# Copyright (c) 2010-2013, Diaspora Inc. This file is # licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or later. See # the COPYRIGHT file. ja-KS: javascripts: bookmarklet: post_something: "ダイアスポラにつぶやく" cancel: "やめとく" confirm_dialog: "ほんまにええの?" delete: "ほかす" people: not_found: "…1人も見つからへんかった" reshares: post: "<%= name %>さんの投稿をわけわけしたろか?" stream: comment: "つっこむ" comments: other: "つっこみ <%= count %>件" zero: "つっこみなし" like: "ええやん!" likes: other: "ええやん! <%= count %>件" zero: "ええやん!なし" reshare: "わけわけ" reshares: other: "沸け分け <%= count %>件" zero: "わけわけなし" unlike: "ええやん!を取消" timeago: prefixAgo: "" prefixFromNow: "" suffixAgo: "" suffixFromNow: "" viewer: reshared: "わけわけした"