# Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. en: javascripts: cancel: "Cancel" confirm_dialog: "Are you sure?" confirm_unload: "Please confirm that you want to leave this page. Data you have entered won’t be saved." create: "Create" delete: "Delete" ignore: "Ignore" report: prompt: "Please enter a reason:" prompt_default: "e.g. offensive content" name: "Report" status: created: "The report has successfully been created" exists: "The report already exists" ignore_user: "Ignore this user?" ignore_failed: "Unable to ignore this user" hide_post: "Hide this post?" hide_post_failed: "Unable to hide this post" remove_post: "Remove this post?" unblock_failed: "Unblocking this user has failed" and: "and" comma: "," edit: "Edit" no_results: "No results found" show_all: "Show all" admins: dashboard: up_to_date: "Your pod is up to date!" outdated: "Your pod is outdated." compare_versions: "The latest diaspora* release is <%= latestVersion %>, your pod is running <%= podVersion %>." error: "Unable to determine latest diaspora* version." admin: pods: pod: "Pod" ssl: "SSL" ssl_enabled: "SSL enabled" ssl_disabled: "SSL disabled" added: "Added" status: "Status" states: unchecked: "Unchecked" no_errors: "OK" dns_failed: "Name resolution (DNS) failed" net_failed: "Connection attempt failed" ssl_failed: "Secure connection (SSL) failed" http_failed: "HTTP connection failed" version_failed: "Unable to retrieve software version" unknown_error: "An unspecified error has happened during the check" actions: "Actions" offline_since: "offline since:" last_check: "last check:" more_info: "show more information" check: "perform connection test" recheck: success: "The pod was just checked again." failure: "The check was not performed." follow_link: "open link in browser" no_info: "No additional information available at this point" server_software: "Server software:" response_time: "Response time:" ms: one: "<%= count %>ms" other: "<%= count %>ms" unknown: "unknown" not_available: "not available" unchecked: one: "There is still one pod that hasn't been checked at all." other: "There are still <%= count %> pods that haven't been checked at all." version_failed: one: "There is one pod that has no version (old pod, no NodeInfo)." other: "There are <%= count %> pods that have no version (old pods, no NodeInfo)." errors: one: "The connection test returned an error for one pod." other: "The connection test returned an error for <%= count %> pods." aspects: name: "Name" create: add_a_new_aspect: "Add a new aspect" success: "Your new aspect <%= name %> was created" failure: "Aspect creation failed." errors: connection: "Unable to connect to the server." timeago: prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" suffixAgo: "ago" suffixFromNow: "from now" inPast: "any moment now" seconds: "less than a minute" minute: "about a minute" minutes: one: "1 minute" other: "%d minutes" hour: "about an hour" hours: one: "about 1 hour" other: "about %d hours" day: "a day" days: one: "1 day" other: "%d days" month: "about a month" months: one: "1 month" other: "%d months" year: "about a year" years: one: "1 year" other: "%d years" wordSeparator: " " contacts: add_contact: "Add contact" remove_contact: "Remove contact" error_add: "Couldn’t add <%= name %> to the aspect :(" error_remove: "Couldn’t remove <%= name %> from the aspect :(" search_no_results: "No contacts found" my_activity: "My activity" my_stream: "Stream" my_aspects: "My aspects" publisher: near_from: "Posted from: <%= location %>" option: "Answer" add_option: "Add an answer" question: "Question" markdown_editor: preview: "Preview" write: "Write" tooltips: bold: "Bold" italic: "Italic" heading: "Heading" insert_link: "Insert link" insert_image: "Insert image" insert_ordered_list: "Insert ordered list" insert_unordered_list: "Insert unordered list" preview: "Preview message" write: "Edit message" cancel: "Cancel message" quote: "Insert quotation" code: "Insert code" texts: strong: "strong text" italic: "italic text" heading: "heading text" insert_link_description_text: "enter link description here" insert_link_help_text: "Insert link here" insert_image_description_text: "enter image description here" insert_image_help_text: "Insert image link here" insert_image_title: "enter image title here" list: "list text here" quote: "quotation text here" code: "code here" mention_success: "Successfully mentioned: <%= names %>" bookmarklet: post_something: "Post to diaspora*" post_submit: "Submitting post..." post_success: "Posted! Closing popup window..." aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "Add contact" select_aspects: "Select aspects" all_aspects: "All aspects" updating: "updating..." mobile_row_checked: "<%= name %> (remove)" mobile_row_unchecked: "<%= name %> (add)" stopped_sharing_with: "You have stopped sharing with <%= name %>." started_sharing_with: "You have started sharing with <%= name %>!" error: "Couldn’t start sharing with <%= name %>. Are you ignoring them?" error_remove: "Couldn’t remove <%= name %> from the aspect :(" toggle: one: "In <%= count %> aspect" other: "In <%= count %> aspects" show_more: "Show more" failed_to_post_message: "Failed to post message!" failed_to_remove: "Failed to remove the entry!" comments: show: "Show all comments" hide: "Hide comments" no_comments: "There are no comments yet." reshares: successful: "The post was successfully reshared!" post: "Reshare <%= name %>’s post?" aspect_navigation: select_all: "Select all" deselect_all: "Deselect all" no_aspects: "No aspects selected" add_an_aspect: "+ Add an aspect" getting_started: hey: "Hey, <%= name %>!" no_tags: "Hey, you haven’t followed any tags! Continue anyway?" alright_ill_wait: "All right, I’ll wait." preparing_your_stream: "Preparing your personalized stream..." photo_uploader: upload_photos: "Upload photos" looking_good: "OMG, you look awesome!" completed: "<%= file %> completed" error: "A problem occurred while uploading file <%= file %>" invalid_ext: "{file} has invalid extension. Only {extensions} are allowed." size_error: "{file} is too large, maximum file size is {sizeLimit}." empty: "{file} is empty, please select files again without it." tags: wasnt_that_interesting: "OK, I suppose #<%= tagName %> wasn’t all that interesting..." people: not_found: "... and no one was found" mention: "Mention" message: "Message" edit_my_profile: "Edit my profile" stop_ignoring: "Stop ignoring" helper: is_sharing: "<%= name %> is sharing with you" is_not_sharing: "<%= name %> is not sharing with you" profile: edit: "Edit" add_some: "Add some" you_have_no_tags: "You have no tags!" bio: "Bio" location: "Location" gender: "Gender" born: "Birthday" photos: "Photos" posts: "Posts" conversation: create: no_recipient: "Hey, you need to add a recipient first!" new: no_contacts: "You need to add some contacts before you can start a conversation." notifications: mark_read: "Mark read" mark_unread: "Mark unread" new_notifications: one: "You have <%= count %> unread notification" other: "You have <%= count %> unread notifications" stream: hide: "Hide" public: "Public" limited: "Limited" like: "Like" unlike: "Unlike" reshare: "Reshare" comment: "Comment" original_post_deleted: "Original post deleted by author" show_nsfw_post: "Show post" show_nsfw_posts: "Show all" hide_nsfw_posts: "Hide #nsfw posts" follow: "Follow" unfollow: "Unfollow" enable_post_notifications: "Enable notifications for this post" disable_post_notifications: "Disable notifications for this post" permalink: "Permalink" via: "via <%= provider %>" no_posts_yet: "There are no posts to display here yet." likes: zero: "<%= count %> Likes" one: "<%= count %> Like" other: "<%= count %> Likes" reshares: zero: "<%= count %> Reshares" one: "<%= count %> Reshare" other: "<%= count %> Reshares" comments: zero: "<%= count %> comments" one: "<%= count %> comment" other: "<%= count %> comments" more_comments: zero: "Show <%= count %> more comments" one: "Show <%= count %> more comment" other: "Show <%= count %> more comments" followed_tag: title: "#Followed tags" add_a_tag: "Add a tag" follow: "Follow" tags: follow: "Follow #<%= tag %>" following: "Following #<%= tag %>" stop_following: "Stop following #<%= tag %>" stop_following_confirm: "Stop following #<%= tag %>?" follow_error: "Couldn’t follow #<%= tag %> :(" stop_following_error: "Couldn’t stop following #<%= tag %> :(" header: home: "Home" profile: "Profile" contacts: "Contacts" settings: "Settings" help: "Help" admin: "Admin" moderator: "Moderator" log_out: "Log out" toggle_navigation: "Toggle navigation" switch_to_touch_optimized_mode: "Switch to touch-optimized mode" notifications: "Notifications" conversations: "Conversations" search: "Search" recent_notifications: "Recent notifications" mark_all_as_read: "Mark all as read" view_all: "View all" close: "Close" viewer: reshared: "Reshared" poll: vote: "Vote" go_to_original_post: "You can participate in this poll on the <%= original_post_link %>." original_post: "original post" result: "Result" count: one: "1 vote so far" other: "<%=count%> votes so far" answer_count: zero: "0 votes" one: "1 vote" other: "<%=count%> votes" show_result: "Show result" close_result: "Hide result" your_vote: "Your vote"