ppl u picked in that aspect... sry bout tht :\\" success: "The person was like... removed.. n stuff..." aspects: add_to_aspect: failure: "there was like... a problem addin bff to aspect." success: "OMG! Movin them like, totally WORKED! <333" aspect_listings: add_an_aspect: "+ Addn aspect" aspect_stream: make_something: "Make somethin.." stay_updated: "stay like... up 2 date" stay_updated_explanation: "Ur wall has like... ur BFFs n tagz n junk on it..." destroy: failure: "%{name} is like... not gone n so it like... cant b removed... sry bout tht :\\" success: "%{name} is nao like... gone n stuff." edit: aspect_list_is_not_visible: "Ppl in this aspect r like.. not able 2 c each other." aspect_list_is_visible: "Ppl in this aspect r like.. able 2 c each other." confirm_remove_aspect: "R u sure u want 2 like... remove this aspect?" rename: "bag this name.." update: "make like... newer..." updating: "makin like... newer..." index: donate: "give like... free money" help: any_problem: "Havin drama?" contact_podmin: "Contact the dude that manages ur pod!" do_you: "do u... like:" feature_suggestion: "... do u like... have a %{link} suggestion?" find_a_bug: "... find a like... %{link}?" have_a_question: "... have a like... %{link}?" here_to_help: "diaspora ppl r here... yay!" mail_podmin: "the email for the ppl who like... run this bitch" need_help: "so like, wat?" tag_bug: "OMG, i like... have an issue!" tag_feature: "cool new thang" tag_question: "q4u" tutorial_link_text: "Tutorialz!!" tutorials_and_wiki: "%{faq}, %{tutorial}, && %{wiki}: Halp for ur first stepz." introduce_yourself: "so this is like, ur stream thing... its like facebooks wall thingy but like... less annoyin n wit like... less adz n picz of food and stuff... like, post sumthin n see if ne1 repliez... like... yeah" keep_pod_running: "So like, keep %{pod} from bein all slow n stupid by like... donatin monthly n stuff! <3(:" new_here: follow: "follow %{link} n like ... welcome new ppl 2 diaspora*!" learn_more: "like... learn moar n stuff..." title: "dude! u should like, totally whalecum the new diaspora ppl. its a blast like... yeah.." services: content: "U can like... connect the followin things 2 d*:" heading: "connect like... other stuff.." welcome_to_diaspora: "OMG HEY! Like, welcome to diaspora*, %{name}. its pretty bitchin' n has electrolytes(;" no_contacts_message: community_spotlight: "d* celebz" or_spotlight: "Or u can like... share wit %{link}" try_adding_some_more_contacts: "U can like... search or like... invite moar ppl." you_should_add_some_more_contacts: "U should like... add some moar ppl!" seed: acquaintances: "Some ppl I sorta kno" family: "Fam" friends: "BFFs" work: "Work bffs" update: failure: "Ur group, %{name}, had like... a rlly long name.. so yeah... it wasnt saved... sry :\\" success: "Ur aspect, %{name}, has like... not flipped out. So ur good!(:" blocks: create: failure: "couldnt ignore the h8ter. #lame" success: "Aight, u wont c that weirdo on ur wall again. Ur welcome. ;)" destroy: failure: "I couldnt like... unblock that h8ter. #couldntunblockh8terlame" success: "Lets c wat they have 2 say!! #sayhaithar" bookmarklet: explanation: "post 2 d* from like.. anywhere by like... saving this thing => %{link}" heading: "save page thingy" post_something: "put it on d* n stuff" cancel: "Nvm" comments: new_comment: comment: "say somethin" commenting: "sayin somethin" contacts: index: add_contact: "Add BFF <3" all_contacts: "All BFFs!!" community_spotlight: "d* celebz <33" my_contacts: "My BFFs!!! <333" no_contacts: "u like... need 2 add sum ppl" no_contacts_message: "OMG! u should like... check out %{community_spotlight}" only_sharing_with_me: "only sharin wit me" start_a_conversation: "start a like... convo" title: "BFFs" user_search: "Ppl stalk" spotlight: community_spotlight: "d* celebz!! <3" no_members: "theres no peeps yet :c" suggest_member: "Suggest a membah!!(:" conversations: create: fail: "bad txt" sent: "txt sent" destroy: delete_success: "convo successfully deleted YAAAAY!((:" hide_success: "convo be hidden!(:" index: conversations_inbox: "Convos - Inbox" inbox: "Txts <3" new_conversation: "New convo" no_messages: "therez like... no messagez :( " confirm_email: click_link: "2 like, activate ur like new email %{unconfirmed_email}, plz like, follow this link:" subject: "Plz like... confirm ur new email %{unconfirmed_email}. K thx!!! <3" email_sent_by_diaspora: "This email was like... sent by %{pod_name}. If u'd like... to like... stop gettin emails like this," export_email: body: |- Hai %{name}!! So like, we got ur data, and its totally ready for dl by [clicking here!!!!:D](%{url}). Deuces! The d* robo!! subject: "u can dl ur personal data nao!!!!, %{name} :D" export_failure_email: body: |- Hey %{name} So like, we had an issue while like... processin ur data and stuff.. for like.. download.. so like.. can you, like, try again? so sry bout tht.. d* robot!<3 subject: "So like, totally sry, but like... there was a problem with your stuff %{name}" export_photos_email: subject: "Ur pics are ready, %{name}!!! c:" export_photos_failure_email: body: |- Heyy %{name} So like, we had an issue like... while gettin ur photos so u could like..download them.. Try again bruh! Sry bout tht, :/ The d* robot! [: subject: "So like, there was an issue with ur photos, %{name}... so sry bout tht..." hello: "OMG HEY! %{name}" invite: message: |- Ohai! U have like... been invited 2 join diaspora*! Click this link thingy 2 like.. get started [%{invite_url}][1] <3, The d* email robot! [1]: %{invite_url} invited_you: "%{name} invited u 2 d*!!!" liked: liked: "OMG! %{name} has like liked ur postie!!!" limited_post: "OMG! %{name} liked ur limited postie!!!! :O" view_post: "Look at postie >" mentioned: limited_post: "so like... you were mentioned in a post thats like.. limited bruh[:" subject: "OMG! %{name} has like... mentioned u on d*" private_message: reply_to_or_view: "Reply 2 or like... look at this convo >" remove_old_user: body: |- Hai thar! :P~~ So like, it looks like you don't want your account @ %{pod_url}, since like... you haven't used it in like... forever... which has been like... %{after_days} days. Mm, cha. That's like... a lot. So like, to make sure that like, the ppl who often use the pod, get like, the best performance and junk, we'd like to totally remove accounts that we think ppl don't want from our database thingy.. We'd love for you stay and like... hang out with us in the d* community, and youre totally welcome to keep ur account going if you wanna.. d* is like.. totes better than fb 'n junk... js.. So like, if you wanna keep ur account like.. active.. which its like, totally cool if you wanna go but like, if you wanna keep ur account, then all you like, need to do is like.. sign in to ur account before like ... %{remove_after}. And like, when u sign back in... itd be totally far out if you would like... play around with d*! Like, stuff changez like.. a lot.. all the time. Its not dead like erryone keeps sayin. its like umm as IF right!? that zuckerberg dude seems dead inside.. like.. does he like totally EVER blink? ew, gross.. gag me with a SPOOOOOOON.. oh damn, i totes forgot what i was sayin... OH YEAH! so like, if you found d* boring or somethin, try followin some different #tags 'n stuff.. and like.. things are always changin... like ALL the time.. but not like.. in a bad way.. like.. not like how FB is always changin their privacy policy. thats like.. rlly annoyin.. js.. so like, if you wanna sign in, clickie here: %{login_url}. if youve forgot ur log-in creds, u can like ask for a like.. reminder on tht page.. its totes okay if you forgot. like, omg, this one time, i forgot i left my curling on, and it set my bathroom on fire... my daddy was like SOOOOOOOO angry like omg... he almost like, took my allowance away... it was totally lame.. so like, anyway, i hope you come back! we can like, netflix and chill and junk. baiiii! <3333 :* the d* robot! subject: "So like, your account has been like... set to be trashed... because you like... haven't been on in awhile. So sry bout tht.." report_email: body: |- Ohai! the %{type} wit ID %{id} waz marked as groody. yeah. [%{url}][1] Plz like, check in on this, kay? Kthxbye, The d* email robot <3 [1]: %{url} subject: "A new %{type} was like... marked as gag me with a spoon." type: comment: "commentt<3" post: "postie" reshared: reshared: "%{name} like... reshared ur postie... tubular!!" view_post: "Look at postie >" single_admin: admin: "ur dude that runs everythin" subject: "A txt bout ur d* account:" started_sharing: sharing: "has like... started sharin wit u!" subject: "ZOMG!! so like.. %{name} has TOTALLY started sharin wit u!!!(:" view_profile: "Look at %{name}'s profile" thanks: "thx," to_change_your_notification_settings: "2 change ur notie settins" nsfw: "OMG! GROODY!" ok: "For SURE" people: add_contact: invited_by: "u were like... invited by" index: couldnt_find_them: "couldnt find them? thats totally lame :(" looking_for: "U like... lookin for posties tagged %{tag_link}?" no_one_found: "...and nothin was like... found. sry bout that :\\" no_results: "OMG! Hey! U like, need 2 search for sumthin." results_for: "Ppl who match ur like... search thingy %{search_term}" search_handle: "use their d* ID (usahname@pod.tld) to b for sure 2 find ur BFFs." searching: "im lookin, brb... <3" send_invite: "still nothin? :( send an invite!!! :DDD" person: thats_you: "OMG! thats u!!!! FAR OUT!" profile_sidebar: bio: "all about meee <333" born: "Bday" gender: "dude or dudette or whatev..." location: "my crib" show: closed_account: "this profile is gone dude..." does_not_exist: "they dont like... exist :\\" has_not_shared_with_you_yet: "%{name} has like... not shared ne posties wit u yet!" photos: create: integrity_error: "The pic didnt like... upload. R u like for sure that was a pic n not somethin else?" runtime_error: "Pic didnt like... upload. R u like for sure ur duck face is like.. ducky enough?" type_error: "So like... ur pic wasnt added. r u like... sure u actually like... added it?" destroy: notice: "Pic deleted :o" new_profile_photo: upload: "Upload a new selfie!!! OMG!!" polls: votes: one: "%{count} vote so far!!! :]" other: "ZOMG!! %{count} votes so farrrr!!! :DDD" zero: "%{count} votes so far.. :c" posts: presenter: title: "A postie from %{name}" show: forbidden: "So like, ur not allowed to do tht..." location: "Postie posted from: %{location} c:" photos_by: one: "One pic by %{author}" other: "%{count} picz by %{author}" zero: "No picz by %{author}" reshare_by: "Reshare is like... by %{author}" privacy: "OMG give me some privacy!" profile: "Like ur profile" profiles: edit: allow_search: "Do u wanna like... let ppl stalk u within d*?" basic: "Basic bitch profile [;" extended: "Extended profileeee" first_name: "First name? Kthx" last_name: "Last name? Kthx" limited: "Not all of the Internetz can see this o:" nsfw_check: "Like, mark everythin i share as groody" nsfw_explanation: "Groody (NSFW) is d*'s thingy to hide nudes n other groody stuff that like.. can get u in trouble. make sure u liek, check this thingy if u plan to post this kind of stuff a lot. Kthxbye <3" nsfw_explanation2: "if u liek, choose 2 not pick this option, then liek, plz add the #nsfw or #groody tag thingy each time u share naughty stuff. Kay? Thx!!! <3" public: "Internetz can see this o:" settings: "Profie settins!!![:" update_profile: "Change ur stuff" your_bio: "Ur bio. Kthx." your_birthday: "Ur bday" your_gender: "Ur gender? Kthx" your_location: "Ur place" your_name: "Ur name" your_photo: "Ur pic" your_tags: "Describe urself in like... 5 werdz" your_tags_placeholder: "like #twilight #selfies #Belieber #iphone #mtv" update: failed: "Ur profie didnt update :(" updated: "Profie updated!!! <3" public: "like, every1 can c this" registrations: create: success: "u've joined d*!!! OMFG YAAAAAYYY!! :DDD" invalid_invite: "OMG, dude, ur invite link is like... SOOOO old... like... gross. so like, sry but its no longer valid. Kthxbye<3" new: email: "EMAIL<3" enter_email: "Enter like... an email" enter_password: "Enter a like... secret code thats like... moar than 6 keys n junk" enter_password_again: "enter what u liek... entered b4" enter_username: "So like.. pick a name that ppl will like... call u by.. n sry but u can only like.. use letters numbers n these things \"_\" but like.. witout the up n down lines n junk..." password: "PASSWERD<3" password_confirmation: "PASSWERD CONFIRMATION!!" sign_up: "SIGN UP!!" submitting: "Submittin... just a sec..." terms: "By creatin an account u like... accept the %{terms_link}." terms_link: "more boring legal stuff" username: "USERNAMEEE<3" report: comment_label: "Like, Comment:
%{data}" confirm_deletion: "R u sure u wanna trash this?" delete_link: "Trash item" not_found: "The postie/comment like, wasnt found. mayb it was liek.. trashed by the usah!" post_label: "Postie: %{title}" reason_label: "Reazun:" reported_label: "Like, reported by %{person}" review_link: "Mark as like, reviewed n stuff" status: destroyed: "The postie went bye byez!" failed: "Somethin screwed up. sry bout that :\\" title: "Reportz Ovahview" reshares: comment_email_subject: "%{resharer}'s like... reshare of %{author}'s postie" create: error: "couldnt reshare :c" reshare: deleted: "The original postie was like... deleted by the person who made it :(" reshare_confirmation: "Like... reshare %{author}'z postie n stuff?" reshared_via: "like reshared via" search: "like look for stuff like #shoes!" services: create: already_authorized: "A person wit like... the d* id %{diaspora_id} already like... enabled that %{service_name} account n stuff..." failure: "So like... it failed n stuff... sry bout tht :\\" read_only_access: "this is like.. read-only... plz try 2 like.. authorize again l8ter. kthx <3" success: "so like... ur connected nao n stuff" destroy: success: "Yay! Trashed eet woo!!" failure: error: "there was drama when connectin 2 that thing :\\" index: connect: "ConnectFour bahahaha OMG!" disconnect: "like disconnect" edit_services: "Edit servies!!!" logged_in_as: "ur like... checkin in as" no_services_available: "so like... there are no services that this pod can like... connect to... sry bout tht.. :c" not_logged_in: "ur like.. currently not logged in and stuffz" really_disconnect: "drop %{service}?" services_explanation: "Connectin 2 servies gives u like... the ability 2 post ur posties 2 them as u write them in d*! :p" share_to: "share 2 %{provider}" provider: tumblr: "tmblr" twitter: "Twittar<333" wordpress: "WurdPress" settings: "Like ur settinz" shared: aspect_dropdown: mobile_row_checked: "%{name} (remove)" mobile_row_unchecked: "%{name} (add)" toggle: one: "In like... %{count} aspect" other: "In like... %{count} aspectz" zero: "add BFF" invitations: by_email: "By email(:" invite_your_friends: "Invite ur BFFs!!" invites: "Invites!!" share_this: "Share this link like... via email, blogg, or social netz!" public_explain: atom_feed: "Feed thingy" control_your_audience: "Control ur ppl" logged_in: "checked in 2 %{service}" manage: "Like... manage servies ur like... connected 2" new_user_welcome_message: "Like, use #hashtags 2 like... make ur posties bout somethin n find ppl who like... share ur interests. call out awesome ppl wit @Mentions" outside: "So like... these txts r able 2 b seen by the internet.." share: "Sharrr" title: "Set up other servies" visibility_dropdown: "Use dis dropdown 2 change who can like... c ur postie. (we like... recommend u make this first 1 2 where ne1 can c it.)" publisher: discard_post: "Trash postie" formatWithMarkdown: "U can like... use %{markdown_link} to make ur postie totally awesome!!(:" get_location: "Get ur place in the world!" new_user_prefill: hello: "OMG liek HEY PPL! im #%{new_user_tag} " i_like: "im like... rlly into %{tags}. " invited_by: "Thx for the invite, " newhere: "Newbie<3" poll: add_a_poll: "Add a pole" posting: "Postin..." remove_location: "Trash where u r" share: "Share!!!" whats_on_your_mind: "Sup dude?" stream_element: via: "like... via %{link}" via_mobile: "via mobilez!!" simple_captcha: label: "enter teh stuff in the box:" message: default: "The captcha didnt match wit the pic D:" failed: "so like, r u human? cuz u have to b in order to get past this :\\ sry bout tht. :\\" user: "The secret pic n code werent the same D:" placeholder: "like, enter in the stuff in the pic" statistics: active_users_halfyear: "Active ppl half yr" active_users_monthly: "Active ppl monthly" closed: "Closed" disabled: "Not availab" enabled: "Availab" local_comments: "Local commentz" local_posts: "Local posties" name: "Nameee" network: "Da network" open: "Open" registrations: "Reggies" services: "Serviez!!!! :3" total_users: "Total ppl" version: "Ver" status_messages: new: mentioning: "Mentionin: %{person}" too_long: "Plz make ur status txt smaller than %{count} key presses. Right nao its like... %{current_length} key presses" stream_helper: no_more_posts: "youre at the end :(" no_posts_yet: "Therez no posties yet.." streams: activity: title: "My happenins" aspects: title: "My Aspectz" aspects_stream: "Aspectz" comment_stream: title: "Commented Posties" community_spotlight_stream: "D* celebz!!" followed_tag: add_a_tag: "Add a like... tag" follow: "Stalk" title: "#Followed Tagz" followed_tags_stream: "#Followed Tagz" like_stream: title: "Like Wall" mentioned_stream: "@Mentionz" mentions: title: "@Mentionz" multi: title: "Wall" public: title: "Stuff every1 can like... c" tags: title: "Posties tagged: %{tags}" tag_followings: manage: no_tags: "U arent followin any tags bruh :c" tags: name_too_long: "So like, please make your tag name like... fewer than %{count} chars. Its like.. %{current_length}!!" show: follow: "Follow like... #%{tag}" none: "Umm, so the like... empty tag doesnt like... exist :\\" stop_following: "Stop like... followin #%{tag}" tagged_people: one: "1 peep is like tagged with %{tag}" other: "%{count} peeps tagged with %{tag}" zero: "No peep is like.. tagged with %{tag}" username: "ur like... name ppl will find u by or whatever" users: confirm_email: email_confirmed: "Ur email %{email} is like... activated" email_not_confirmed: "So like, ur email could not like... b activated for sum reason. Do u have the like... wrong link? D:" destroy: no_password: "Plz enter ur like... current passwerd 2 like... trash ur account." success: "Ur account has like... been locked. and it like.. may take like 20 mins for us 2 like... finish closin ur account.. thx for checkin out d*. byezz <33" wrong_password: "so like, the passwerd u entered didnt match ur like... current 1... yeah." edit: also_commented: "some1 comments on a postie u've commented on" auto_follow_aspect: "Group for automagically added BFFs:" auto_follow_back: "Automagically share wit ppl who start sharin wit u" change: "Changeee" change_color_theme: "change the colorz!!![:" change_email: "Change email <3" change_language: "Change what u read n speak n stuff" change_password: "Change passwerd" character_minimum_expl: "must b like... 6 buttons..." close_account: dont_go: "DUDE! WTF!? Dont leave!" lock_username: "So this will liek.. lock ur username thingy if u decided 2 sign back up n stuff." locked_out: "U will like... get like.. automagically bounced n locked out of ur account." make_diaspora_better: "We like... want u 2 help make d* bettah n stuff, so u should like.. help us out instead of leavin(: if u do wanna leave, we like... wanna make sure u know wat happens next. K?" mr_wiggles: "Mr Wigglez will b sad :((