# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. cy: javascripts: aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "Ychwanegu cysylltiad" all_aspects: "Agweddau i gŷd" error: "Couldn't start sharing with <%= name %>. Are you ignoring them?" select_aspects: "Dewis agweddau" started_sharing_with: "Rydych chi'n rhannu gyda <%= name %>!" stopped_sharing_with: "Dydych chi ddim yn rhannu nawr gyda <%= name %>." toggle: many: "Mewn <%= count %> agweddau" one: "Mewn <%= count %> agwedd" other: "Mewn <%= count %> agweddau" two: "Mewn <%= count %> agweddau" zero: "Dewiswch agweddau" aspect_navigation: deselect_all: "Dad-ddewis i gŷd" no_aspects: "Dydych chi ddim wedi dewis unrhyw agweddau" select_all: "Dewis i gŷd" comments: hide: "cuddio sylwadau" show: "ddangos sylwadau i gŷd" confirm_dialog: "Chi'n siwr?" failed_to_post_message: "Methwyd i bostio neges!" getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "O'r gorau - 'dwi'n aros..." hey: "Hei, <%= name %>!" no_tags: "Hei, dydych chi ddim yn dilyn unrhyw tagiau! Dal ymlaen beth bynnag?" preparing_your_stream: "Preparing your personalised stream..." header: search: "Find people or #tags" photo_uploader: looking_good: "OMG, rydych chi'n ymddangos yn neis iawn!" show_more: "dangos mwy" stream: likes: few: "<%= count %> Likes" many: "<%= count %> Likes" one: "<%= count %> Like" other: "<%= count %> Likes" two: "<%= count %> Likes" zero: "<%= count %> Likes" more_comments: few: "Show <%= count %> more comments" many: "Show <%= count %> more comments" one: "Show <%= count %> more comment" other: "Show <%= count %> more comments" two: "Show <%= count %> more comments" zero: "Show <%= count %> more comments" reshares: few: "<%= count %> Reshares" many: "<%= count %> Reshares" one: "<%= count %> Reshare" other: "<%= count %> Reshares" two: "<%= count %> Reshares" zero: "<%= count %> Reshares" tags: wasnt_that_interesting: "OK, mae'n debyg nid yw #<%= tagName %> yn ddiddorol iawn..." timeago: day: "diwrnod" days: other: "%d diwrnod" hour: "awr" hours: other: "%d awr" minute: "tua funud" minutes: other: "%d munud" month: "mis" months: other: "%d mis" prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" seconds: "rhai na munud" suffixAgo: "yn ôl" suffixFromNow: "o hŷd" year: "tua flwyddyn" years: other: "%d blyddynoedd"