# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. fy: javascripts: aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "Kontakt taheakje" aspect_navigation: deselect_all: "Alle deselektearje" select_all: "Alle selektearje" comments: hide: "reaksjes ferbergje" show: "toan alle reaksjes" confirm_dialog: "Bisto wis?" delete: "Fuortsmite" getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "Akkoard, ik wachtsje." hey: "Hé, <%= name %>" header: admin: "Behearder" contacts: "Kontakten" home: "Thús" log_out: "Útlogge" mark_all_as_read: "Alle as lêzen markearje" notifications: "Notifikaasjes" profile: "Profyl" recent_notifications: "Resinte Notifikaasjes" search: "Sykje" settings: "Ynstellingen" view_all: "Toan alle" ignore: "Negearje" my_activity: "Myn Aktiviteit" photo_uploader: looking_good: "Heare GOD noch oan ta, do sjochst der fantastysk út!" show_more: "toan mear" stream: comment: "Reaksje" follow: "Folgje" hide: "Ferbergje" hide_nsfw_posts: "#nsfw berjochten ferbergje" like: "Fyn-ik-Leuk" likes: one: "<%= count %> Fyn-ik-Leuk" other: "<%= count %> Fyn-ik-Leuks" zero: "<%= count %> Fyn-ik-Leuks" more_comments: one: "Toan <%= count %> oare reaksje" other: "Toan <%= count %> oare reaksjes" zero: "Toan <%= count %> oare reaksjes" public: "Iepenbier" reshares: one: "<%= count %> kear dield" other: "<%= count %> kearen dield" zero: "<%= count %> kearen dield" show_nsfw_post: "Toan berjocht" show_nsfw_posts: "Toan alle" unfollow: "Net mear Folgje" unlike: "Net mear Leuk" timeago: day: "in dei" days: other: "%d dagen" hour: "likernôch in oere" hours: other: "likernôch %d oeren" minutes: other: "%d minuten" month: "likernôch in moanne" months: other: "%d moannen" prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" suffixAgo: "lyn" suffixFromNow: "" year: "likernôch in jier" years: other: "%d jierren"