# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. ia: javascripts: admin: pods: actions: "Actiones" added: "Addite" check: "exequer test de connexion" errors: one: "Le test de connexion ha producite un error pro un pod." other: "Le test de connexion ha producite un error pro <%= count %> pods." follow_link: "aperir ligamine in navigator" last_check: "ultime verification:" more_info: "monstrar plus information" ms: one: "<%= count %>ms" other: "<%= count %>ms" no_info: "Nulle information additional es disponibile in iste momento" not_available: "indisponibile" offline_since: "foras de linea depost:" pod: "Pod" recheck: failure: "Le verification non ha essite exequite." success: "Le pod ha justo essite verificate de novo." response_time: "Duration de responsa:" server_software: "Software de servitor:" ssl: "SSL" ssl_disabled: "SSL non active" ssl_enabled: "SSL active" states: dns_failed: "Le resolution de nomines (DNS) ha fallite" http_failed: "Le connexion HTTP ha fallite" net_failed: "Le tentativa de connexion ha fallite" no_errors: "OK" ssl_failed: "Le connexion secur (SSL) ha fallite" unchecked: "Non verificate" unknown_error: "Un error non specificate ha occurrite durante le verification" version_failed: "Impossibile obtener le version del software" status: "Stato" unchecked: one: "Il ha ancora un pod non verificate." other: "Il ha ancora <%= count %> pods non verificate." unknown: "incognite" version_failed: one: "Il ha un pod que non ha version (pod ancian sin NodeInfo)." other: "Il ha <%= count %> pods que non ha version (pods ancian sin NodeInfo)." admins: dashboard: compare_versions: "Le ultime version de diaspora* es <%= latestVersion %>; iste pod executa <%= podVersion %>." error: "Impossibile determinar le ultime version de diaspora*." outdated: "Tu pod non es actual." up_to_date: "Tu pod es actual!" and: "e" aspect_dropdown: add_to_aspect: "Adder contacto" all_aspects: "Tote le aspectos" error: "Impossibile comenciar a divider con <%= name %>. Esque tu ignora iste persona?" error_remove: "Non poteva remover <%= name %> del aspecto." mobile_row_checked: "<%= name %> (remover)" mobile_row_unchecked: "<%= name %> (adder)" select_aspects: "Seliger aspectos" started_sharing_with: "Tu ha comenciate a divider con <%= name %>!" stopped_sharing_with: "Tu ha cessate de divider con <%= name %>." toggle: one: "In <%= count %> aspecto" other: "In <%= count %> aspectos" updating: "actualisa…" aspect_navigation: add_an_aspect: "+ Adder un aspecto" deselect_all: "Dismarcar totes" no_aspects: "Nulle aspecto seligite" select_all: "Seliger totes" aspects: create: add_a_new_aspect: "Adder un nove aspecto" failure: "Le creation del aspecto ha fallite." success: "Tu nove aspecto <%= name %> ha essite create" name: "Nomine" bookmarklet: post_something: "Inviar a diaspora*" post_submit: "Submitte entrata…" post_success: "Inviate! Le fenestra se claude ora…" cancel: "Cancellar" comma: "," comments: hide: "Celar commentos" no_comments: "Il non ha ancora commentos." show: "Monstrar tote le commentos" confirm_dialog: "Es tu secur?" confirm_unload: "Per favor, confirma que tu vole quitar iste pagina. Le datos que tu ha inserite non essera salveguardate." contacts: add_contact: "Adder contacto" error_add: "Non poteva adder <%= name %> al aspecto." error_remove: "Non poteva remover <%= name %> del aspecto." remove_contact: "Remover contacto" search_no_results: "Nulle contacto trovate" conversation: create: no_recipient: "Es necessari adder un destinatario primo." new: no_contacts: "Es necessari adder alcun contactos ante de poter initiar un conversation." create: "Crear" delete: "Deler" edit: "Modificar" errors: connection: "Impossibile connecter al servitor." failed_to_post_message: "Publication del entrata fallite!" failed_to_remove: "Le remotion del entrata ha fallite." getting_started: alright_ill_wait: "Ben, io attendera." hey: "Hallo, <%= name %>!" no_tags: "Tu non ha sequite alcun etiquetta! Continuar in omne caso?" preparing_your_stream: "Fluxo personalisate in preparation..." header: admin: "Administration" close: "Clauder" contacts: "Contactos" conversations: "Conversationes" help: "Adjuta" home: "Initio" log_out: "Clauder session" mark_all_as_read: "Marcar totes como legite" moderator: "Moderator" notifications: "Notificationes" profile: "Profilo" recent_notifications: "Notificationes recente" search: "Cercar" settings: "Configuration" switch_to_touch_optimized_mode: "Cambiar al modo tactile" toggle_navigation: "Alternar navigation" view_all: "Vider totes" hide_post: "Celar iste entrata?" hide_post_failed: "Impossibile celar ite entrata" ignore: "Ignorar" ignore_failed: "Impossibile ignorar iste usator" ignore_user: "Ignorar iste usator?" my_activity: "Mi activitate" my_aspects: "Mi aspectos" my_stream: "Fluxo" no_results: "Nulle resultato trovate" notifications: mark_read: "Marcar como legite" mark_unread: "Marcar como non legite" new_notifications: one: "Tu ha <%= count %> notification non legite" other: "Tu ha <%= count %> notificationes non legite" people: edit_my_profile: "Modificar mi profilo" helper: is_not_sharing: "<%= name %> non divide cosas con te" is_sharing: "<%= name %> divide cosas con te" mention: "Mention" message: "Message" not_found: "... e nemo ha essite trovate" stop_ignoring: "Cessar de ignorar" photo_uploader: completed: "<%= file %> complete" empty: "{file} es vacue. Per favor re-selige le files sin iste." error: "Un problema ha occurrite durante le incargamento del file <%= file %>" invalid_ext: "{file} ha un extension inadmissibile. Solmente {extensions} es permittite." looking_good: "Oh, tu pare splendide!" size_error: "{file} es troppo grande. Le dimension maxime es {sizeLimit}." upload_photos: "Incargar photos" poll: answer_count: one: "1 voto" other: "<%=count%> votos" zero: "0 votos" close_result: "Celar resultato" count: one: "1 voto usque ora" other: "<%=count%> votos usque ora" go_to_original_post: "Tu pote participar a iste sondage in le <%= original_post_link %>." original_post: "entrata original" result: "Resultato" show_result: "Monstrar resultato" vote: "Votar" your_vote: "Tu voto" profile: add_some: "Adder alcunes" bio: "Bio" born: "Data de nascentia" edit: "Modificar" gender: "Sexo" location: "Loco" photos: "Photos" posts: "Entratas" you_have_no_tags: "Tu non ha etiquettas." publisher: add_option: "Adder un responsa" markdown_editor: preview: "Previsualisar" texts: code: "scribe hic le codice" heading: "texto de titulo" insert_image_description_text: "describe hic le imagine" insert_image_help_text: "Inserer hic un ligamine a un imagine" insert_image_title: "scribe hic le titulo del imagine" insert_link_description_text: "describe hic le ligamine" insert_link_help_text: "Inserer ligamine hic" italic: "texto italic" list: "scribe hic le texto del lista" quote: "scribe hic le texto del citation" strong: "texto forte" tooltips: bold: "Grasse" cancel: "Cancellar message" code: "Inserer codice" heading: "Titulo" insert_image: "Inserer imagine" insert_link: "Inserer ligamine" insert_ordered_list: "Inserer lista ordinate" insert_unordered_list: "Inserer lista non ordinate" italic: "Italic" preview: "Previsualisar message" quote: "Inserer citation" write: "Modificar message" write: "Scriber" mention_success: "Ha essite mentionate: <%= names %>" near_from: "Inviate ab: <%= location %>" option: "Responsa" question: "Question" remove_post: "Remover iste entrata?" report: name: "Reportar" prompt: "Specifica un motivo:" prompt_default: "p.ex. contento offensive" status: created: "Le creation del reporto ha succedite" exists: "Le reporto jam existe" reshares: post: "Repeter le entrata de <%= name %>?" successful: "Le entrata ha essite repetite con successo." show_all: "Monstrar totes" show_more: "Monstrar plus" stream: comment: "Commentar" comments: one: "<%= count %> commento" other: "<%= count %> commentos" zero: "<%= count %> commentos" disable_post_notifications: "Disactivar le notificationes pro iste entrata" enable_post_notifications: "Activar le notificationes pro iste entrata" follow: "Sequer" followed_tag: add_a_tag: "Adder un etiquetta" follow: "Sequer" title: "#Etiquettas sequite" hide: "Celar" hide_nsfw_posts: "Celar entratas #nsfw (improprie pro le travalio)" like: "Appreciar" limited: "Limitate" no_posts_yet: "Il non ha ancora entratas a monstrar hic." original_post_deleted: "Entrata original delite per autor" permalink: "Permaligamine" public: "Public" reshare: "Repeter" show_nsfw_post: "Monstrar entrata" show_nsfw_posts: "Monstrar totes" tags: follow: "Sequer #<%= tag %>" follow_error: "Error in sequer <%= tag %>." following: "Tu seque #<%= tag %>" stop_following: "Cessar de sequer #<%= tag %>" stop_following_confirm: "Cessar de sequer #<%= tag %>?" stop_following_error: "Error in cessar de sequer <%= tag %>." unfollow: "Non plus sequer" unlike: "Non plus appreciar" via: "via <%= provider %>" tags: wasnt_that_interesting: "OK, io suppone que #<%= tagName %> non es si interessante..." timeago: day: "un die" days: one: "1 die" other: "%d dies" hour: "circa un hora" hours: one: "circa 1 hora" other: "circa %d horas" inPast: "a qualcunque momento" minute: "circa un minuta" minutes: one: "1 minuta" other: "%d minutas" month: "circa un mense" months: one: "1 mense" other: "%d menses" prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" seconds: "minus de un minuta" suffixAgo: "retro" suffixFromNow: "ab ora" wordSeparator: " " year: "circa un anno" years: one: "1 anno" other: "%d annos" unblock_failed: "Le action de disblocar iste usator ha fallite" viewer: reshared: "Repetite"