# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. en_valspeak: javascripts: admins: dashboard: outdated: "ur pod is old bruh.. :/" and: "n" aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "Add BFF" all_aspects: "All aspectz" error: "So like, couldnt start sharin wit <%= name %>. R u like, blockin them?" error_remove: "so like, i couldnt remove <%= name %> from the aspect :( sry bout that :(" select_aspects: "Pick aspectz" started_sharing_with: "U have started sharin wit <%= name %>! :DD" stopped_sharing_with: "U stopped sharin wit <%= name %>." toggle: one: "In <%= count %> aspect <3" other: "In like, <%= count %> aspectz" zero: "Pick aspectz" updating: "updatin..." aspect_navigation: add_an_aspect: "+ Add an aspect!!!" deselect_all: "Unhighlight all" no_aspects: "No aspectz picked" select_all: "Highlight all" aspects: create: add_a_new_aspect: "Add a new aspectttttt" name: "Nameee" bookmarklet: post_something: "Make a postie to d*!!" post_submit: "Submitting postie... hold up..." post_success: "Posted!!! Closin popup windowww... <3" cancel: "Cancleee" comma: "," comments: hide: "hide commentz" no_comments: "Theres no commentz yet. :(" show: "show all commentz" confirm_dialog: "R u like... fer sure?" contacts: add_contact: "Add BFF" error_add: "Couldnt like... add <%= name %> 2 the aspect :((" error_remove: "Couldnt like... trash <%= name %> from the aspect :((" remove_contact: "Remove BFF" conversation: new: no_contacts: "So like, u got to add some ppl before u can start a convo..." delete: "Trash" edit: "Edit!" failed_to_post_message: "so like, i couldnt post txt... sry bout tht... :\\" failed_to_remove: "So like, there was an issue when removin the entry... sry bout that :\\" getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "Aight, ill hold up." hey: "Ohai, <%= name %>!" no_tags: "Ohai! u havent like, followed ne tags! Continue neway? :)" preparing_your_stream: "Preparin ur Wall thingy..." header: admin: "The man" close: "byez" contacts: "Besties!" conversations: "Convoz!" help: "Halp" home: "Homee" log_out: "Bounce" mark_all_as_read: "Read them all" moderator: "MODS MODS" notifications: "Noties" profile: "Profilee" recent_notifications: "Recent Noties" search: "Look for" settings: "Settins" view_all: "Look at all" hide_post: "hide the postie?" hide_post_failed: "Cant hide this postie :/" ignore: "Block" ignore_failed: "Cant block this h8ter :\\" ignore_user: "Ignore this h8ter?" my_activity: "My Happenins" my_aspects: "My Aspectz" my_stream: "Wall" no_results: "So like, no resultz were found... sry bout tht :\\" notifications: mark_read: "Seen it" mark_unread: "Havent seen it" people: edit_my_profile: "Edit mah profile!!" helper: is_not_sharing: "<%= name %> is not like... sharin wit u :( lame.." is_sharing: "Like, OMG! <%= name %> is sharin wit u!!! :DD" mention: "Mentionnn <3" message: "Txt" not_found: "nothing was found... not even my shoes :(" stop_ignoring: "Stop ignorin" photo_uploader: completed: "<%= file %> completed!!! YAY!" empty: "{file} is like, empty... plz pick the file again witout it. Kay?" error: "So like, there was an issue when like, uploadin file <%= file %>... sry bout tht... :\\" invalid_ext: "{file} like, has an extension that is like... not valid. Only like, {extensions} r allowed, kay?" looking_good: "OMG, u look totally awesome! :D <3" size_error: "{file} is like... 2 big, the biggest size i can take is {sizeLimit}. Kay?(;" poll: close_result: "Stop peekin at result...O_O" count: one: "1 vote so far!!(:" other: "OMG! u have like... <%=count%> votes so far!!! :DDD" result: "Like... the results" show_result: "Peek at result...shh" vote: "Make a differenceeee" profile: add_some: "add summ<3" bio: "All about meeee <333" born: "Bday" edit: "edit!" gender: "So Im like..." location: "My crib" photos: "Pics and selfies <3" posts: "Posties!!" you_have_no_tags: "u like... have no tagz!" publisher: add_option: "Like, add an ansah!" markdown_editor: preview: "show!!" texts: code: "code here" heading: "headin text" insert_image_description_text: "put the pic description here!!" insert_image_help_text: "Put pic linky here!!" insert_image_title: "put pic title here!!" insert_link_description_text: "enter the linky's description here!!" insert_link_help_text: "add linky here" italic: "slanty text" list: "list txt here!!" quote: "quote txt here!!" strong: "buff text" tooltips: bold: "Bowled" code: "Add some code bruh" heading: "Headingg!!" insert_image: "Add a pic!!" insert_link: "Add a linky!" insert_ordered_list: "Add an ordered listy!" insert_unordered_list: "Add an unordered listy!!" italic: "Slanted" quote: "Add a quote or two!![:" write: "Type!!" near_from: "Postie from: <%= location %>" option: "Mah ansah<3" question: "Question!!!" remove_post: "Remove the postie?" report: name: "Tattle on" prompt: "Plz say y:" prompt_default: "groody content" status: created: "The report was like, created. Yay." exists: "The report like, already existz..." reshares: post: "do u wanna like, reshare <%= name %>'s postie?" successful: "The postie was reshared!!! :D" show_more: "show moar" stream: comment: "Comment!!" follow: "Stalk" followed_tag: add_a_tag: "Add a tag!!" follow: "Folloe!!" title: "#Followed Tagz" hide: "Hyde" hide_nsfw_posts: "Hide #groody posties. Gag me with a spoon!" like: "<3" likes: one: "<%= count %> like!!(:" other: "OMG! dis got like... <%= count %> likez!!! :DDD" zero: "<%= count %> likes :(" limited: "Limitedd" more_comments: one: "Show like, <%= count %> more comment" other: "Show liek, <%= count %> more commentz" zero: "Show <%= count %> more commentz" original_post_deleted: "so like, the original postie was trashed by the maker of it :\\" public: "Internetz" reshare: "Reshar" reshares: one: "<%= count %> Reshare!!!(:" other: "OMG!! <%= count %> reshares!!! :DDD" zero: "<%= count%> Reshares :(" show_nsfw_post: "Show postie" show_nsfw_posts: "Show allll" tags: follow: "Follow #<%= tag %>!!" following: "Followin #<%= tag %>" stop_following: "Stop followin #<%= tag %>" stop_following_confirm: "quit followin #<%= tag %>? :o" unfollow: "Stop stalkin" unlike: "" tags: wasnt_that_interesting: "K, I guess #<%= tagName %> wasnt all that gr8. Whatev." timeago: day: "like... a day" days: other: "like... %d dayz" hour: "bout an hr" hours: other: "bout %d hrs" minute: "bout a min" minutes: other: "%d mins" month: "bout like... a month" months: other: "like %d months" prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" seconds: "less than a min" suffixAgo: "like... ago" suffixFromNow: "from nao" wordSeparator: " " year: "bout like... a yr" years: other: "like %d yrs" unblock_failed: "Unblockin this h8ter didnt work :(" viewer: reshared: "Reshared<33"